The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 17

After they were both sated, fully, and began to dress, Jennifer stood up, unsure of what to say or do. She’d thoroughly enjoyed the lovemaking and certainly couldn’t complain, but she felt like a person must after a one night stand. She was so unsure what she should do next.

“My Uncle is having his annual Christmas Party this weekend. You’ll come with me,” he said, finally making eye contact. It was a command, not an invitation. She narrowed her eyes. He couldn’t seem to quit bossing her around.

“Maybe I already have plans,” she bluffed. He stared her down, and she finally broke the eye contact. She could feel his eyes drilling into her and was desperately trying to think of an excuse to get out of the party, but she did like his family and she’d enjoy a party at the famous Anderson Mansion she’d heard so much about.

“I’ll send a car for both you and Molly, dress formally,” he said, ignoring her other statement. Since he was allowing Molly to come she decided to go. She knew her niece would have a good time. She was a bit worried about what to wear, though.

She’d brought him back the dress he’d given her in Vienna and left it in his office after they returned. When he got back and found it, he’d flipped and told her she either take the dress back or he’d personally strip her and put it on her himself. She’d decided it was better to just keep it, but had vowed never to wear it again.

Well, she did own the dang thing and it would be appropriate for the party, so she guessed she could cave in on that issue and wear it once more. She absolutely refused to wear the jewelry, though. He may not take the pieces back but she had them hidden under a loose floor board in her home, terrified of someone robbing the expensive pieces. She was determined to get them back to him at some point, when she wouldn’t have to deal with the aftermath of his anger.

She left the office without saying another word. She knew it wouldn’t do her any good and what was the point, anyway? They both knew she’d lost their little battle so she may as well walk out with her head high.

Jennifer went home and told Molly about the party, which had her niece ecstatic for the rest of the week. Her week also passed pleasantly. She got the entire building decorated, with a lot of extra help from other employees and felt joy when she walked in each day, listening to the Christmas Carols coming over the speakers.

The party snuck up on her before she knew it and she took her time getting ready. As she slipped the beautiful dress back on, she was amazed at how pretty it made her feel. She supposed the saying about clothes making the person had some merit, because she felt good in the gorgeous dress and stunning heals.

Molly looked adorable in the dress Jennifer bought her. It was a pretty blue color because her niece had insisted they have matching dresses. There was no way Jennifer would put her niece in a gown like the one she had on, but she’d found a similar color, satisfying Molly. She’d also been able to find sparkly shoes her niece instantly loved.

By the time the car came to pick them up, her nerves were stretched thin and she was unbelievably anxious. She was relieved when Trenton wasn’t in the vehicle. It gave her extra time to compose herself before she had to face him.

Trenton was beyond irritated by the time he finally arrived at the party. He’d gotten held up with business and was over an hour late. He’d wanted to ride to the party with Jennifer, and wasn’t happy about missing part of the evening in her company. He was finding more and more that he needed to be around her. He was learning to accept the fact.

He stepped into his uncle’s large mansion and immediately went on a search to find her. He spotted her niece, Molly, without trouble, sitting with his cousins’ children and Santa. Molly was receiving a lot of presents. Trenton had to smile, as his uncle certainly went overboard when it came to his grandkids, and if there were any extra children in the mix, the old man figured, the more the merrier. All of the children were getting gift after gift and were squealing in delight.

He searched the room for Jennifer and couldn’t seem to spot her in the large crowd. He was about to go searching somewhere else when he heard her laugh and turned in that direction. He could pick her out of a crowd anytime, and as a sea of people parted and he finally spotted her, he felt a tight fist of jealousy knot deep inside him and for the first time in his life, he wanted to rip his brother’s head from his shoulders.

He began stalking toward the two of them, who were as yet unaware of him, and there was murder in his eyes. He logically knew his brothers would never poach on his woman but he hadn’t staked his claim on her yet, so as far as they knew she was available. He was about to make it more than clear she was indeed not available.

“Good evening, beautiful,” he stated and took her in his arms, in front of everyone, and kissed her with so much hunger, she forgot where they were. Her arms wrapped around his neck drawing him closer and she moved her hips against his straining erection pushing against her stomach.

As suddenly as it started, Trenton pulled back, and she whimpered in her sexual haze, trying to draw him back to her. He was staring into her clouded eyes with a look of frustration on his face and she finally noticed the soft chuckle.

Jennifer looked in horror at the laughing face of George and she felt immediate heat suffuse her cheeks. She buried her head into Trenton’s neck for a moment, trying to get herself together. She’d never kissed a man like that in a crowded room.

She heard conversations around her and braved another look. She wasn’t reassured by the glances still coming their way.

“I guess someone just staked their claim,” Max said with his brows raised.

“Damn right,” Trenton said, not even trying to deny it in front of her.

“Excuse me, please,” Jennifer said, pulling away from him and disappearing from the room. She found the bathroom and locked herself in. She didn’t know which emotion she was feeling more at the moment, anger or embarrassment.

She was infuriated Trenton would decide it was his right to claim her, and then proceed to embarrass her in front of his family like that. They most likely thought she was a money hungry tart, which is what she always thought of women who slept with their bosses.

She wished she hadn’t worn the sexy dress, feeling far too much skin was showing. She rinsed her face, reapplied her light make-up, then squared her shoulders, and walked back out. She would’ve loved to slip away but she couldn’t do that to Molly, who was having a wonderful time.

She found no one was acting any differently toward her from how they’d been before the kiss so she started to relax, but she certainly avoided Trenton, though she felt his eyes on her no matter where she was. She’d certainly have words with him later about his high handed behavior but she wanted to enjoy herself at the Christmas party.

Trenton watched Jennifer, wanting more than anything to drag her from the room and straight to his bed. He normally just took whatever he wanted, when he wanted it, but his family would skin him alive if he tried to drag her from the room and it wasn’t worth the fight, so he dealt with his frustration and even found himself having a good time as the evening progressed.

He’d been away from his cousins and siblings for a long time, and it felt good to be in their presence. He found himself laughing and giving as good as he got, but no matter who he was speaking to, or where he was, he knew where Jennifer was. He found he didn’t even do it consciously, he just sought her out.

The night flew by for Jennifer and before she knew it, she found herself yawning and reluctantly deciding she should get Molly home. Her niece had a wonderful time, but now it was time for bed. She found Joseph and Katherine, thanked them for a wonderful evening and then found Molly sleeping on the floor with a bunch of other children.

She smiled down at her tiny body, lying there with her friends. The Anderson family had been so great for her vulnerable niece.

“Let me carry her for you,” she heard Trenton say, causing her to jump. She hadn’t realized he’d followed her into the family room.

“I’d appreciate that. She may be small, but in her sleep she can get pretty heavy,” she accepted. He easily bent down and scooped Molly into his arms, as if she weighed nothing at all. The sight of Molly’s head lying against his masculine chest brought tears to her eyes. Her poor niece had lost both her mother and father and so deserved to have parents to love her. She’d do anything to give her niece all the love she deserved.

Jennifer walked outside with Trenton, enjoying the cool evening air touching her heated face. She realized she’d drank one too many glasses of champagne throughout the night and the breeze felt good. She also forgot she’d been picked up for the party and didn’t have her car.

“I’m going to call a cab,” she told Trenton, who didn’t slow down. “Where are you going?” she asked, as she trudged along after him.

“I’ll give you a ride home,” he told her.

“That’s not necessary, I can get a cab,” she tried again, not sure she could handle the ride home with him. Her hormones were all over the place and she was at an all-time low in resistance levels.

“Deal with it,” he stated and then he was buckling Molly in the backseat. Her niece was so exhausted she didn’t budge an inch with all the movement. He opened the passenger door and manhandled Jennifer into the seat. She sat there pouting but unable to move, considering her niece was in the back.

He drove them through the deserted streets and it seemed like the drive took twice as long with the nervous tension filling up the car. She sighed her relief as they pulled up to her apartment. She immediately scrambled out of the car, planning on retrieving Molly and rushing inside. Trenton had other plans, though, and beat her to Molly’s door.

“I have her,” was all he said, so she sulked up to her front door and was mad when it took her shaking fingers three tries before she was able to get the door unlocked. “Where is her room?” he asked. She pointed down the short hallway and then headed to her kitchen. Waking up in the morning with a hangover wasn’t an option, so she started a strong pot of coffee brewing and waited at the counter.

“She didn’t budge when I laid her down,” Trenton said, startling her. She hadn’t heard him come back to the kitchen. “I could use a cup of coffee,” he prodded her, since she didn’t seem willing to offer him one.

“Okay, but I’m really tired, so…” she let her words trail off at his look. It seemed he didn’t like being booted out of her house. He accepted the cup, leaning on the counter, only a few feet away from her. Her entire body was aware of his presence in the room. They hadn’t been alone since that day in his office and she felt the sensations rushing through her, needing his touch in ways that angered her.

“Invite me to stay,” he whispered to her seductively, leaving her trembling.

“That’s not a good idea,” she said, gripping the counter in her efforts to not reach out for him.

“Our entire relationship hasn’t been a good idea,” he told her and swiftly moved toward her, his intentions clear in his beautiful eyes. She tried to sidestep him, but it was useless in the small space.