The Billionaire's Final Stand Page 31

What made the entire situation even worse was the desire flowing through her at his touch. He was dressed to impress, though she knew it was just who he was.

His custom fitted suit draped his body in a way that left nothing to the imagination. His wide shoulders filled the coat out to perfection, while the pants hugged his hips, and showcased his muscular legs. One hand gripped her arm, while the other rested in his pocket, making him appear like he was headed to his next photo shoot.

He was impressive, even more so than he’d been five years ago. There were men who appeared confident, and then there was Joseph. He was a rare specimen of the most perfect order. He knew all of that, though. He knew exactly what he was doing to her, just like he knew every single female in the room would go home and dream about him, a few of the married ones, too.

If his piercing blue eyes, and flawless body weren’t enough to make her heart race, the sound of his deep voice caressing her from the inside out had her knees shaking. She wanted to find a wall and sink down it to the floor.

Just a few more minutes, she promised herself. A few more minutes and you can escape.

“Have you cast your vote, Katherine?”

“That would be none of your business, Joseph,” she quickly replied as she tugged at her arm, not enough for others to notice, but enough for him to get the hint she wanted him to let go. He managed to get them closer to the door, though she was doing all she could to block his path.

“I get the feeling you’re not enjoying our talk,” he mocked her.

Katherine fumed at his knowing look. He enjoyed his power game. She decided to quit giving him the victory.

“I always enjoy speaking with any member of the Anderson family, Joseph. I know you’re a busy man and I’m grateful you’ve been able to attend,” she said in the politically correct response.

She stopped struggling for release and allowed him to lead her from the room. At least once they got away from people, she could quit biting her tongue and let him know how she truly felt. As if he figured her out, he stopped their forward movement at the door’s threshold.

“What are your plans the rest of the day?” he asked as if he had the right.

“I’ve got a full schedule. It was nice speaking with you, but I need to leave now,” she told him as she stepped away.

“I’ll follow you. I have extra time on my hands,” he said, switching from gripping her arm to placing it through his. She noticed they’d drawn attention, just what she hadn’t wanted.

“I’m sure you have more important things to attend than harassing me, Joseph. You’re starting to cause a scene, so please be a good little boy and run along,” she hissed as she stepped from the room.

“You’re so good for me, Katherine. I don’t think I’m ever going to let you go.”

She looked at him, terrified when she saw the seriousness of his words written on his face. He may actually mean what he was saying. A shiver racked her body.


She had to get far away from him, because she could too easily see herself once again falling under his spell. She was half-way there already.

As soon as they were clear of people, she snatched her arm back and dashed down the hall, her only thought was to get as far from him as humanly possible. The spell he weaved was intoxicating. It wouldn’t take much more to make her fall at his feet.

She reached the elevator and pushed the down button, turning her head and breathing in relief when she didn’t see him. The doors opened and she climbed inside, leaning against the back wall and beginning to breathe easier as the doors started closing.

Just when she thought she was free, a hand reached out and stopped the doors from closing. Within seconds, Joseph was sealed inside with her – giving her nowhere to hide.

Her heart thundered at the predatory look in his eyes. Her stomach tied in knots, she looked at him – really looked at him, standing there so self-assured, fire brewing in his eyes.

She knew she was in trouble.

“You know, Katherine, I’m beginning to enjoy our game of cat and mouse. Chasing you seems to be my new favorite pastime. I don’t know what we’ll do for fun once you’ve accepted the inevitable,” he whispered, his voice seductive, his body sending a challenge she desperately wanted to accept.

“I’m not playing, Joseph. I don’t want you,” she replied, her breathless voice betraying her words.

He smirked knowingly as he took a step toward her. She pressed her back as far against the wall as humanly possible. If he touched her, it was all over. She knew she was on the edge of the cliff, and just the slightest whisper of wind would push her over.

“Do you truly believe that, my Katherine? Are you lying to me, or to yourself? This has been inevitable – it has been from the first moment I spotted you at the dance. We haven’t finished our song yet.”

His words were pure seduction, melting her. Her legs shook, and her lips parted as air rushed in and out of her lungs. She tried telling herself it was only a game to him, that he’d grow bored as soon as he caught her, but her brain function was short-circuiting. She couldn’t bring herself to deny him.

With a last ditch effort at survival, she set her shoulders and tried her hardest.

“You don’t always win, Joseph. You don’t always get what you want. I don’t want you,” she snapped, though, the breathless quality of her voice betrayed the tone she’d been going for.

“You are correct, Katherine. I don’t always get what I want. But you’re also wrong. You do want me. Need is burning in your eyes, desire for me.”

He hit the emergency stop button, bringing them to a halt. Then he stepped up close, his body only an inch from touching her. She refused to look him in the face, and in turn chose to pour all concentration on the emerald green of his tie, such a pretty color…

She tried distracting herself, anything to keep from reaching out and running her hands along the thick muscles of his biceps. She had to fight her mind not to think of him lying next to her, his chest bare for her to explore.

His hand reached up and cupped her chin, forcing her head to lift. She wanted to be stubborn, to try and fight the movement, but she was no match for him, and they both knew it. Her head tilted and her eyes met his, intense desire burning hot, leaving her breathless.

The look of power, confidence, and desire was her undoing. She knew the kiss was coming. She also knew she was powerless to stop it. She only had so much willpower – and she’d reached her limit for the day.

It had always been him and always would be and he was destroying the carefully guarded fortress she’d dedicated to building around her heart. When she had a moment to think, she’d fall apart. She just hoped she was alone when it happened, then he wouldn’t get to glory in his true victory.

“I’m going to kiss you now, Katherine. I’m only warning you because I’m close to losing my sanity at the moment. You may not have figured it out, yet, but I’m powerless with you. You control this. You have the power. One touch from you has my body in flames. One sigh from your lips and my heart quickens. I need you like I’ve never needed anyone. It’s almost a violent compulsion. I feel I can’t survive if I don’t take you with me to the ends of the world and back,” Joseph said, his voice deep, dark, and utterly devastating.

Suddenly she found herself pressed between his solid frame and the back of the elevator. He was crushing her in the best possible way. Before she had time to think, his head leaned down for his mouth to claim her.

He was done talking, he was done seducing. He was claiming her in the oldest way known to man.

She couldn’t fight him anymore. She gave up trying, and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him have her, relinquishing all she had, his mission now accomplished.

Katherine didn’t know how much time passed, she didn’t care. She didn’t even know where she was anymore.

“This is Anderson Security. Is there a problem with the elevator?”

Katherine jumped as Joseph lifted his head, his eyes glazed.

“Hello, please pick up the phone to the left of the door. Do we need to call the fire marshal?” a voice spoke over the intercom.

Joseph swore as he took a step back. Katherine looked around, praying there wasn’t a camera witnessing their behavior. She knew the staff and would be utterly mortified to come back into work knowing they’d seen her acting so wantonly.

With an angry growl, Joseph released the stop button, ignoring the phone. The elevator started its downward motion again. Only a few floors to go.

“Come home with me, Katherine,” he commanded as he turned back to her, the fire having dimmed, but still shining in his eyes.

“Joseph…” she said. She’d come out of her fog.

Intensity was pouring off of him, urging her to continue.

“You want me, Katherine. Quit fighting yourself,” he demanded as he stepped toward her again.

The elevator doors opened, surprising him long enough for her to skirt around him. Katherine rushed past him and didn’t hesitate for even a fraction of a second. She knew she’d have to build much stronger walls to keep him out the next time they met…

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but it’s long past visiting hours,” a nurse apologized as she stepped into the room.

Katherine looked at the nurse, her mind foggy as she came back from the past. Then she looked at her husband.

So handsome. He hadn’t changed one bit in her mind. His passion, beauty, and zest for life had only grown deeper, richer and stronger. The more she talked about their beginning, the more she needed him to wake.

A tear fell down her face as she looked at him. She gripped his hand and let the tears flow. “Please come back to me, Joseph. You made me love you. You refused to let me go. Now, I refuse to let you go. I refuse to give up. You come back to me soon, real soon,” she demanded. She didn’t even realize she spoke the words out loud.

She kept her eyes glued to her husband as she felt kisses on her cheek. She knew her family was saying goodbye for the night, giving her time to grieve.

They knew what she needed. After all, they were here because of the great love she shared with the wonderful man lying so still in front of her.

With a final tear escaping, Katherine slowly climbed in bed next to Joseph, holding him close. She was exhausted, drained, emotionally and physically.

The last thing she remembered before blessed oblivion overtook her was the feel of soft blankets being placed over her.

Chapter Fifteen

Austin sat back with a determined look on his face. He was grateful to have a distraction from his continual thoughts of Kinsey. He was going out of his mind. Was she pregnant? When would he see her again? What was she thinking?

“Are you sure you’re up to this. I know you have a lot going on right now?”

“No, I’m fine,” he answered. “Really,” he added when Trenton gave him a suspicious look. “Quit trying to coddle me. I’m not one of your kids.”

They reached the warehouse and Austin climbed from his car. He watched as employees filed through the doors, getting ready for their day to begin. He never enjoyed firing anyone, but he was happy to get rid of Jack. He was bad news all the way around.