The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 22

The two men gave a genuine hug, feeling the pain begin to fade and it was again like things were when his mother was still alive. Trenton felt complete

“I need to talk to Jennifer,” he said and jogged into the house. He couldn’t wait even one minute more to hold his wife in his arms. He needed to shout his love to the ends of the world and he needed her forgiveness for the way he’d held back from her, because nothing else mattered if she wasn’t by his side. He’d been so afraid of opening his heart, he’d almost passed on the greatest relationship he could possibly be in. He loved her, she gave him something he didn’t even know he’d needed until she was a part of his life.

He quickly scaled the stairs and found her in Molly’s room. She must’ve been exhausted from her day, because she was sound asleep and Jennifer was rubbing her head, staring down at her. He walked over to both of them and rubbed along Jennifer’s back.

“She was tired so I gave her a bath. There’s not a single bruise on her, thank goodness. I laid her down and she was out instantly. I haven’t been able to leave her side, though,” she said.

“She’ll be fine, now. Come with me, I want to talk,” he spoke softly. She looked up, startled by the tone of his voice and then reluctantly rose from the bed and followed him over to their room.

“What is it?” she asked nervously. She was afraid her declaration of love may have scared him.

“Jennifer, today has been the worst day of my life. I’ve never been so scared. You and Molly have become such an important part of my life, and I can’t imagine being without both of you,” he started, and her worried frown disappeared.

“We feel the same,” she told him cautiously, not sure where the conversation was leading.

“I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted with you. I’ve guarded myself for so long I haven’t known any other way, but the thought of losing Molly today woke me up. I love her and would love to adopt her, making her my official daughter. I also love you Jennifer, and want to make this marriage a real thing,” he said, watching her face. It took her a few moments to understand what he was saying and then she surprised him, by leaping into his arms.

“Yes, Trenton! Yes, a million times over. I love you so much and I want this to be about us and nothing else,” she cried, filled with joy.

“I also want about twenty more little Molly’s running around,” he said with a huge grin. Her eyes widened at his words and her heart burst to overflowing.

“I don’t know about twenty, but I think I could manage one more in about seven months,” she said and waited for her words to sink in. His eyes grew large and then he surprised her by dropping to his knees and grabbing the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up to look at her still flat stomach. “It’s too soon for me to be showing yet,” she added with a giggle.

“You really are pregnant?” he asked her with hope shinning in his eyes.

“I haven’t taken a test, yet, but I’ve missed my last two cycles, and I’ve had horrible morning sickness.”

“Thank you, Jennifer. You’ve given me so much more than I could have ever imagined I would even want. I love you and I’ll protect you the rest of your life,” he promised. He kissed her stomach reverently, causing the tears to spill from her eyes. She was filled with more joy than she ever thought could be possible. They made slow, sweet love and made the family wait on them for quite a while. None of them minded one little bit.


“We have done really well,” George said quietly, as he held his tiny granddaughter in his arms. She was only two weeks old and the most precious thing in his life. “I can’t believe I have two beautiful granddaughters in only a year’s time,” he said with awe.

“Well, us Andersons have never been known to do anything by half measures,” Joseph said, holding one of his own grandkids. Both men would be extremely happy to have a child in their arms daily for the rest of their lives.

“Jennifer’s such a wonderful woman and she loves Trenton so much. Since she’s come into his life, I see my boy happy and filled with life once again,” George said. He’d grown close to his daughter-in-law. She was a true ray of sunshine.

“Grandpa, it’s time for dinner,” Molly said, as she ran into the room. “Dad says they’re going to eat everything if you don’t hurry,” she finished.

Jennifer and Trenton had officially adopted Molly and she’d started calling them mom and dad one day. They hadn’t made a big deal out of it but George saw the joy in both of their faces that Molly loved them so much.

“Okay, baby girl, we’re coming,” he reassured her. She ran off ahead of them. The two brothers walked into the huge dining room, where their family was surrounding a huge table. There was laughter throughout the room and the men took in their family with a sense of joy and peace, unlike anything else they’d ever achieved in their many years.

“No amount of money can replace a great family,” Joseph said.

“Agreed,” George said, patting his brother on the back. “Thank you for bringing us together, again.

“So, who’s next?” Joseph asked with glee. He couldn’t wait to get started on the next kid.

“I’m thinking it’s time for Max to settle down. He’s certainly been coming around more since we moved, but we still haven’t gotten back to where we once were, and I think a good woman would fix things,” George answered.

“Well then, we’ll have to figure out a plan after diner,” Joseph said. As if Max knew they were talking about him he looked up and gave them a suspicious look. The kids were getting slightly suspicious since they were all falling so quickly. If they could confirm their suspicions, the two men would be in serious trouble.

“Let’s enjoy a great meal,” George said and then the two men joined their family.