Unexpected Treasure Page 12

Crew was dangerously masculine — sinfully, in fact. He was everything she should avoid, but he was her teacher, so how could she stay away? She smiled at the thought. It wasn’t her fault if she was just following through on her plan, right? If something did happen between the two of them, it was just Crew teaching her, wasn’t it?

If only she didn’t have the voice of her grandparents still in her head, making her feel so guilty about her thoughts. She was planning on having sex, so what did it matter if it was with her teacher or the man she intended to pursue? Nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

Well, she wouldn’t be a fool. She wouldn’t do something rash like fall for him. She was just suffering from a minor case of lust; that was all. It was perfectly normal — nothing to get too worked up about.

Her spirits reviving, Haley turned from the magnificent ocean view off her balcony and headed into the bathroom, shedding the robe that had been a gift from Crew. The soft pink silk slid over her skin, making her feel feminine and sexy.

It was silly, really, how just a piece of material — even expensive material — could change how you felt about yourself. When she tied the soft sash around her waist and looked in the mirror, she felt…sensual.

It didn’t take her long to shower and then to pad naked out to her bedroom, where she pulled open the closet doors and looked inside with disgust. Never before had she given much thought to what she wore, but as she looked at her bland clothing, all in shades of beige, white and dull pastels, she wished for something different.

After wearing the ultrafeminine nightie and robe, she wanted something nice for the daytime, too. Staring hopelessly into her closet, she knew she couldn’t wave a magic wand and suddenly change what was in there, so she needed just to close her eyes and take the first thing she touched.

But a sudden inspiration hit her. Crew had made her appreciate her legs as he’d run his hands up them, commenting on what nice muscle tone she had. So Haley grabbed one of her long skirts and a pair of scissors, along with the small sewing kit in the bathroom. Slipping her robe back on, she laid the skirt out on the bed and began to rip out stitches to make a long slit up one side, to stop at the top of her thigh. With a wide grin, she took the skirt to the ironing board provided in her suite.

She was quick to secure the hems with an invisible stitch, and when she slipped into the skirt and took a step, she felt daring and bold. If a strong wind blew, her legs would be on display. For the very first time, she felt the desire to wear something so sexy. Turning to look in the mirror, she wiggled her hips, feeling slightly attractive even with her all-too-white thighs so blatantly revealed. At least she’d just shaved, she thought, as she made her leg shimmy, loving the effect from the impromptu slit in the soft material.

Her next dilemma was a shirt. Only her sleep shirts were even sort of fitted, so she’d have to get creative again.

She took one of her button-up blouses and cut off the sleeves, being careful not to make it looked hacked apart, and she rolled the cut edges and threw in another quick hem job. Then, putting the blouse on, she left the bottom five buttons undone and pulled the corners forward, tying a loose knot so the shirt rested just above the waistline of her skirt. About an inch of skin showed when she moved. Better and better.

So why not be even more daring? Haley unbuttoned the top three buttons, then looked in the mirror, blushing slightly at what she saw. If Crew wasn’t knocked for a loop, she’d be crushed. The way the skirt rode low on her hips and the blouse was tied at her waist made her look as if she had an hourglass figure.

“Not too bad,” she murmured as she turned to go back into the bathroom and tie her hair up into a somewhat sexy bun with a small braid running through it, and wisps of hair flying around her face. Yes, Crew had told her that he loved the way her hair cascaded halfway down her back, but it was a warm day and she didn’t want to be uncomfortable. She did wear it down in the evenings, though it drove her a little bit mad when it kept falling in her face.

Deciding she was as ready for the day as she’d ever be, she glanced at the clock; the little hand on the eleven surprised her. She gathered up money, sliding it into her small handbag, then grabbed her sunglasses and made it to the door.

It didn’t take her long to reach the lobby, and she thought she might actually make her escape when Crew’s rich baritone voice caught her at the door. She’d planned on seeing him after her shopping, hopefully getting a bit of color in her cheeks, and time to think about how far she was willing to go with him in his lessons.

But it looked as if sneaking away from him in his own resort was easier said than done.

“We may not need to have shopping lessons, after all.”

Hesitating for only a moment before she turned with a false smile, Haley replied without thinking: “I’m on my way out now to look for clothes.” She shouldn’t have told him her plans

“Good. I’m ready to leave.”

“I wasn’t inviting you this time. Last I knew, men despised shopping,” she said with an air of indifference, trying to suggest that she wasn’t bothered whether he came along or not. She didn’t want him to know how much he was getting under her skin.

She needed him for a while longer — she knew that — so she couldn’t let on that she was actually attracted to him. Men like Crew Storm liked to reel women in, and then cast them back out to sea as soon as they made their catch.

As long as he thought he was still on the hunt, he’d continue helping her. Once he knew how infatuated she was becoming, how easily she was taking the bait, he’d head for the hills in horror.

Propping her hand on her hip, she took a casual stand. Resist! Resist! she told herself.

“I love to shop. And that happens to be our lesson plan today,” he said as he grabbed her arm and then entwined their fingers. Dang it!

“Sorry, Crew, but today’s mission is solo. I’ll catch up with you later tonight. You can teach me how to make eyes at cute guys.” She laughed as she tried to pull her hand from his.

“Tough. I want to be with you this afternoon. Besides, I know what men like to see on a woman, and isn’t that why you ‘hired’ me — to teach you how to be a sex goddess?”

He had her there.

She hadn’t even realized it, but while he’d been cajoling her, he’d also been moving her outside, and soon he was holding open the passenger door of his car.

“Where do you plan on taking me?” she asked, submitting to the inevitable. Her day to herself was over.

“Shopping, of course,” he replied. “I said that before.”

“That’s hardly an answer, but fine. If you insist on taking me, then you’re buying.” She figured that would make him reconsider.


He grinned as he helped her get in. “It will be my pleasure,” he said with a bow before jogging to the other side of the car and getting in.

When they arrived at the airstrip a few minutes later, she turned with suspicion. He said nothing as he jumped from the car, then came around to her side. It wasn’t until they were heading toward the helicopter that she realized he planned to take her up in the air in that death trap.

“No way!” she yelled and began to back away.

“Oh, you really need to live a little,” he said, chuckling as he lifted her into his arms and carried her the rest of the way, unceremoniously plopping her into the seat.

Before Haley could protest any further, he had her strapped in, and soon the miserable, claustrophobic contraption was lifting off into the air. She just closed her eyes and prayed they wouldn’t end up as food for the Pacific Ocean fishes.

Chapter Twelve

Haley’s arrival at Santa Catalina Island had been by ferry — a nice, safe way to travel across an ocean, she insisted to herself. And she had endured the thirty-seven-hour train trip from Seattle to Long Beach, not tempted by any airlines that promised to get her from Point A to Point B in less than three hours. She had vowed never, ever to fly in a helicopter, never wanting to have that feeling of not being in control. On the ground, if you fell, you didn’t have far to go, but way up in the sky… Splat!

She wasn’t as terrified of huge airliners as she was by tiny helicopters, which had a far higher fail rate than jets, but still, she would only fly if it were a life and death matter. Going shopping on the mainland was certainly not an emergency. It could, however, end up being a death matter if the pilot screwed up in even the smallest way.

A shudder raced through her as she listened to the rotors spin. Luckily, the ride didn’t take long. She didn’t care what Crew would attempt to say — she wouldn’t even listen. There was no way she was going back to that island unless it was by boat.

She glared at him as he assisted her from the chopper. But because her top priority was to leave those lethal wing blades far behind her, she decided to wait before letting him have it. She wanted no chance that he might force her back into that mean machine if she made him so angry, he decided to call the whole day off.

“If you ever, ever, ever even attempt to put me back in that thing, I will lose all vestiges of civilization and subject you to a quick but agonizing death,” she told him, wishing her voice had more thunder and less quiver.

When Crew stopped and looked at her, really looked, she watched his face fall, and all her outrage melted away. Dang the man for actually caring.

“I’m so sorry, Haley. I thought you just had a normal fear of flying, like most people. We’ll return by ferry.” His sincere apology soothed her, and what was better, she wouldn’t have to go back up into the sky!

Haley tried telling herself that her fears were irrational, but she just couldn’t let go. Even knowing that the chance of her plummeting to her death in a spiraling, smoking helicopter was almost nonexistent, it would still be her luck to be that one-in-a-whatever number.

“OK. Where are we?” She finally realized that they must have returned to the mainland, but she had no idea what city they were in.

“We’re in Long Beach. There are some great boutiques on the island, but I want to take you to some better stores to find a few knockout outfits, and most especially a killer dress,” he said.

Haley was worried. She’d been acting like a brat when she told him he’d have to pay, but she knew the prices in some of the stores in this area, and she didn’t want to end up blowing ten grand on some glad rags. She’d feel much better just heading to a mall and finding a Macy’s. They had great clothes and wouldn’t cost her a fortune.

No matter what she’d said on the island, she wasn’t making him pay for her clothing.

As he took her hand, leading her to another car, a nice Mercedes GL with a driver holding the back door open, she felt a knot in her stomach. She wouldn’t fight with him again unless there was a reason to.

An hour later there was definitely a reason!


“Are you kidding me?! There is no way we are shopping on Rodeo Drive. I may not be the most worldly of people, but I’ve watched enough movies to know that I can’t afford to look at even the panties in any of these shops!” Haley thundered.