Blackmailing the Billionaire Page 24

“Y…you should have called first,” she said, trying to find the strength to put her mask in place. She didn’t want him to know how much he’d hurt her.

“Why? So, you’d have the chance to turn out all the lights and pretend not to be home? Where have you been, anyway?” he practically growled as he took a step toward her. She knew she should stand her ground, but she would fall apart if he made physical contact. His question finally registered and she found a bit of her anger.

“It’s none of your business where I’ve been. Plus, if you think I’d try and ignore you, then isn’t that a red flag that maybe you shouldn’t just drop by, unannounced,” she said, proud when her voice came out much stronger. If she stuttered one more time, she’d slap herself. She even managed to shoot him a decent glare.

“You seem to have all the answers, don’t you, Cassie? You get to decide when we’re together, and when we’re finished. You get to decide when it’s acceptable to see me, or not. You can just come in and analyze me all you want, but I’m not allowed one simple visit, or the courtesy of a response to a simple question?” he thundered at her.

“That’s not fair, Max. We had an agreement. I stuck to my end of it,” she said, retreating another step. The fury in his features was both frightening and exhilarating. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but their fights had led to some pretty intense moments before, and she couldn’t have that anymore. She couldn’t sleep with him again, and have the strength to say goodbye. She’d be shattered.

Max watched the mixture of fear, pain, and desire in her eyes, and had a hard time controlling himself. He didn’t know what he wanted more, to shake her, kiss her, or give her a good spanking. He hadn’t gotten her out of his mind since she’d left his office. He’d tried to leave the country and couldn’t force himself on the jet. The woman was consuming him. When he’d come to talk to her a few days earlier and she’d been gone, his first instinct had been to panic. Had she left? Where would she go? He’d drove by every night since, and had been close to hiring a private investigator if she hadn’t returned soon.

Never had he felt so much relief as when he’d seen her lights on that evening. But, seeing her standing before him, looking both tired and breathtaking was messing with his control. He wanted her in his arms. He wanted her to admit to him that she cared about him, not just her damn story. He wouldn’t beg her, though. He wanted to command the words from her.

His brother told him to quit being a fool, and just tell her how he felt. Trenton said he’d learned a lot from his own stupidity and to not be such a stubborn idiot, but Max was in the right. He hadn’t been the one to use her like she’d used him for a story. He knew he had to get answers before he left her apartment, though. As it was, his employees were avoiding him like he had the black plague. He knew he deserved their wariness, considering he was barking at everyone for no reason at all.

They continued looking at each other, his eyes filled with frustration and anger, hers filled with desire, fear, and uncertainty. The desire had his body hardening, and his hands clenching. He was close to saying the hell with it, and pulling her tight against him. He knew it was what they both wanted.

Max changed tactics and started stalking toward her. Her eyes widened and she took several more steps in retreat. His face changed from anger to a cocky smile, and he took his time, circling his prey.

“Maybe, I don’t want to stick to my end of the agreement. Maybe I wasn’t finished with what we had together. You got your story, but I feel like I came out on the losing end. I want more,” he purred. He was only a couple feet from her.

Cassie’s insides turned to lava as she looked into his smoldering eyes. She circled the couch. The room was small and there weren’t a lot of places for her to go. She knew that look in his eyes, it was hunger, pure and simple. She glanced down his body and saw the unreleased power rippling through him. He wanted to take her to bed. She wanted it too, but when morning came, she’d hate herself. She had to stay strong. She couldn’t stay with him just for sex, falling more and more in love with him each day.

“We both got what we needed. There were no losers,” she reasoned with him. She had to stay calm. Her only thought was don’t poke the bear. She almost started laughing hysterically. She was a complete wreck.

“Trust me, Cassie, I’d know if I got what I wanted. I didn’t. I don’t think you got everything you wanted, either. As a matter of fact, I think you still have a lot you want,” he said. He was right, so very right. She wanted so much more from him. She wanted his hands all over her, his lips caressing her overheated skin. She wanted his love. She wanted all of him. The thoughts made her want to break down and cry. She assured herself she’d do that as soon as he left.

She backed up until she felt her legs hit her chair and she fell into it in a very unladylike pose. She straightened herself quickly, glad she wasn’t wearing a dress. Max stepped closer, his impressive body looming over her. He leaned forward, placing his hands on the arms of her chair, effectively caging her in. She was afraid to even breathe.

“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, Max, but you need to stop. This is childish. Just say what you need to say, then leave,” she said, wishing there was more force behind her words. The slight squeak to her voice didn’t serve her cause like she wanted.

Max smiled at her. He was enjoying himself for the first time in a week. He loved her spunk, her fire. He loved that she was unafraid to challenge him. He loved her and he decided he wasn’t leaving until she admitted she loved him. There was no way she could’ve faked the look in her eyes when they were making love. She may have a wall up, but no different than the one he’d had up until she cleverly ripped it down.

She had her chin up, her eyes shooting sparks, and her body tense. She was gorgeous and he wouldn’t let her go. He needed her in his life. She’d always keep him humble. The thought made him smile, which caused her to glare. Oh, he felt alive. He could feel the arousal rushing through his body. It took every ounce of control he’d ever owned in his life to not close those few inches and capture her lips. He knew her anger would be turned to passion in seconds, and they could both be satisfied. Soon, he promised himself.

He wanted her, yes, but it was so much more than that. He didn’t want to wake another single moment without her by his side. He wanted their nights to be filled with passion and their days to be filled with romance, challenges, and love. He wanted a happily ever after. That thought caused him to laugh. It was a good thing his siblings couldn’t read his thoughts or he’d never live it down. Cassie looked like she was about to slap him.

“I’ve changed my mind, Cassie. You see, I was going to let you walk out of my life, and let us both be on our merry way,” he started, never breaking eye contact. “But, I realized that’s not what I really want. You don’t want that either. We belong together, and would be fools to let go of what we have. I think you care about me and I think your hiding your feelings behind your notebook,” he said. He knew he was putting it all out there, but he could read people, and what he read in her was more than greed for a story. She cared, he’d bet his life on it.

“I…I…don’t know what you want me to say,” she whispered. She knew he wanted more sex, but she needed more. She was losing her battle with the tears. Her eyes began to fill up. It was all his fault, he wasn’t giving her any room to breathe. She needed space so she could guard herself, so she could protect her heart.

“I want you to tell me the truth,” he demanded. He wanted to pull her in his arms, but if he touched her, they’d end up in bed. Satisfied, yes, physically, but he needed more.

“Fine, I care, okay. I liked being with you,” she told him as her tears fell. Damn him for making her vulnerable.

“You care? How do you care, Cassie? Do you care like I’m your brother? A distant cousin? Your lover?” he fired at her. He wasn’t going to stop until she bared her soul. She let the tears fall, let him see the pain. If that’s what it took to make him leave, then fine, she’d give it to him, because she couldn’t sit there with his face so close to her for much longer. She gripped the chair to keep her hands from encircling his neck. She looked him deep in the eyes and got ready to die inside when she watched the satisfaction form on his face, followed by him walking from her life forever.

“I love you, Max. Is that what you need to hear? Do you need to know you’re the most amazing lover in the universe? Well, it’s true. I love you so much that when you walk out that door, I don’t know how I’ll breathe again. I don’t know how or when it happened, but I started picturing every moment with you. I have dreamed about carrying your child. I love you so much that I don’t know how to face tomorrow, much less the many years of loneliness loving you entails,” she said on a sob.

Max felt as if he was the one who couldn’t breathe. He let her words wash over him and he was filled with a joy unlike anything he’d ever felt before. She loved him. She needed him. Everything was going to be fine. He smiled at her, not the arrogant smile he let the world see, but a smile filled with joy, longing, and so much more.

He lifted his hand, and tenderly wiped away her tears, only to have more continue to cascade down her cheeks. He lifted her up, and moved backward to the couch, where he cradled her in his arms. Her entire body shook with the force of her pain, pain he’d caused her. He ran his hands up her back, then cradled her head.

“I love you, too, Cassie. I don’t know when it happened, either, but I can’t stop thinking about you. The thought of waking up, even one more morning, without you is unbearable. I’m stubborn, irritating, bossy, and an ass a lot of the time, but I’m hoping you’ll overlook all that and say you will never leave me again,” he finally whispered, his mouth brushing along her slim neck. He couldn’t keep his hands or mouth away from her any longer.

As his words registered, she slowly moved her head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. Hers were rounded in shock and the tears stopped flowing. He could see she was trying to figure out if he was telling the truth.

“I want you to be my wife. I want to give you those children you’ve been dreaming about. I want a miniature Cassie running around the house, tugging on my heartstrings. I want every single night to end with you wrapped up tightly against my body. Put me out of my misery and tell me yes. I know it’s not romantic and I should at least be down on one knee, but I don’t want to let you go. Please, marry me, and make me the happiest man alive,” he pled with her.

Cassie stared into his eyes, so full of love for this man she’d battled with. There was no doubt she’d be his. Her heart filled once again as she got everything she could have ever hoped for. What fools they both had been. She hated to even think of the many tears she’d shed, when all it would have taken was a few spoken words, and she could’ve been in his arms so much sooner.