The Tycoon's Secret Page 18

She sampled a few too many glasses and by the end of that day, she’d become unsteady on her feet. She realized why he was so successful, though - the taste of it was amazing.

They arrived back in Sydney on the sixth day. She was a little sad to be back where she knew he’d soon return to work. He took her on a tour of the world famous opera house, and to an exquisite five-star restaurant, but she felt the change in him as soon as they landed in Sydney.

He was still a gentleman, opening doors for her, making love to her each night, and giving her his attention, but he stopped holding her hand, stopped caressing the small of her back, and started pulling away.

Her vacation was amazing, but she felt her heart expanding, her emotions getting too involved. She decided she needed some time away from him so she could think. Sierra had to figure out what exactly she was doing with him, with her father, with the rest of her life.

It was time to visit Bree. She knew Damien would be mad, and that was the last thing she wanted to evoke in him, especially after all his generosity, but she had to do something for herself. Sorting out her feelings and life plans was impossible to do with Damien around. He was just such a distraction. She needed this, and it was her turn to take care of herself and do what was best for her.

Chapter Sixteen

Damien awoke and stretched, feeling good. The week had been a whirlwind of activities, but he’d found himself having some long overdue fun. He tried telling himself it was nothing more than fun, but as he’d spent every hour of every day with Sierra, he’d found himself needing to be with her. He’d forced himself to tone it down a little, but he couldn’t pull fully away.

At least not yet, he couldn’t.

He didn’t know how the two of them were surviving on so little sleep. They hadn’t yet made it through an entire night without waking at least once to make love again. Twice last night, he’d woken with an urgent need to take her. The first time, she’d been just as hungry, and they’d come together quickly, a tangle of arms and legs. The second time had been more leisurely, both of them quickly falling back asleep.

Damien reached out, hungry once more just thinking about sinking into Sierra’s tight heat. He came up empty and was immediately irritated. She never woke before him, not once since they’d started sleeping together. The sheets below his hand were cold, telling him she’d been up for a while.

His irritation turned to anticipation as he grinned and quickly threw off the bedspread. If he was really lucky, he’d catch her in the shower. He didn’t bother putting on his clothes as he strode to the bathroom.


He wasn’t concerned as he walked back to their bedroom. He was about to move to the living room when his brain clicked and he made his way back to the bathroom. He’d thought something was odd when he walked in but had been so focused on finding Sierra that he hadn’t put it together.

He looked at the counter and noticed none of her belongings were there - no toothbrush, hair accessories, or little vials of makeup that she always had out. If it weren’t for his few items, it would look as if the bathroom wasn’t being used at all.

The first alarm sounded in his head. He rushed back into their room and opened the closet, feeling his gut clench when he found all her clothes gone.

Anger flared in Damien’s stomach as he flung a robe around himself and walked back out to the living area of the hotel suite. He was about to pick up the phone when he found a note next to it.

When he hesitated before picking it up, fury spread through him.

Damien Whitfield didn’t hesitate – ever.

He swiped the piece of paper up, wrinkling the page in his haste as his narrowed eyes scanned her words.


Please don’t be upset. I really need some time to think. The last week with you has been almost magical, and I truly enjoyed myself, but I had to get out of there for a while. I’m going to my friend’s house, back in the States. I’m taking an early flight and should be airborne by the time you read this. You can get ahold of me at the email listed on the bottom of the note and let me know when you get back to the States if you’d still like for me to work for you. I need time to think. I know our little affair was a lot of fun and that’s something you’re used to, but as you know, I’m not. I just need to process all of this. Please don’t be too upset. I think it’s best if we take some time apart and then if you still want me to work for you, we can discuss that. I think it best if we stay professional, though. The sex was pleasant, but I don’t think it wise to continue the affair. Please don’t be angry.



Pleasant? Pleasant! Damien wadded the paper in his hand, tossing it across the room. He reached for the phone again, planning on calling his pilot to prepare his jet, before he remembered there was no way he could leave – not for a couple days, at least.

When he realized how angry he was, he forcibly made himself calm down. He wasn’t letting a woman get under his skin – especially a woman who meant nothing more to him than a means to an end. Once he got what he wanted from her, she’d be history.

He cringed at the callous thought, but firmed his shoulders and marched back to his room, where he went straight for the bathroom and a hot shower. He had business that day. He’d deal with Sierra later, and make sure she regretted her impulsive flight home.


“I can’t believe you’re really here,” Bree exclaimed as she engulfed Sierra in a hug. “Please tell me you’re not leaving for at least a year,” she added, only half-kidding.

“I’ve missed you, Bree,” Sierra answered with a grin. She didn’t know how much time she had and she certainly didn’t want to waste it. Right at that moment though, she was exhausted. It had been an incredibly long flight in coach. She had jet lag, stress from not knowing how Damien was going to react, and fear of her father finding out and hunting her down.

She tried reminding herself that her father couldn’t touch her. She was an adult and didn’t have to ever go back there again if she didn’t want to, but no matter how much she reassured herself, years of abuse and fear didn’t disappear overnight.

“I love you to death and want to do nothing but talk and talk, but I can see you’re barely keeping your eyes open. Let’s get you out of this airport and to my house where you can sleep for twenty-hours. Once you do that, we’ll spend the next twenty doing nothing but catching up,” Bree said as she grabbed the small carry-on-bag Sierra was barely holding on to.

“I think you’ve read my mind,” Sierra told her friend with gratitude in her voice.

“Chad is waiting out front with the car. He had to circle around because I absolutely didn’t want to walk five miles just to park,” Bree exaggerated.

“I’m grateful for that, too.”

“I knew you would be,” Bree said as she placed her arm through Sierra’s and quickly led her through the maze of the Sea-Tac airport. They arrived at luggage, and thankfully didn’t have to wait too long for Sierra’s bags. Even better was the fact that both her bags had made it safely. At least she wouldn’t have to deal with the nightmare of any lost luggage claims.

As they walked outside, Sierra smiled at the familiar rain soaked street. The area was loud with cars quickly pulling up to the curb to pick up passengers, and the smell of exhaust was prominent, but it was still home.

They weren’t waiting long when Chad approached in a large SUV. He parked at the loading and unloading curb, and hopped out, quickly giving Sierra a hug before taking the bags and placing them in back.

“It’s so good to see you again, Sierra. Bree’s been pacing the house for what seems like months waiting for you to visit,” Chad said, making Sierra sigh. Bree’s husband was drop-you-to-your-knees gorgeous, and had a voice that could melt butter.

“If I would’ve realized I’d get to be in your company, I may have arrived sooner,” Sierra teased him, then laughed when he actually blushed.

“Sierra, you’re terrible. You know you’re making my husband think all kinds of terrible thoughts about our college days, now. He’s dying to know if we did actually have pillow fights in tight camisoles and panties,” Bree said with a huge grin.

“I’d never picture any woman but you, baby,” Chad quickly recovered as he kissed his wife with the passion of a newlywed, though they’d been married for several years.

“You’re a very wise man, Chad,” Sierra said as he held open the back door for her.

“I get things right on occasion.”

Sierra peaked in the window noticing the baby wasn’t there.

“Where’s Mathew?”

“He’s at the house with his Uncle Max at the moment,” Bree said. “Max brings over Ariel and the two of them play. They’re really cute together.”

“You’re so lucky to have such great siblings, Bree. I’ve always envied that about you.”

“I do love them all, even when their nothing but a pain in my butt,” Bree admitted.

Chad held open Bree’s door, then jogged around to the driver’s side and slid in. Before long, he was weaving through traffic and the gentle motion of the car had Sierra falling asleep.

“Wake up, we’re home.”

Sierra slowly pulled herself from the dream she’d been having, the very erotic dream, starring none other than Damien Whitfield. It was a good thing she was half-way around the world from him, because her body hadn’t yet taken the hint she wasn’t enlisting in an affair with the man.

“Already?” Sierra grumbled, wanting nothing more than to fall back to sleep.

“Yes, already. Let’s just get you inside where you can crash for the rest of the day. We’ll spend all day tomorrow catching up,” Bree promised.

“That sounds heavenly,” Sierra said as she slowly extracted herself from the rig and stumbled into Bree’s large home.

She barely made it up the stairs and to the bedroom before falling face first into the comfortable bed.

Chapter Seventeen

When Damien was in Seattle, he normally had a driver for his travels. He preferred to maximize as much time as possible to work and found driving a waste of his time. However, with his confrontation looming with Sierra, he found he preferred to have as few witnesses as possible.

His gut was churning in anticipation. He was on his way to Bree Anderson’s home. Sierra didn’t know yet that he was about to arrive. He hadn’t bothered with speaking to her on her email as she’d suggested.

No. He wanted to see her face, know what thoughts were going on inside her head. He hadn’t spoken to her in almost two weeks, unable to leave Australia before now.

He’d been back for two days, forcing himself to wait before going to her. He didn’t want jet lag to be a hindrance when they had their confrontation.

Two weeks had done nothing to cure his desire for her. He wanted her now more than ever before, knowing he’d take the first possible moment to ravage her lips. Just the thought of tasting her again had him hardening uncomfortably in his pants. Fury and passion intensified inside him, each feeling trying to topple the other.