The Billionaire's Final Stand Page 34

“Thanks, Cassie. That was just what I needed,” Kinsey said with a sigh of pleasure as the sweet chocolate melted on her tongue. She picked up the coffee and took a sip to wash it down.

“Yeah, yeah, now speak,” Cassie said as she took her own piece of candy and sat back, making herself comfortable.

Kinsey smiled at her, knowing Cassie had made a stand. It wasn’t worth it to hold out on her. She’d just drag out the information she wanted, anyway, so Kinsey may as well get it over with.

“I hope you have the rest of the day,” Kinsey joked, though she wasn’t far off.

“We have a full bag of chocolate, hot coffee, and a comfortable seat. I’m in no hurry.”

Girding up her courage, Kinsey grabbed a few more pieces of candy before she got comfortable. This was going to take a while. With a blush on her cheeks, she began. This time she didn’t hold anything back, telling Cassie about the wedding night, the hospital, the lack of birth control. She told her all of it.

An hour passed and she slumped back in her seat, completely drained. She actually felt relief at getting it all out. Now, she could find out if she was as screwed as she thought she was.

“Give it to me, Cass. Tell me how much I’ve messed up,” Kinsey said as she looked at the stunned expression on Cassie’s face.

“Dang, Kinsey. You’ve been holding out on me. First of all, I should scold you for not talking to me sooner. Secondly, I think my temperature rose a few degrees, there. Mmm, I may have to go admit Max into a hospital so I can replay that sex scene. Holy Mackerel, Kinsey, that sounds so hot,” Cassie said while dramatically fanning her face.

“Of course, you’d focus on that,” Kinsey said with a hint of pink in her cheeks. She had to admit to herself, though, that it had been pretty spectacular.

“What red-blooded woman wouldn’t? Okay, back to the present. Do you know what you’re going to do, yet? Have you thought much about it? A baby, Kinsey. You could be carrying a child right at this very moment,” Cassie said in a somewhat dazed tone.

“I don’t know. I’ve been pushing it from my head. It’s so overwhelming, I don’t know what to think,” Kinsey admitted.

“Well, there’s no use stressing over it when you don’t know anything yet. Chances are, you aren’t pregnant. It does happen, but you’re probably worried over nothing. More importantly, though, we need to talk about Austin. Dang, girl, there’s enough steam between the two of you to heat this freaking house.”

“No. It was just a fling. We didn’t even go on any dates. It’s just that, well, he’s about as viral a man as it gets. Whenever I’m around him, my panties practically burst into flames. You can’t build a relationship on that, though. You know that, Cass. You have a perfect husband.”

“Uh, don’t you remember how it was between Max and I in the beginning. I had to blackmail him for an interview, and then we got snowed in at a remote cabin in Alaska and literally ripped each other’s clothes off. Talk about steam. I’d never in my life desired someone like I did him. I still get all tingly even talking about it. If you weren’t my best friend, I’d be running out of this room right now and dragging him into the nearest closet. That’s definitely on my ‘to do list’ now, thanks to you.”

Kinsey smiled, loving how open Cassie was. Max adored her, and brought so much to her life.

“Sorry. I got off track. My point is that desire is good. It’s healthy. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to tear his clothes off, or him wanting you so bad, he’s in a constant state of arousal. That should stroke your ego. There are a lot of relationships built on far less than that. If you can’t stand to be with him once the lights come back on, then you have a problem, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with you. At least that’s not what I’m hearing. Don’t run away because you’re scared. He’s not evil, Kinsey, I promise. That’s my two-cents. Of course, I’m one-hundred-percent on your side, and if you want to castrate him, I’ll help you tie him down.”

Kinsey laughed. It felt good to let her delight spill from her. There really was nothing like a best friend willing to torture men for you. She didn’t know what she’d do without her.

“I guess I have a lot to think about, but for now, I’m happier to put it on the back burner and take a few more days to breathe. I’m terrified to take that test, Cass,” Kinsey admitted.

“I’ll be here for you every step of the way. I’ll even pick it up for you,” Cassie offered.

“I’ll let you know. I’m not ready to take it yet.”

“It’s too soon. I know they have those early detection pregnancy tests now, but I think you’re better off to wait, get a level head, and then do it. That will give you time to think about what your next step will be. You know, Kinsey, you can always move in with us. I know I’ve offered before and you’ve refused, saying I need my newlywed space and all, but I don’t want you going through this alone. Just think, our kids can grow up together,” Cassie said.

She’d offered many times for Kinsey to come live with her. It had been great when it was just the two of them rooming in college, but they were adults now, and Cassie was married. Kinsey just couldn’t do it.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Now, get out of here so I can shower and go check on my patient.”

“Okay, I get it. You’re done talking for now. I’ll see you at dinner.”

Kinsey’s stomach knotted again as she shut the door behind her friend. She’d forgotten about their big dinner that night. They were celebrating Joseph returning home, even though he was still in a coma. Katherine felt him coming home was the first true step of his recovery. This was the dinner Austin had demanded she come to with him. She guessed he’d gotten his way.

Kinsey locked the door, then walked into the huge bathroom attached to her suite. She turned on the tap and started filling the tub, which was big enough for four people.

As she sank into the sudsy water, her stress started melting away. She laid her head back and pushed everything negative from her mind. She had a couple hours of peace and she was taking full advantage of it.


Austin sat at the huge table, his eyes repeatedly looking to the door. Kinsey was late. He listened to the chaos surrounding him, catching a word here and there, but not much else. He didn’t know how any of them were having a conversation with everyone speaking at once.

It didn’t matter, though. He loved the chaos. As he looked around at his siblings and cousins, and all of their spouses and children, he thought they were a pretty lucky group, indeed.

He couldn’t imagine how lonely life would be if it weren’t for the people in that room. The laughter, tears, and even anger, were a part of his life, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He felt almost complete.

As Kinsey finally made her entrance, he instantly knew what had been missing. As much as he’d fought it, rebelled against it, he wanted what the rest of his family members had. He wanted a wife and kids.

He wanted what he couldn’t have.


He didn’t want to go there. She refused to even speak to him, so he couldn’t begin to think about whether they’d be parents or not. It was too soon. Only a week had passed. It felt like a month.

He’d made sure to leave an empty chair next to him, but as his bad luck would have it, there was also one empty spot next to Emily. Of course, Kinsey spotted it and made a beeline there. She wouldn’t even look up and acknowledge him.

Food was served and conversation continued to pour in from every direction. Austin didn’t pay much attention. He knew he was acting sullen, but he didn’t care.

“I’ve had enough. Everyone quiet!”

Austin turned in shock to see his father standing at the head of the table. Katherine was looking down at her plate and smiling. Esther looked surprised, but also a bit proud.

Austin gave his full attention to George. He wanted to know what had gotten him so riled up.

“You all know I love you. I’m grateful every day for the big family I’ve been granted. But right now, I could just whip each and every one of you. I’ve been trying and trying to get this beautiful woman alone for five minutes. That’s all. Just five minutes. But for the past month, there’s been emergency after emergency,” George huffed as he glared at everyone.

Heads turned back and forth between George, and a very red faced Esther.

“I’m sorry to do it like this Esther, but I love you. I love you so much my heart swells when I have the slightest thought of you. I can’t pass a floral shop without wanting to go in and buy out the entire store. I loved my late wife, as I know you loved your late husband, and I’d never ask to replace him. But, I’ve been granted a second chance at happiness. A chance to grow old in the arms of the woman I love. I know you wanted to wait. I know you’re worried about the family, and think I’m being rash because of the accident. But, dang it, woman, I love you. I can’t stand the thought of going even one more night without my lips touching yours. I want to go to bed each night with you by my side, and wake up in the morning to the beauty of your face. Please make me the happiest man alive and say you’ll marry me?” George asked as he got down on his knee in front of her.

Tears were streaming down Esther’s face as she looked at George. You could’ve heard a pin drop, it was so silent, as they waited to hear what she’d say.

Finally, her eyes lifted and she looked around the table, seemingly embarrassed to be the center of attention.

“I…I don’t…” she trailed off.

“It’s about time you asked, George. We’ve been wondering what’s taking you so long,” Katherine said with an approving smile on her face.

Everyone chorused their approval, smiling in encouragement at Esther. It seemed it was just what she needed because she turned back to George, love radiating from her.

“Yes, George, yes I’d like to marry you. I want all of that and more,” she whispered.

Everyone applauded and Katherine signaled the staff to bring out the Champaign and sparkling cider.

“Today is truly a day of celebration. My Joseph is home, where he can recover, and both of my friends have found happiness and healing with each other. We are blessed,” Katherine said as she stood up and made a toast.

Austin looked at his father, beaming with happiness as he took Esther in his arms and kissed her. For a moment he looked no older than his children. The slight wrinkles on his face faded away, the graying of his hair gone. He looked like a new man, ready to conquer the world. Austin was proud of his father for having the courage to not allow the woman he loved to get away.

He turned, looking for Kinsey, but her seat was empty. He didn’t know what to do. Should he keep pursuing her? Maybe, she really didn’t want anything to do with him. He just didn’t know what was right or wrong.

He stayed with his family and celebrated long into the night, trying to forget his troubles for at least a few hours.