Unexpected Treasure Page 14

“Hey, a dress that hot, covering a body that’s even hotter, deserves some of my special attention.”

“I’m going to tell your wife,” she said. “In fact, she’s right over there.”

Marlin looked around in terror, causing Haley’s nerves to fade away into laughter. She was glad Crew wasn’t there yet — it gave her a few necessary moments to relax.

“I was just having some fun. That was downright cruel,” he pouted as he began mixing her a drink.

“Don’t mess with a woman in heels, Marlin. You’ll lose every time,” she said, still laughing.

“Don’t I know it,” he sighed as he placed a martini in front of her. She raised her eyebrows at the choice, but picked up the amusingly retro silver-plated cocktail stick and started moving it and its olives around in the glass. “I figure you’re dressed classy, so you need a classy drink,” he offered.

“I see. So when I’m in my cutoffs, I get the Bottom-Feeder Special?”

“I’d never think of doing that to you, missy. Do you want me to slip you some brazini with fennel puree? It’s delicious.”

“I would love some, but I’m meeting Crew here and he’s taking me out to dinner.” She was thinking the brazini sounded much better, though.

“That explains the new dress. I knew the boss man would get his claws into you. He has an eye for the pretty ladies.”

“It’s not like that. He’s helping me out — and though he’s a pain in the butt, I have to admit that he’s doing a pretty good job so far,” she admitted.

“Mmm, that’s what I like to hear. You smell divine.” Haley tensed all over again as Crew’s mouth descended on her neck and he took a gentle bite from her skin. She instantly felt goose bumps and found herself fighting the urge to lean into the firmness of his chest when he pressed his body against her back.

“You’re not supposed to eavesdrop,” she said when she found her voice again.

“Haven’t you heard that it’s not nice to talk about people behind their backs?” he countered.

“We were just discussing my upcoming mystery date,” she defended.

“Speaking of which, everything is ready. I’m sorry to keep you waiting. My sister was on the phone and no matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get her off the line. Melodrama is Brielle’s middle name.”

“Is she OK?”

“Yes, she’s fine. It’s just family theater, and Brielle has bitten off a bit more than she can chew. It’s actually kind of enjoyable. She’s always been the baby and quite spoiled. I am going to have to visit her soon, just to see how her ranch is working out.”

“Did you say ranch?” Haley asked.

“I did indeed.”

“OK. You are definitely going to have to give me more details. I want to know how a wealthy member of the Storm family ends up working right in the dirt.”

“How do you know I’m wealthy?” he asked with a smirk. Haley rolled her eyes.

“Well, let’s see, maybe it’s all the magazine articles, or the charities your family donates to. It might possibly be the over-the-top resort that you run. Nah, it’s the Rolex.” She laughed as she placed her arm through his so he could lead her away. “Night, Marlin,” she called back before they made their exit.

To Haley’s surprise, Crew started leading her not out the resort’s front doors but toward the back. Yet she made no comment as the two of them walked side by side toward the ornate patio doors behind an elegant sitting area. A violinist was playing for a small crowd of people sipping wine and eating a variety of cheeses and fruits. This place was amazing.

They stepped through the doors onto the candlelit patio, an area she hadn’t seen before. Large fire pits were strategically placed with lounge chairs surrounding them, and plants and trees were positioned to offer privacy for each grouping. Hearing light laughter and happy voices in the different nooks, Haley started imagining passionate embraces, drugging kisses, and racing hearts.

“I’m so happy to be dining here, Crew,” she said quietly. “You’ve done well.”

“I’m glad you think so.” His eyes captured hers in an intense gaze, and her heart nearly stalled as she continued walking beside him. Being fully aware that she was getting too caught up in the moment didn’t help her heart flutter any less. This wasn’t going according to plan, but she was having a hard time caring.

When the path ended, she gasped at the sight of a rich red carpet laid out upon the sand. As she looked up at him, her vision seemed to fog momentarily. What lesson could he be trying to teach her now?

Without giving her a moment to breathe, he led her down the carpet to a golden cabana only about ten yards from the gently lapping water of the warm Pacific Ocean. Beneath the structure was a table for two. The only illumination inside was a string of twinkling lights overhead, casting a soft, intimate glow.

She sighed as he showed her to one of the chairs, which easily slid out from the table on the hard, clear floor of the cabana. The glass was almost like a window on the beach floor, giving the feeling of sitting directly on the sand without sinking into it.

After pushing her chair in and dropping a light kiss on the back of her neck, he sat across from her, and within seconds a waiter appeared and opened a bottle of wine, presenting it to Crew for his approval.

“I hope you don’t mind, Haley, but I’ve ordered our dinner. Would you care for a glass of Pouilly-Fuissé? It will taste like nothing you’ve tried before.”

Haley nodded with wide, curious eyes, taking the long-stemmed glass and sampling the crisp white liquid, smelling tantalizingly of fruit and oak. The explosion of flavors in her mouth was divine. The only wine she’d drunk before came out of a cheap supercenter store bottle. She couldn’t drink that stuff again — not after this.

The waiter set down a dish, and left them. Crew dipped a silver spoon in the small bowl, and slipped something onto a buttered toast point, then lifted it to her lips. Without even thinking of saying no, she took a bite, then wrinkled her nose at the salty flavor.

“I don’t like that,” she said, quickly swallowing it down, and then taking a large gulp of her wine. Crew laughed as he took a big bite of his own portion and hummed in pleasure.

“Not everyone cares for caviar, even Golden Osetra,” he said with a smile. “People always say that it’s an acquired taste.”

Not one I’d like to acquire, Haley muttered to herself and hoped the meal improved from this point on. Things did look up when the waiter set down their next course, asparagus salad with brilliant roasted red peppers.

“What is the lesson in all of this, Crew? I don’t want to sound ungrateful, because this is by far the most romantic evening I’ve ever had in my life, but I am curious why you’re doing all of this,” she finally asked.

“This is how a woman should be treated, Haley. She should be worshipped, wined and dined. When a beautiful lady takes the time to put on a stunning gown, she needs to be given the royal treatment. Men will fall all over themselves just for a chance to be in their woman’s presence. The lesson in this is to teach you what your expectation should be in how a man treats you. If you want to attract your man, you first need to feel that you’re worthy of attracting him. A night of romance should be deserved. When a man truly wants you, there is no limit to what he will do for nothing more than an evening in your presence.”

The deep baritone of his voice, and the words he uttered, held Haley spellbound. Was she beautiful? As she’d looked in the mirror at the glimmering teal gown, she’d felt…different, more attractive. But would she go so far as to say she was beautiful? No one had ever told her she was — certainly not her grandparents — so how could she think that of herself?

She wanted to believe the light in his eyes was real, but could it all be just an act? He’d refused to take payment from her for being her teacher, but was this all a game to him? She couldn’t fault him for that, but what if he were setting her up, planning to rip her apart? She might never heal, might never have the confidence in herself that she so desperately sought.

“I can see the doubt in your eyes; it’s your biggest weakness. You have to have faith in yourself. You asked me to teach you how to seduce a man, but it’s not an answer I can give you. The way you seduce a man is by having confidence in yourself. Remember what I told you? It doesn’t matter if you are slim, athletic or curvy. It doesn’t matter the color of your hair or eyes. Nothing matters except for you knowing that you are sexy. If you look into a man’s eyes and let him know you are too good for him, then you own him. The most important rule is that you are what you believe you are, so be careful how you feel about yourself.”

The truth was shining in his eyes as he spoke. Haley could see he wasn’t playing a game with her, he wasn’t lying just to make her his slave. Was it really that simple? Could she just believe she was a prize to be won, and suddenly have any man she wanted — at least if she really wanted him enough?

The waiter slipped in and took away her barely touched salad as he set down their next course, seared sea scallops with spring onion soubise. Though the smell was heavenly, she was too lost in Crew’s eyes to pay attention to the food.

“We’ll have more on this lesson after our meal, while we’re sitting by the fire. I’ve had my chef prepare this especially for you, and I want you to enjoy the entire experience,” Crew said and took a bite.

Finally freed from his gaze, Haley speared a scallop and slipped it inside her mouth, then purred in pleasure. It practically melted on her tongue. Crew kept the conversation more light as they finished their main course.

The last drop was drank from the exquisite bottle, the wine having helped Haley’s confidence to grow, and the waiter laid out their dessert and set a new bottle down at their table. Her first bite of beignets with coffee pots de crème was almost an out-of-body experience. But, still, it was hard to enjoy the meal, no matter how good, when she was in a constant state of arousal — something very new for her inexperienced body.

“So, tell me how your sister managed to end up on a ranch,” she asked between small bites. She wanted to prolong the bliss.

“I don’t want to bore you during our date,” he hedged.

“I promise that you won’t.”

“Well, don’t say that I didn’t warn you,” he said with a chuckle. “A couple of years ago, my siblings and I were…I guess the word would be spoiled.”

“You? Spoiled?” she gasped dramatically, then smiled. “I simply can’t imagine.”

“OK, yes, I was spoiled. This is about Brielle, not me, though,” he said with his twinkling eyes crinkling at the corners.

“Sorry. I will behave,” she said.

“Anyway, my father decided to teach us a lesson. We would lose our inheritance and trust funds if we didn’t play by his rules. That, of course, left us little choice but to do what he asked of us, but we were all resentful, thinking there was nothing that needed changing in our lives.”