Blackmailing the Billionaire Page 23

Max didn’t know how long he stood there, staring out at the sky as it lit with the morning sun, trying to break through the ever present cloud cover, but long enough to give himself a mental shake. He wouldn’t dwell on her. She was just a woman and he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing she could’ve had so much more from him than one interview. She could have had him for the rest of his life.

He picked up his bag, not in the mood to sit in his office all day. It was time for another business trip. He’d find a reason to be out of town for a while because he’d only want to go to her if he stayed in the states. He had to get away. Her making him run was just another reason he was infuriated. A woman should never hold that kind of power over him.

Cassie made it to her apartment hours later. She headed right to the freezer and grabbed a large box of chocolate ice-cream. She didn’t even bother with a bowl, just took the container to her couch, with a spoon, and started taking bites as the tears freely flowed down her cheeks. She didn’t want to be alone, but she wasn’t fit company.

Besides, her best friend was a continent away, her family all gone, and she’d started making new friends, but they were all related to Max. She couldn’t cry on their shoulder. It wouldn’t be fair. She didn’t think any of them would want to be her friend after all this, anyway.

There was the slightest voice in her head, poking at her. What if she’d been wrong? What if she’d been honest with him, and told him she wanted to see if there was anything real from the last month to hold onto. She pushed the voice away. He hadn’t tried to stop her. He’d told her to leave. The only thing he was upset about was she’d called him on who he truly was.

Cassie brushed her cheeks, wiping away the last remaining tears. She’d cried enough for one day. She had a job to do, and she wouldn’t accomplish it by feeling sorry for herself. She couldn’t even hate the man, if she could, then maybe her heart wouldn’t hurt so badly.

She quickly changed into her pajamas, not even caring it was the middle of the day. There was no way she was going back out so she may as well be comfortable. She pulled out her laptop and transferred all her data. She stared blankly at the screen. Did she really want to torture herself by working on an article about the man she needed to forget? She thought it was like a Band-Aid. She needed to just rip it off and get all the pain over with at once.

She started typing, and hours later was happy with what was before her. She was finished with her article. It was good, really good. Maybe sorrow is good for the author’s soul, because she’d turned her pain into something she felt certain would be accepted just about anywhere she took it.

She realized the sun was starting to set, and planned on taking a nice long bath, and then passing out for about twelve hours. She just wanted the day to end. She’d start her life over the next morning. That was soon enough. Just as she was getting ready to head to her bathroom, there was a knock on her door.

Cassie’s heart swelled, hoping it was Max, there to tell her what a fool he was for letting her get away. As soon as she had the thought, she brushed it aside. She couldn’t be foolish like that. She couldn’t hope he’d come, or every time the phone or doorbell rang she be a nervous wreck. She opened it and her jaw dropped. The only other person in the universe she wanted to see at that moment was standing before her. Kinsey.

She didn’t say a word as her friend’s face blurred before her. The tears slipped from her eyes and Kinsey stepped through the opening and grabbed her in a hug. It was just what she needed.

“I know you missed me but I wasn’t expecting tears of joy,” Kinsey joked.

“I’m so glad you’re here. I thought you had another two weeks before you made it,” Cassie said, regaining control of herself.

“I couldn’t stay away any longer. I missed my best friend,” Kinsey said in explanation, shutting the door and leading Cassie to her own couch. It was almost comical how Kinsey took over, knowing exactly what her friend needed, even after being away for so long. “Tell me what has you so upset.”

“It’s a really long story, and not that interesting,” Cassie bluffed.

“There’s no way you’re getting away with that and you know it. We can either do this the hard way or the easy way, but you will tell me,” Kinsey said in her no-nonsense tone. Cassie laughed, feeling better just having her friend with her. There was no one who understood her like Kinsey.

“It’s been a really difficult month. Are you sure you want to hear the whole pathetic story?” Cassie asked, already knowing the answer. Kinsey didn’t even bother with a reply, just raised her eyebrows and waited for Cassie to get started. “You better get comfortable because this will take a while.”

Cassie started from the beginning, telling her about the wreck, blackmailing Max, and the month they had together. She didn’t hold anything back. She cried as she talked of their lovemaking and the nights in his arms. She finished with the ugly scene in his office. Kinsey looked at her with her mouth hanging open. She stuttered for a moment before she was able to get any words out.

“I…I…For once I don’t know what to say,” she finally gasped. Cassie again laughed. It was so great to have her there.

“I told you it was a long story. I think the wreck caused a major concussion because there’s no other reason I would’ve put myself in that kind of position. I love him,” she finished on a sad sigh.

“I guess I can’t leave for other countries, anymore. I’m sorry you went through all this alone. I’m going to take you to my parents with me,” she immediately said. Cassie thought that sounded perfect. She loved Kinsey’s family. They were disgustingly like the Leave It To Beaver family or any number of other fifties shows. There was so much love in that household; Cassie didn’t even try to protest. She should’ve thought of going there sooner. She knew they’d take her in with open arms. That’s the kind of people they were.

“I need to talk to the paper tomorrow, and then I’m willing to leave whenever you are,” Cassie said.

“We’ll go there together and leave straight from there. Why don’t you pack a couple bags tonight,” Kinsey told her. Cassie gave her a quick hug, then let Kinsey jump in the shower and clean up from her long trip. She was grateful Kinsey had come straight to her. She needed to get out of town. She knew if she got the paper job, it wouldn’t be right away. She’d enjoy a vacation with her friend, thanks to the money she hadn’t wanted. It at least gave her time so she didn’t have to panic about taking the first job she could.

The next morning, Cassie dressed in one of her new outfits that Amy had helped her choose. She took extra time with her hair and make-up and as she looked in the mirror she felt confident. She’d managed to cover up the dark circles, and she looked like a woman with a purpose. She deserved her dream job and she was going to give it her all.

Just because things hadn’t worked out with Max on a personal level was no excuse to throw her life away. She’d started with a goal and she was closer than ever to achieving it. There was no way she’d throw it away.

She came into the living room to find Kinsey dressed in designer jeans and a bright pink sweater. Only she could get away with such bold colors. Kinsey was stunning with her long, dark hair, and brown eyes, so dark, they almost looked black. She’d always been stunning, but never used her looks to her advantage. She was comfortable with herself, and portrayed confidence to the world. It was just one more thing Cassie loved about her.

“Are you ready to take the world by storm?” Kinsey asked.

“I am,” Cassie said, gaining strength from her friend’s confidence in her.

“Let’s get going then. I want to reach mom’s house by dinner. She promised me her famous meatloaf,” Kinsey said, taking Cassie’s arm and practically dragging her from the apartment. They grabbed Cassie’s luggage, and loaded it in Kinsey’s car.

Cassie gripped the handle as Kinsey weaved through traffic like she was on the Indie 500 track. Cassie just hoped they made it to the newspaper office in one piece.

“Quit being so paranoid, I’m not going to kill you,” Kinsey told her with a laugh.

“That remains to be seen,” Cassie muttered. She wanted to get out and kiss the ground when they arrived safely. She took a few deep breaths and walked to the receptionist desk. The editor was out, so she left her article, name, and contact information, then quickly walked back to Kinsey’s car. They had a long drive, but she could go knowing she’d done all she could.

Chapter Twelve

Cassie dropped her bags on the couch and slumped into her favorite easy chair. She was tired after her long trip, but she felt a little better. How could she not after the boisterous visit with Kinsey and her family. They were loud, loving, and had managed to make her forget her troubles for a week.

Kinsey had wanted to come back and stay with her, to make sure she’d be okay, but she needed time with her family. They’d missed her just as much as Cassie had, and Kinsey would be back in the city soon enough.

The one good thing in the last week was the paper had called, and she had an interview Monday morning. They loved her article, told her she had great writing skills, and they wanted to run the story. She wasn’t giving it to them without a job, though.

She was trying to muster up the energy to move, when her doorbell rang. She glanced at the clock. It was getting close to midnight. She couldn’t imagine who’d be showing up. She reluctantly pulled herself from the easy chair and walked to the door.

She opened the door and was about to say hello, when she was left speechless. Max was filling out her entranceway, and the expression on his face wasn’t kind. As a matter of fact he looked downright furious. She couldn’t figure out what had happened to make him so angry. She hadn’t contacted him once. She’d walked away without bothering him or his family, so he had no reason to be angry with her.

Cassie felt her knees shake, and her stomach tighten at just the sight of him. Even though it had only been a week since she’d seen him last, it may as well have been a year. She found herself wanting to throw her arms around him, kiss those pursed lips, and beg him to love her. The power of her reaction to him had her staggering back a few steps. Seems a week apart hadn’t yet cured her of wanting his touch.

Max took advantage of her momentary shock and stepped through the door, slamming it shut behind him. Her hall had never seemed so small. She took a few more steps backward, trying to gain some much needed space between the two of them.

“Wh…what…why are you here?” she stuttered, furious with herself for allowing him to shake her confidence so much without even uttering a single word. She’d lectured herself for a week that he was all wrong for her. One sight of him and she was back to square one. She should be furious, not trembling with need.

“I was in the neighborhood,” he said, making her eyes go wide. There was no way he was simply passing through her neighborhood, and even if he was, there would be no need for him to drop by her house.