Unexpected Treasure Page 13

Crew figured he might want to let the panty comment go. Haley was fit to be tied. Anyway, he found the fire flashing from her eyes rather amusing. He also wanted to get her the perfect dress, and there was no better place than the beautiful and celebrated Rodeo Drive.

“You’re not paying, remember? That was the deal,” he reminded her.

“I wasn’t serious, Crew. I demand that you call the driver back right this minute. I don’t think people like me are even allowed to walk in front of these stores,” she hissed while tapping her foot. “Even though I’m not a hooker with a heart of gold.”

Damn, the woman was hot when she was fired up. He could press her against one of the pristine storefront windows right now and take her — well, he could if he were an exhibitionist. And wanted to have his mug shot plastered all over the Smoking Gun website.

The day was warm and her cheeks were flushed, and with her hair slightly mussed, she looked as if she’d just crawled from one hell of a lucky man’s bed.

Ignoring her Pretty Woman comment, he tried to reason with her. “Look, Haley, I’m on a mission. You can come easy or hard, but this is going to happen. I don’t change my mind once it’s made up, so what will it be?”

He waited while she seethed. She had no real choice — he’d kidnapped her for the afternoon. He’d just see whether she got over it or threw a tantrum. It was as much a test of her temperament as a mission for the perfect dress, and some indecent lingerie if he could sneak it in.

Finally, she blew out her breath, sent him one final glare, and then uncrossed her arms. It looked as if the battle was over.

“Fine. I’ll go, but I insist on paying.”


“Then I’m not doing it.” He looked into her eyes to try and intimidate her into backing down, but it wasn’t happening. He liked her spunk. However, if she insisted on buying her clothes, he couldn’t take her where he’d originally wanted to. He wasn’t about to let her stubborn pride break her bank account.

Yes, she’d offered him money to be her teacher, but he’d done a thorough background check on her. She wasn’t poor, but she was living off an inheritance from her grandparents and what little money she made at her part-time job while attending school. Since she’d chosen to come on this trip she’d won, she most likely didn’t even have the part-time employment any longer. And when this ended, she’d need to make her inheritance last until she was finished with her schooling and could get a decent job.

“Fine.” Crew gripped her hand and began strolling down the street with her. Then inspiration hit. His sister’s best friend worked in one of the better dress shops. He’d pull her aside and make sure that she gave Haley a believable amount to pay while charging the rest to him. It was win-win for both of them.

Haley didn’t look convinced, but she went ahead and allowed him to lead her down the street. With both of them dressed casually, a few people turned up their noses, but he noticed Haley relax when she saw others strolling the beautiful street in similar apparel.

“Not everyone with money is a snob, Haley. That is something you must learn,” he said as they approached the store. He needed to discover why she had such a problem with affluent people, why she had such money issues. From the information he’d been able to gleam from her, he knew she’d grown up in a fairly wealthy home. She wasn’t poor, by any means. Then again, if she wasn’t smart, she could be within a couple years.

As they walked inside, he felt Haley’s muscles tense. Then, when Celia popped out and noticed him, her face lit up and she rushed over.

“Crew Storm! What are you doing here?” she squealed as she threw her arms around his neck and gave him a smacking kiss on the lips.

“Careful, Celia. You’ll ruin your reputation,” he said fondly as he returned her hug.

“I know. I know,” she said with a roll of her eyes, before her attention turned toward Haley.

“This is my friend, Haley. We’re looking for a few outfits and the perfect evening dress. Not something too over-the-top, but a dress that will make her feel like a million bucks,” he said.

Celia’s eyes gleamed. “I’d be glad to help you lighten that wallet a bit, Crew.”

“I’ll be paying,” Haley spoke sternly, then realized how rude she was being. “I’m sorry. I’m just a bit nervous. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Any friend of Crew’s is a friend of mine. I’ve known him since I was five years old. His sister, Brielle, and I are best friends. I only moved out to California four years ago. Same old sad story of wanting to make it big in Hollywood. Of course, it’s never happened.” She sighed dramatically, reminding Crew of what an excellent actress she was. “Instead, I’m stuck working in retail, but things could be worse. At least there’s a large collection of half-naked men I get to ogle on a daily basis.”

At those words, he felt Haley relax. He knew being around Celia would do the trick. She was a sweet girl, always had been. She needed to focus more, that was all. At one point, he’d been sure she and Tanner would end up together, but it had just never happened.

The next hour was a blur as Celia grabbed a variety of outfits, making Haley try each one on, then shaking her head every time. He had to agree. Sure, she looked nice in all of them, but none of them called to him yet. He wanted something that would pop. Though he didn’t know exactly what he was looking for, once it was found, he’d just know.

He was looking down, reading the New York Times, when Celia cleared her throat. Haley stood before him with three-inch heels and a shimmering teal gown. The top hugged her tight, with thin straps holding it in place, and accented her scrumptious breasts. The dress molded to her body until just below her hips, where it flared slightly, then stopped four inches above her knees.

“Perfect,” he said out loud, his tongue nearly hanging from his mouth.

At his words, Haley grinned while doing a full spin and he got his first mouthwatering glance at her bare and exquisitely toned back. No fabric blocked his view, and as his eyes dipped lower, he itched to run his fingers over the top of the material, which rested just above the curve of her perfectly rounded backside.

“We’ll take it!” There was no question. This was the dress.

“That’s what I thought as soon as I saw her in it,” Celia sighed dreamily. “The shoes are perfect, too.”

“I couldn’t agree more. Now, where do we go for lingerie, Celia?” Crew asked.

Haley flushed as she turned to him in surprise. His own question was taking him by surprise, too. The thought of her in a garter belt and stockings with nothing else on but those heels had him shifting in his seat. Oh yes, they were lingerie shopping. He would certainly work in a lesson that involved her modeling the sheer lace and garters for him. Before too much longer, he would be taking this game to a whole new level.

“You must go to Agent Provocateur. No woman can wear any of their pieces without feeling like an absolute sex goddess,” Celia insisted as she led Haley to the back.

When it came time to pay, he slipped Celia his credit card, feeling a tad guilty about the deception, but if Haley had known the true cost of the dress, she’d have had a minor stroke. Never had he thought about money before the day his father had told him that his inheritance and trust fund were being taken away. He’d always just had plenty of it. Life as a billionaire’s kid…

That first year of being on his own, however, had taught him a lot. He no longer took wealth for granted, and he now knew how important it could be for someone who didn’t have much. But there were some items that were worth splurging on. The perfect dress was one of them.

Surprisingly, Haley didn’t fight him on the panties. She was entranced from the moment they entered Agent Provocateur. The only problem he had was her refusal to allow him to give her his opinion.

In this store, he wasn’t able to slip in his credit card. Haley wouldn’t even let him know the amount. He knew it wouldn’t be cheap, but he’d figure out a way to make it right with her, soften the financial blow.

They passed the next couple of hours purchasing a few more outfits, now at less expensive boutiques, and enjoying the beautiful California sunshine. When dusk arrived, Crew led Haley back to Long Beach, where this time they boarded a private boat for the twenty-two-mile ride to the island.

“You are both in luck tonight. The dolphins have been entertaining the guests.”

“Ooh, I love dolphins. I have been meaning to take one of the tours offered on the island, but haven’t had a chance yet. I must do it before I have to leave. I can’t believe I have only a little over a week left,” Haley said with a frown.

Crew’s gut clenched at her words. He’d known her for less than a week and already he was growing attached in a strange way. She was just so full of life, so full of happiness. Her enthusiasm for everything around her was contagious.

Halfway to the island, they saw the dolphins dancing on the water next to the boat, showing off for Crew and Haley as the captain slowed so they could enjoy the show a little longer.

The sun was just starting to set and Crew couldn’t fight the urge to slip his arm around Haley’s shoulders and pull her tightly against his side. And when she looked up, he couldn’t resist bending down and capturing her lips for just the briefest of moments.

As she sighed into his mouth, he felt his wavering control snap. They would make fireworks ignite when they finally came together — it couldn’t be soon enough.

Chapter Thirteen

As she walked from the elevator, Haley felt a twinge of her old insecurities. Here she was in a stunning gown with her hair piled atop her head and with her newly acquired makeup lightly applied. She’d even spritzed herself with the subtly scented bottle of perfume she’d found in the bathroom with a ribbon tied on top. This was what she wanted. She wanted to turn heads. She wanted to feel gorgeous.

So why was everything inside of her telling her to turn around and run back to her room? She wanted to hide away and slip back into a baggy T-shirt and frayed shorts.

But refusing to let her fears dictate her actions, Haley moved purposefully through the lobby toward the softly lit bar where Marlin was working. Crew had only instructed her to meet him at ten at the bar; all she knew was that he was taking her to a nice dinner. If only she could feel a little less afraid, a little more excited.

“Wowee! You look hot!” Haley looked up to find Marlin giving her an exaggerated wink. “Beautiful ladies get the first-class bar stool,” he finished as he came around the bar and pulled out the seat for her.

“Why, thank you, kind sir,” she replied demurely. She sat as gracefully as she could, but getting comfortable took her a few moments, what with adjusting her dress and positioning her heels just right on the rungs of the stool.

“Would you like a surprise or would a woman of your high class like a glass of champagne?”

“You may surprise me. And you can quit that flattery any time, Marlin. You’re making me blush,” she whispered as she looked over her shoulder. The bar was crowded, but luckily the crowd was near the new piano player and the large gas fireplace on the other side of the room, and no one was paying the two of them the least bit of attention.