The Billionaire's Final Stand Page 35

Chapter Seventeen

“Ugh, I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to make it over sooner, but Jasmine came down with the flu, so you know that meant Isaiah got it, too. It was pure luck I haven’t gotten sick,” Amy said as she quickly came into the sitting room and found a seat.

“I hate it when the kids are sick. Poor babies. There’s not a whole lot you can do for them other than hold them close and keep giving them fluids,” Emily said with sympathy.

“She’s already getting so big. I can’t believe she just turned eight. Where’s the time going?” Amy asked, a slight panic filling her eyes.

“I know. Trevor is shooting up like a weed. He’s my little boy. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like when they hit their teen years, and then, even worse, go off to college,” Emily said.

“I miss them already,” Jessica added, though her youngest was sitting on her lap, contentedly sucking on her thumb.

“Okay, enough complaining about the future. I’ve waited days for you to continue, Mom. Thank you, everyone, for waiting on me. It would’ve killed me to be the only one not knowing what was happening. I still can’t believe dad was such a pain. And I want to know what happened with Uncle George. How did they make up?” Amy asked.

Katherine closed her eyes, obviously drifting into her past. They waited.

“I ran that night.” Katherine began. “I was quickly losing my battle with myself to tell him no. I loved Joseph. I had since the first night I was in his arms. But, you see, there were a lot of misunderstandings, and I truly did believe he’d only been with me because of a bet. I didn’t want to give him my heart when I thought all he wanted was to get me in his bed. But each time I saw him, it was a little bit harder to walk away. He had his own plans in the making, though, and like a headstrong man, he was going about things completely in the wrong way…”

Joseph slowly left the elevator, then walked from the building. He couldn’t even think straight. His thoughts were consumed with nothing but Katherine.

If he wasn’t careful, he’d lose his grandfather’s corporation. He had to find a way to balance his life. He just couldn’t think of how to convince Katherine they should be together, while still keeping his head clear for the race ahead.

He’d come to prove he could still have her, prove her wrong for walking away from him, but he was the one being proven wrong. He needed her in a way that was neither healthy nor logical. He wondered if it was just the chase. Was he enjoying the game? Or was he truly incomplete without her?

He drove to his property, his lips turning up as he looked at the calming presence of the water lapping on shore. He’d chosen right. As he sat alone on the sandy shore, he turned and looked at his land, the moon shining down on one particular spot.

“That’s it,” he whispered as he rose to his feet and walked up the grassy slope. He reached the spot and turned in all directions. One way gave him a beautiful view of the water and the soothing sound of the lapping sea. The opposite direction showed him the top of the snow covered mountain, standing high above the ground and offering a sense of protection.

He knew Seattle was growing, and as it grew, more people would spread out further, overtaking the serene little island, but he could make his own paradise right there, build the perfect home, a place fit for a queen.

Before he left that night, he had it all planned. All he had to do was begin making phone calls. Within a couple weeks, his palace would start rising. He’d be there to ensure it was perfect.

He hung his head as he made the decision to stay away from Katherine for a while. He had to save his grandfather’s company. He couldn’t distract her, or let himself be distracted. Soon, though, soon they’d be together.

With that thought, he walked to his car and got in. He had a long week ahead of him and much to do.


Katherine was mortified as she walked in her door and quickly shut it. She couldn’t believe she’d done something so foolish as to practically make love to Joseph in a public elevator. She really wanted to find out if there was a camera in there, but if she started asking, then people would wonder why.

Hopefully, she was just making the situation into something it wasn’t. So what if there was a camera, she tried to reason. It wasn’t like any clothes had come off. He’d kissed her. Yes, it had been beyond hot, but that’s where it had stopped.

She shuddered to think what would’ve happened had they not been interrupted. She lost her mind too easily when he was around.

Katherine climbed into the shower, and then quickly into bed. The last week had been exhausting and she instantly fell asleep, for once too tired to even dream.


“Katherine, do you have those numbers?”

“Yes, one minute,” she replied, looking through her desk for the requested document.

“What’s going on, Katherine? This isn’t like you,” her boss asked as he stepped in her small office.

No, it wasn’t like her, Katherine had to admit. Lack of sleep, mixed with stress wasn’t helping her a bit.

She hadn’t seen Joseph in a month. Not a phone call, not at the meetings, not at all. She sure heard his name often, though, as he was quickly rising to the top of the board’s favorite candidate. The closer it came time to elect their new CEO, the more times she heard Joseph’s name.

She desperately wanted the decision over with so she could get on with her life. She knew the minute he was elected, and she had no doubts, he would be, she’d turn in her resignation, no notice given.

There was no way she could continue working in the building he was in every day. It would eventually turn her into only a shell of the person she once was. As it was, she was only operating on half her brain function from just the stress of knowing he was in town.

He must’ve gotten tired of chasing her, because he’d taken her last rejection seriously and hadn’t contacted her again after the elevator. She should be thrilled, but instead, she was heartbroken all over again.

She didn’t understand. He was giving her what she wanted, but she knew that truly what she wanted, was for him to tell her he was in love with her, always had been and always would be. She hoped he could somehow explain the awful bet, tell her he hadn’t meant it. It was all wishful thinking and obviously not going to happen.


She snapped out of her reverie and looked at her boss, who was looking at her like she’d lost her mind. Maybe she had. Only time would tell.

“I’m sorry, sir. I haven’t been able to sleep the last few nights. I should probably go see my doctor soon,” she tried to explain. It sounded weak, even to her own ears.

“I’m sorry about that. Are you up for working today?”

She knew he wasn’t threatening her, but honestly asking if she needed to take the rest of the afternoon off. She had too much to catch up on, though, and couldn’t leave.

“No, I’ll be fine, sir. Here’s the paperwork. Is there anything else you need right now?” she asked, hoping the answer was no.

“Actually, I’m a bit afraid to bring it up, but Joseph has scheduled a talk with the board. He has some ideas to turn around the downward spiral the stocks have taken. With them dropping points each day, this is important, and all the board members need to be there,” he apologized.

“I understand, just give me the time and place,” she told him. He didn’t need to know how even the mention of Joseph’s name had her stomach knotting.

Her boss left, and then she got buried in her work, starting to run behind, making it impossible for her to make it to the meeting on time.

Katherine called Joseph’s secretary and left him a message, letting him know she’d be an hour late. She had to smile, knowing it would probably irritate him, since he normally waited for no one.

By the time she got out of the office, she hoped she’d be able to get a taxi. It took a bit longer, but finally one pulled up. She hoped he knew the address, because she didn’t recognize it.

As she climbed inside the car, she handed him the paper, and he assured her he knew exactly where he was going. As the driver began leaving the city, Katherine became more nervous.

When they reached the floating bridge, leading to Mercer Island, she was perplexed. She’d never been there before for a business meeting and hoped the driver wasn’t getting her lost.

“Are you sure you looked at the address correctly?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I double checked. This is the location,” he responded.

He turned down a long driveway, and finally stopped the car in front of a small, older home. What was Joseph thinking? She was afraid to leave the car.

“Okay, find a place to park and wait for me. I’m not sure how long this will take, but I’ll pay the waiting fee,” she said before climbing out the door he held open for her.

He agreed before climbing back into the driver’s side and slumping in his seat. She nervously walked to the open front door.


There wasn’t an answer. She turned to look back down the road, debating with whether to leave or not and just deal with the consequences.

Finally, her business ethic won out and she stepped inside. She followed the sound of the soft music coming from the back. Walking through a small kitchen first, then an even smaller living room, led her to an open patio door. She stepped through and found a large table in the lit up back yard. Upon closer inspection, she found food and drinks, so this had to be the place.

No one was around, though. Had she been so late, they finished without her. If they had, why hadn’t anyone called to tell her she didn’t need to come? She’d left the message saying she’d be late.

“I’m glad you could make it, Katherine.”

She tensed, her entire body reacting to Joseph’s simple words. If he bottled that sex appeal, women around the world would be buying it up for their men, spraying a little on late at night, especially after a particularly hard day, when they needed to feel something other than exhaustion.

Pure passion – that’s what he invoked, from the souls of her feet, all the way to her brain. She had to fight the yearning his presence inspired in her.

Katherine slowly turned to find him silhouetted in the doorway. His frame was eating up the small space, his stance confident, man-of-the-manor strong.

He was stunning, whether in a suit and tie, or the casual clothes he was wearing. It didn’t matter. He was Joseph – the man she’d always love, but never have.

Her heart pounded, and her voice fled as she felt his powerful presence wash over her. What was she thinking coming to the meeting? She couldn’t possibly keep fighting the burning need she felt for him, not even after being distanced from him for a month.

“You’re late,” he said as he stepped forward.

His motion snapped her out of her trance and she walked slowly around the table. She didn’t want him to realize her distress, but she needed something solid between them. It gave her the illusion of protection.