The Billionaire's Final Stand Page 30

“I miss you,” he sighed.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line…

“I miss you, too, George.”

“All you have to do is let me tell my family and then this is all over. We can quit hiding. I’ll take you around the world where there won’t be a chance of anyone interrupting us. Let me spoil you, Esther. Nothing would please me more.”

“You’re such a romantic, George. It’s why I’ve fallen in love with you. But nothing has changed. I don’t feel right about this with Joseph in the hospital. What if he doesn’t make it? Then, our start would always be a moment of sadness,” Esther explained.

“Joseph wouldn’t want me to be unhappy, even if he didn’t make it. I know my brother,” he insisted.

“I just don’t think the kids would accept it, George. What if they somehow know, and they’re trying to keep us apart because they don’t approve?”

“That’s nonsense. My children want me to be happy, and they already love you.”

“I just don’t know….” She trailed off.

“Esther…” he began.

“Dad, are you in here?” Max called. George wanted to yell. Instead he remained quiet, hoping his son would go away.

“I can hear your son, George. I’ll talk to you later,” Esther said before quickly hanging up. With a frustrated groan, he kicked the metal wall, causing a loud echo in the bathroom.

“Yes, I’m here. I’ll be right out,” he muttered, trying to mask his annoyance.

“Is everything all right? What was that noise?”

“I’m fine. I just slipped and kicked the wall.”

“Okay. We’ve been looking for you. It’s time to go back to Joseph’s room.”

George gave up on his hiding time and made his way out of the stall. I can’t even use the toilet in peace, he thought grumpily.

Max looked at him with suspicion, but didn’t question him further. George hung his head as he followed Max, having no clue that Max was texting his siblings and cousins at that moment, telling them they’d have a new member added to their family at any time.


The room filled as everyone came back at the same time. They beamed when they found Katherine waiting for them.

“You’re very eager,” Katherine said.

“Yes, please continue. We won’t say a single word,” Cassie said.

Katherine smiled as her nephew, Max, leaned in and gave his wife a kiss. The kids were all doing so well, still looking very much in love and happy with their spouses. She knew their love would continue to grow, long after she and Joseph had to leave them behind.

She looked to her husband and silently told him it wasn’t yet time to leave, though. They had many years left, and a family to still take care of.

“Now, where was I when we last left off?” Katherine asked.

“The big meeting was coming up,” Mark answered quickly.

Katherine chuckled, enjoying the enthusiasm of her son. It was amusing how even the boys were enthralled with her memories.

“Oh, yes, Mark, that’s right. I was so nervous. We were having a huge board meeting. I hadn’t heard from Joseph since the phone call and I knew he’d be there. Of course he would. I hoped he’d sit back and stay in the background, but you know Joseph isn’t one to hide in corners. I was getting ready to open the meeting when there was a stirring in the room…”

Katherine took a deep breath and rose from her chair. She looked around the table where the other board members sat, all eyes on her. Then she looked out at the crowd, the investors who wanted answers, wanted to know their money was being taken care of. They all had a stake in the company, and wanted what was best for them. What was that, though?

Benjamin had handpicked his board and had complete faith they’d choose wisely after he passed. Katherine felt the weight of the thousands depending on them to make that decision.

She opened her mouth to speak, when there was a stir in the room. She didn’t need to meet his eyes to know Joseph had walked in. He was the wild card. The one they all wanted, but didn’t know if he’d be the right person for the job. He was both the hope and the tragedy.

They knew he loved his grandfather, but he’d left without a word. He was also wildly successful on his own, so why would he want to lock himself down to such a demanding position. If they chose him, and he declined, the stocks would plummet because the people would lose faith in the board of directors. He was there, but he hadn’t said whether he’d actually accept the position if it was offered to him.

It was a difficult decision, and she had one of the key votes. Sweat broke out on her brow as she looked over the crowd, her eyes immediately finding his. He stared back, unconcerned with the people watching. It was as if he were letting the world know he didn’t care what they thought. He’d do whatever pleased him.


His gaze locked with hers, Joseph was frozen for a moment. She stood proud at the table, wearing a black business suit, her hair in a knot at the base of her long, slender neck, and a notebook in her hand as she waited to begin her presentation.

She was stunning.

He wanted to start by taking down her hair, watching it cascade across her shoulders, making her appear softer. He missed the girl of five years before, who had stars shining in her eyes. This woman she’d become was spectacular, but she was too guarded. He needed to sneak beneath the wall she’d built and slowly tear it down, piece by piece if need be.

As their eyes stayed locked together, he could swear he saw her breath hitch. But she quickly regained her confident demeanor and turned away. There was no hesitation in her manner, no indication that she was burning as hot as he was.

He was determined to find out if it was an act, or if she was indeed over him.

Joseph sat back and watched. His eyes constantly strayed to her as she spoke, pointing out numbers and logistics, but he didn’t care. He already had the corporate information memorized. He was impressed with her knowledge, though.

As she finished, questions were fired at her, one after the other. She never sweated it. She calmly answered each one, leaving no room for doubt that she was on the board for a reason. A very good reason.

She’d changed since he’d last known her. The fire that had always burned bright inside of her was now out in the open for the world to see. Her demeanor seemed to say if people don’t like it, then they can back off.

He found himself even more drawn to her.

She was a rare woman. Beauty, passion, poise. She had the crowd eating out of her hand before she was done. He wondered if she could see past the show some of the members put on. Only time would tell.

The meeting droned on with other board members speaking, more questions asked. He was losing patience with it all by the third hour. He wanted Katherine to himself. He was done with the politics involved in a new CEO being elected.

He could wait. He’d waited five years, already. What was another hour or two?

Katherine felt as if a thousand needles were being drilled into her head. She knew Joseph’s gaze rarely left her. It took momentous willpower to keep from shifting her eyes and connecting with his cold blue depths.

Her stomach was tied in knots as she waited for the meeting to end. The questions kept coming, one after the other, several of them just a variation of the one before it. She had to keep on her toes, though, had to pay attention, because if she missed even the slightest verbiage, she’d be lost and the piranhas would pounce.

They’d love to take a bite from her flesh, as much as she knew Joseph would be first in line for that honor.

Katherine knew Joseph was making a stir among the people. His very presence stopped traffic wherever he was, but there seemed to be no middle ground when it came to him. The people either loved him and looked at him like a savior, or they despised him and expected him to destroy their world.

She wondered for a moment what it must be like for him to yield that kind of power. To be so important that your very existence influenced the lives around you.

As she shook off the thoughts, she realized the room was silent. Maybe the people had heard enough for the day. It seemed Round One was soon to be over.

“Thank you all for being here today. The board members have agreed to stay for the next hour and answer individual questions you may have. We understand that the decision we’re making affects all of you and we want your faith and trust in us. Meeting adjourned,” Katherine said.

The room erupted in conversations as people moved about, everyone trying to figure out where to go that would benefit them the most. Who did they want to rub elbows with the most, who could advance their careers? It was all a game – just a game on a million dollar scale.

She quickly gathered her belongings, already having notified the other members she wasn’t staying for this part. She wanted to escape before Joseph came near. She knew he would. It wasn’t in him not to.

“Very impressive, Katherine. I think you’ve learned quite well how to play games in the corporate world, how to dance a different routine to each separate piece. I guess you’re no longer the naïve girl I met five years ago,” Joseph said, stopping her movements.

Had she really been so dumb to believe she could escape without him tracking her first?

She slowly turned, frustration brewing in her. There were too many people standing around for her to make a scene. She couldn’t act antagonistic toward him, or rumors would spread.

She felt like having a small tantrum, possibly using her three inch heel to dig into his foot. The thought almost made her smile.

She managed to keep a cool expression as she looked into his face.

“Thank you, Joseph. I appreciate your kind words. I’m running late, but would love to chat later, perhaps after the next board meeting,” she said, then turned to leave.

His hand shot out and gripped her arm. His fingers holding on tightly, though no one around them would know. The way he held her would look to any outsider as if he was simply escorting her for a walk.

He began leading her toward the very door she’d meant to escape through. She didn’t want to go through it with him, though. She didn’t trust herself, not after what happened in her apartment.

“You should know by now, Katherine, that I’m not a patient man. I can’t wait until the next meeting. I think you also know that I’ll use any means necessary to get my way. You can either speak to me willingly, or I could always try another method to get your cooperation,” he threatened.

A shiver ran down her spine at his words, spoken in a pleasant tone, but passionate, nonetheless. She knew he wouldn’t be at all afraid of causing a scene. She, on the other hand, would be mortified by it.

He could easily ride off into the sunset, once again leaving her behind, nearly broken, trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

“That won’t be necessary, Joseph. I’ll just modify my plans a little. I wouldn’t want to upset one of our candidates,” she said through gritted teeth. She hoped no one was paying attention to their conversation.