The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 21

He was amazing with Molly, but that didn’t mean he wanted to have his own kids, with a woman he didn’t love. She knew he cared about her in his own way because when he made love, he was passionate and loving but he never said the words and he was distant during the days.

She laid her head between her legs for a few moments, trying to get the nausea under control. She finally started to feel a bit better, grateful she wasn’t going to throw up in front of the people around her. She looked over to the swings and didn’t spot Molly. She looked around, not concerned at first, until she couldn’t spot her anywhere.

She jumped from the bench, calling out her name, looking over every square inch of the park and still not finding her. Soon, other parents joined in on her search and after about ten minutes she knew there was something desperately wrong. She immediately called the police and then Trenton, but never stopped looking.

Trenton arrived just as quickly as the police and after she explained the last area she’d seen Molly, Trenton pulled her into his arms. She finally allowed herself to break down and sobbed in his arms, terrified beyond anything she’d ever felt before.

“I don’t know what could’ve happened. I looked away for only a moment and then she was just gone,” she told him, sobbing uncontrollably.

“We’ll find her, it will be okay,” he said soothingly, as he tried to comfort her. She was beyond being able to be comforted, though. She’d already lost her sister, she couldn’t lose her niece, too.

“We have to find her, I can’t believe I let something happen to her,” she continued to sob.

“This isn’t your fault,” he told her, lifting her face to his so she had no choice but to look into his eyes. She could barely make eye contact she felt so much guilt and misery. She didn’t answer him because there was no one else responsible but her and she’d messed up. She’d let her niece out of her sight.

“Mrs. Anderson, she’s not at the park. A couple of parents said they saw a strange man hanging around the park area and were able to give us a description. We think it’s a kidnapping and the best thing for you to do is go immediately home and wait by the phone. We’re going to send the FBI over to put a trace on your phone, but we think someone recognized you and they’ll demand a ransom,” the officer told her.

Jennifer looked right through him, the terror overwhelming her. She couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to kidnap Molly. There was no need, Jennifer was a nobody, with nothing to give. She couldn’t even put the pieces together that she was married to a very powerful man and there’d be people who’d want to attack her because of that. Her brain finally shut down and she sunk into blackness as her body refused to face reality anymore.

Trenton swore as he caught Jennifer in his arms. He couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid as to not have assigned security to both her and Molly. He knew with his amount of money there were always people who resented him and would take from him if they got the opportunity. He had a wife and child to think about and couldn’t believe he’d allowed Molly to possibly be harmed.

He lifted Jennifer into his arms, carrying her to his car and drove quickly back to the house and carried her inside. She was starting to stir again as he laid her down on the couch and immediately placed a rag on her forehead.

“Molly,” she said hopefully, hoping for a moment it was nothing more than a bad dream.

“We’ll hear soon,” he told her and felt physical pain as he saw the terror enter her eyes again. He wished he would’ve been able to tell her everything was okay. He wished he could make it all go away and have the two most important females in his life be safe.

The officer was right, because they barely got the phone system set up when a call came in. Jennifer sat on the couch, shivering, caving in on herself, with silent tears streaming down her cheeks. Trenton wanted to fall apart himself. He was so scared something would happen to Molly, but he knew one of them had to stay strong and keep their head. He also knew Jennifer loved Molly more than her own life and was dealing with her terror by withdrawing. It was the only way she could survive the ordeal.

“Just answer the phone, stay calm, ask as many questions as you can without angering the kidnapper, and give them whatever they want. Her life is worth more than any amount of money,” the agent told him seconds before he picked up the phone.

“I understand,” Trenton told him and then picked up the phone with a slight tremor to his own hand. He couldn’t mess up the phone call. He’d do whatever it took to get her back. He picked up the phone and spoke a curt hello into the piece.

“Trenton Anderson?”

“Yes,” he answered.

“I have Molly with me and for now she’s safe, but if you don’t do exactly what I say, then you’ll be the one responsible for her death. Do I make myself clear?” the caller asked.

“I understand,” Trenton said, having to control his rage. He heard the front door open and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of his father, siblings and cousins. His entire family had arrived to support him and Jennifer.

He watched his cousins’ spouses immediately go over to the couch and surround Jennifer, pulling her into their arms and letting her cry on their shoulders. The women sat there crying together, while his family circled him, showing a wall of support that nearly brought him to his knees.

“I’m glad you’re not a stupid man. I want two million dollars in unmarked bills, non-consecutive numbers,” the man started. He gave dropping instructions, and a timeline for delivery. “If you do as I ask, you’ll be with Molly by the end of the evening, if not then you’ll be attending her funeral,” the man sneered. Trenton wanted to rip the man limb from limb and was amazed he was able to keep his voice calm.

Trenton hung up the phone and felt his father’s hand on his shoulder. He was amazed at the comfort he felt from the simple gesture. He hung his head and took a few deep breaths, trying to control his rage. He explained everything to his family. He looked over at Jennifer, who had her eyes on him, seeming more alert, but still filled with terror.

He walked over to the couch, needing to hold Jennifer in his arms. He didn’t say a word, just sat down next to her and pulled her onto his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder and he ran his hands through her hair, both of them comforting each other.

“Please bring her back,” she finally whispered, making his heart ache with the trust she placed upon him.

“I will,” he promised and vowed to himself it would be one promise he’d make sure to follow through on, no matter what it took.

His father secured the money and then he was soon leaving the house, praying when he walked back in those doors it would be with Molly. He was terrified, not for himself but that he’d fail. He could care less about the money, it meant nothing to him. He only wanted Molly home. When she was, he and Jennifer needed to sit down together, because if he’d learned anything about the experience, it was Jennifer and Molly were his family now and he couldn’t live without them, not even one more day.

He followed the instructions the kidnapper set and soon was waiting in the designated spot, holding a bag filled with two million dollars. A child approached him and handed him a note saying to hand the bag over and walk down to the coffee shop a block away. He did as the note said and quickly made his way to the shop.

He walked in the doors and there at a back table was Molly, sitting by herself, drinking a glass of hot chocolate. He rushed to the table and pulled her into his arms.

“Uncle Trenton, you’re late,” she said as she took another sip from her cup.

“I’m sorry,” he told her, while taking his phone out and calling the agent, letting them know he had Molly and they could go after the kidnapper. He didn’t even care what happened at that point. He just wanted to get Molly home, back into Jennifer’s arms.

“That’s okay, the man said to wait here for you,” she told him and he was relieved she seemed to not realize what had happened. He wanted to ask her questions but he decided to just get her home and then go from there. He wouldn’t feel completely safe until she was under his roof once more.

“Let’s go home. Aunt Jennifer needs to see you,” he said, his voice coming out choked, she thankfully didn’t notice.

He walked to his car and drove back to the house. As he walked through the doors with Molly in his arms, the room exploded into action. Jennifer looked up, with her tear stained face breaking out in a huge grin. She jumped from the couch and pulled Molly into her arms and Trenton was never more thankful in his life to have been able to keep a promise.

She looked over Molly’s head, her eyes connecting with his and gave him a completely unguarded smile and he couldn’t resist pulling them both into his arms. He vowed to always keep them safe.

“Thank you, Trenton. Thank you so much, I love you,” she sobbed, which shook him to his very core. She’d never spoken those words, before. He knew she was vulnerable at that moment but he knew it was right. He knew they were going to be okay. He kissed her gently, wanting to feel her soft lips beneath his own, wanting to make sure the moment was real. Molly giggled, breaking their spell and he kissed her on the nose, which caused her to giggle even more.

“I need to talk to my family and then we’ll have a big dinner to celebrate,” he told Jennifer, kissing her again. She smiled at him and took Molly upstairs, he was sure to bathe her and check every square inch of her body. He headed over to his father, needing to speak to him.

Just as he was about to pull him aside, there was a knock on the door and the agent he’d called stepped inside with a huge smile on his face.

“We caught the guy. The idiot was in a rundown vehicle that wouldn’t start so he was still in the area. He was barely older than a teenager and trying to make some easy money. The good news is I don’t think he had any desire to hurt the child, but he will still be locked up for a very long time and your family has nothing to worry about,” the agent said.

“Thank you for your hard work. I’ll let my wife know,” Trenton said, shaking the man’s hand. He left them and Trenton pulled his father aside, needing to talk to him. They took a walk outside and as if his father knew he needed to gather his thoughts, he walked silently next to him.

“Dad, I’ve been really unfair to you. When we lost mom, I couldn’t cope with the pain, so I withdrew from the world, including you. I knew it wasn’t your fault but you were my father and I did blame you, and I’m sorry. I never thought about the pain you must’ve been experiencing, but now with Jennifer in my life, I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose the love of your life. I’m sorry for pulling away, and I’m sorry for the pain you must still live with today,” Trenton told his father.

“I love you, Trenton. Those words mean more to me than you could ever imagine. I also withdrew from everyone, just trying to figure out life without your mother. I loved her more than anything in this world. She was my rock, and the glue holding us together, but I think we’re on the mend. I think we’re still the family we’ve always been. We just got lost for a while,” George said.