The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 16

“You really are a breath of fresh air for our family, Jennifer, and I’m grateful you’ve brought this all back to us,” he told her before letting go.

“I think we’ll have to send you to the other floors to make sure the entire building shines,” Joseph added. Jennifer’s eyes lit up at the thought. She didn’t know if he was serious or not, but she’d love to decorate the building.

“Just name the time and place and I’ll be there,” she told him eagerly.

“I think we could get the boss to let her off the rest of the week. Don’t you?” Joseph asked.

“I would count on it,” George said. She hoped she’d actually get to do it - it would be much better than sitting behind a desk all day. She appreciated her job, but it didn’t make her as excited as decorating did.

“I could work on the weekend if I can get a sitter for Molly,” she offered them, not wanting to anger Trenton by taking time off work.

“Weekend time is family time. We’d never expect you to work, then. There won’t be a problem with you decorating the building, we’ll take care of Trenton,” George said, as if reading her mind.

“Well, if you don’t think it’s a problem,” she said, still sounding unsure.

“We’re certainly sure,” Joseph added. The boys told her to meet them in the department store so they could get the decorations she’d need, and then they headed out. She finished the work she thought would need to be completed and decided she’d just make sure to swing by the offices at least a few hours during the day so nothing went undone.

With all her work done, Jennifer headed home. She entered her empty apartment and missed Molly. It was amazing to her how she’d grown so attached to her beautiful niece in such a short amount of time. She looked forward to the end of her day when she’d get to spend the entire evening with her.

She loved the hugs and kisses Molly gave her. Most of all she loved that her niece finally seemed healed as well as any child losing a parent can be. They were making a real home for themselves.

She went to sleep, excited to decorate the office building and looking forward to Molly coming home. She had Christmas Carols running through her mind.


Trenton stepped out of the elevator and a gasp escaped his lips. He looked around at the red and green decorations and stood silently as he also realized Carols were playing over the speakers. The offices looked as if Santa had set up his workshop right there.

He slowly walked around the offices, noticing there wasn’t a single area not touched, whether it was with lights, mistletoe, garland, or bells. Decorations were everywhere. He walked into his office and turned on his computer.

He found the memo he’d sent out and re-read it. He thought to himself his employees obviously couldn’t read because the memo specifically stated he didn’t want Christmas Decorations all over.

Trenton was getting ready to rush out his door, call a meeting, and fire whoever had dared come up with the idea to ignore his memo. He stood up, walking toward the door, when it was pushed open and his father and uncle walked in.

“You’re here nice and early, boy,” his dad said.

“I have a lot of work to do, Dad. This really isn’t a good time.”

“Oh, there’s always time for family. We came up to tell you we snatched your beautiful assistant to decorate the building, since she did such a great job, here,” Joseph said.

Trenton’s head snapped up as he gaped from his father to his uncle. He should’ve known Jennifer was the one responsible for his headache. She was always the one who seemed to push him to his limits. They were certainly going to have a few words together.

“Where is she, now?” Trenton asked through his teeth. He didn’t see the look his father and uncle gave one another.

“We are meeting her down in the store,” George said.

“Did you not think to ask me if I could spare her?” he said deceptively quiet. The two men looked at him quizzically, as if they couldn’t figure out why he’d ask such a thing. He had to count to twenty in his head before he could say anything more.

They’d been back from Vienna for a couple of weeks and it had been taking all of his well-honed self-control to stay away from her. She hadn’t brought up the trip or their seemingly unquenchable desire for each other once, and he found he was irritated by it.

He didn’t want some clinging, nagging woman hanging all over him, but she could at least show some desire for him. He certainly hadn’t lost any of his passion toward her. She walked in a room and his body responded instantly. He hadn’t made any moves on her because he was trying to get himself under control, but that was quickly going out the window. She was certainly not caving in and he couldn’t hold out much longer. The Austria trip hadn’t done what it was supposed to, get her out of his system.

“Well, she did such a great job up here, we wanted her to decorate the entire place,” Joseph said, looking puzzled by his nephews ill temper.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Joseph, you’re right, she did a great job and I don’t mind you borrowing her. Please only take her for half the day, though, as work needs to get done up here as well,” he said through clenched teeth.

His uncle apparently didn’t notice there was anything wrong. He clapped him on the back and took off with his father. Trenton sat at his desk, fuming with anger, because the old men had once again gotten their way, and not only that, but taken his assistant, too. He wanted to hunt her down, but knew it wouldn’t be a good idea in his current mood.

After lunch, she came strolling into the office, wearing a freaking holiday shirt and grinning. There was a piece of tinsel stuck in her hair, she seemed unaware of, and he forced himself to stay in his seat. He wanted to pull her close to him and mark his territory. He was going to have to do something and soon, before he exploded.

“Don’t you think you should’ve talked to me before taking on another job?” he asked, amazed at how calm his voice sounded. Her smile fell away.

“I was told you were fine with this,” she said a bit uneasily.

“I had no choice but to be okay with it, with both my father and uncle being who took you away from your work,” he practically growled.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Anderson, I can tell them I can’t finish,” she said and his temper went through the roof. There he was, sitting with a raging erection, wanting her more than any other woman, ever, and she was daring to call him by his last name. He shot out of his chair so fast it went flying across the room, which left her staring at him in shock and a bit of fear.

She immediately retreated, making a dash for the door. She knew when to stay and fight, and when to retreat. He grabbed her, dragging her back over to his desk and glared at her, causing a tremor to shiver down her spine.

“Be silent,” he threatened and she didn’t dare defy him. He punched his button to his secretary, who picked up immediately. “Tell everyone to go home. I don’t care what they’re working on, the day is over, you can all count it as a vacation bonus,” he said, and broke the connection.

Jennifer was shocked and a bit scared at his words. He dragged her over to the door, locked it and then drug her to the couch, where he pushed her down, panting heavily. She was stunned by his behavior. She’d certainly seen him angry before, but he was so controlled, with a fire blazing in his eyes.

“I’ve warned you to stop calling me by my last name,” was all he said before dropping to the couch and making her forget all about the distance between them for the last couple of weeks.

She didn’t even consider fighting him as he took her into his arms. Shock was quickly consumed by burning passion. He was glorious in his temper, and she’d missed the feel of his body pressed closely to hers. She missed the feel of his thick shaft sinking in and out of her. She missed them touching, with no barriers between them.

He stripped her clothes, and then his, in record time, and stretched his body over hers, his skin hot, and glistening in the low office light. He was magnificent. He brought his lips to hers, pushing his tongue around the contours of her mouth, making her cry out in pleasure. His hands roamed every inch of her skin, taking their time in her most intimate areas.

He sucked her peaked nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hard, pink surface, causing her to groan as she gripped his head tightly to her breast. He moved his tongue and she whimpered in frustration. He glanced up at her, his eyes shining with unconcealed heat. He trailed his tongue between the sensitive valley of her breasts, causing her skin to quiver.

His mouth trailed lower, spending a lot of time on the soft surface of her belly, causing her most sensitive spot to throb with wetness. She was ready for him. Two weeks may as well be two years. She was addicted to him, no matter how hard she tried to deny it. He brought her pleasure she couldn’t even fathom receiving from another.

He moved his mouth down her thighs, licking and nipping on the inside. His lips trailed around her core, coming close, but not touching her where she wanted him to most. She wanted to yell in her frustration. She grabbed his head, trying to guide him, not even caring how bold she became in his arms. She needed him to relieve the pressure as only he could.

“Please, Trenton, please,” she begged, on a shaking breath of air. Finally, he swiped his tongue along her hot folds, causing her to shake from the pleasure of it. He kissed her intimately, taking her mind and body to a whole other level. He swirled his tongue along her heat, swiping his tongue up and down her silken folds. She tensed as he swiped his tongue across her nub, sending her over the edge in a heart-stopping orgasm. He softly flicked his tongue out, prolonging her pleasure, before he nibbled his way back up her body.

He pressed their slick bodies together, her nipples aching as they rubbed against his hard chest. She barely had the energy to wrap her arms around his neck, holding him closely to her. She looked into his eyes with a satisfied expression in her own. She smiled at him, full of joy. He bent down slowly, nibbling on her lips, swiping his tongue across her lips. She could kiss him like that every single day.

He lifted her hip, and slid effortlessly into her waiting heat. She was more than ready for him. He stopped, while deep inside her, letting the pleasure of them coming together, once more, engulf his system. They fit together, perfectly. He couldn’t ever remember being happier. She jerked her hips up and he was done playing. He moved quickly in and out of her, seeking his own pleasure.

It didn’t take Jennifer long for her body to throb once more, and they fell apart together as he released his long awaited seed deep inside her. She sunk into the couch, still gripping him tightly, afraid to let go, afraid of the intimate moment ending. He turned them so she was cradled in his arms, and his hands stroked up and down her back, luring her into a deep sense of security. They napped for an unknown length of time, and she was awoken by his roving hands.

He loved her several times on the couch and she responded in a way that showed her the distance she thought she’d created had been in her mind only.