The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 3

“I’m fine - I’m just glad you didn’t hit any of the children,” she stated and turned away acting as if he wasn’t there.

Trenton stared at the back of the striking, dark-haired stranger in a bit of shock. He was certainly used to the appraising look she’d given him, but not the suddenly dismissive attitude that followed. He was also not used to the immediate attraction he felt toward her. She was not his typical type.

She couldn’t have been much over five feet in height, and her dark brown hair and stunning green eyes were the opposite of the long-legged blondes with bigger chests than brains he normally went for. He could play with them and then walk away without anyone getting hurt over it.

He never picked up a woman in the park, as they were the commitment, till-death-do-us-part type and he would never take a trip down the aisle. He should count his blessings she was clearly not interested in him, but he’d hurt her, and couldn’t leave until he knew she’d be okay.

“Let me see your neck, okay?” he asked, as he bent next to her and moved her hair out of his way. He was relieved to only see a small cut, nothing needing stitches. He was shocked the feel of her hair was like silk and he suddenly had images of it spread out on his pillow.

Jennifer sucked in another breath as his hand touched her skin. She about jumped out of the seat at the small movement of his fingers brushing against her neck. She passed it off as being overly tired.

“I’m fine, really,” she said, needing him to remove his hands, since it was doing funny things to her stomach. She didn’t have time for a man in her life, but if she did it wouldn’t be with a man like the guy before her. It would be with a regular king of guy who didn’t stop women in their tracks.

“Wow, Trenton, you’re only in town for a day and you’re already attacking unsuspecting women,” another guy said as he jogged up to them. Jennifer glanced at him and then her head whipped back around as she realized it was Lucas Anderson. She’d never seen him wearing anything but an expensive, tailored suit, and she could see why his wife was head-over-heels for him. Lucas was stunning, but while the man, Trenton, she guessed, made her stomach stir, Lucas did nothing physical for her. She figured it was because she knew he was married - plus she’d met his wife, who was a really sweet woman.

“Well, you know how it is, any excuse to meet a sexy lady,” Trenton answered and Jennifer felt her mouth drop open. No one ever referred to her as sexy, and she hated to admit his words made her glow a bit.

“You look familiar, and before you think that’s some cheesy line, it’s not. You really do look familiar,” Lucas said. She had to clear her throat before she was able to speak clearly.

“I work for you, Mr. Anderson, or well I did until my promotion today. My name is Jennifer,” she finally responded.

“That’s right, I’m sorry. I’m so used to seeing everyone in the offices that out in a park setting throws me off,” he told her with a heart-stopping grin.

“No problem, it took me a moment to recognize you, as well,” she said with a genuine smile. He was an easy man to talk to, making her feel comfortable, unlike his companion.

“Hey, quit flirting - you’re a married man,” Trenton growled at Lucas. Jennifer felt her face flame in embarrassment.

“I…I wasn’t flirting. I think your wife is wonderful,” she stammered and sent a glare toward Trenton.

“Ignore him, Jennifer. He’s just jealous because you obviously have better taste than to talk to an ogre like him,” Lucas said with the same friendly smile. She was thankful for his words, because her embarrassment eased.

“Whatever, Lucas. You’re lucky you’re a married man, or I’d prove to you later all the ladies wouldn’t even know you existed when we walked into a room together,” Trenton said.

Jennifer watched the two of them rib each other and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt all the women in any room would be tripping over themselves to get to either of them. She was grateful she was too busy for relationships or she may have stood in line with them.

“I am sorry about hitting you with the Frisbee. Why don’t you give me your number so I can call and make sure you’re okay, later,” Trenton said with the most seductive smile she’d ever witnessed. She had to call on some will-power to deny him.

“I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ve to leave, so you both have a great time,” she said, blowing him off. She got up and walked to the other side of the playground, collected her niece, and quickly departed. She was angry with the heat she felt in her cheeks, and the way he’d made her stomach quiver. She had zero time for men and though a part of her wished she could’ve flirted back, she knew she’d done the right thing. Besides, she’d never see him again, anyway.

Trenton watched her walk away in a bit of shock. He’d never before been turned down by a female. He wasn’t sure he liked the feeling. He usually had women stuffing their numbers in any available pocket he had, and yet the little spit-fire of a woman he found both breathtaking and irritating at the same time, completely ignored him and walked away without so much as a backward glance.

“Oh, you just got burned badly, Cousin. I guess Seattle women have better taste than those in Chicago.”

“She has me intrigued. I’d have to chase her down, but luckily she works for your company so I’ll be able to find her,” Trenton said, relishing her reaction when he did come in contact with her again.

“She said she was promoted and no longer worked for me. Heck, we didn’t get her last name to even be able to find her,” Lucas said.

“Oh, I’ll find her alright. It’s been a long time since a woman has peaked my interest like that,” Trenton said. Lucas looked at his cousin with a huge grin. He knew that look well, as he and his brothers had all fought tooth and nail to hold onto their bachelorhood, only to end up chasing down their wives. His cousin was on the prowl, and Lucas almost felt sympathy for the mysterious Jennifer.

“Okay, well enough mooning over the girl, we’re supposed to be having fun. You have to be back to work soon enough and we haven’t spent nearly enough time together the last several years,” Lucas told him. Trenton agreed, and they got back into their game. But the mysterious Jennifer stayed on his mind and Lucas kicked his butt all over the field. He was grateful when his brother Max showed up to help him out.

Chapter Two

Jennifer was filled with nervous excitement as she rode the elevator to the twenty-fourth floor. She had loved the week off with her niece. It had been good for both of them. Molly was finally figuring out Jennifer wasn’t going to leave her. They had looked through family albums for the first time since her mom and dad passed, and Molly looked at them with smiles, instead of tears.

They were making good progress and Jennifer knew before long they’d help each other heal. She’d forever miss her sister, just as she knew Molly would miss her mom, but the two of them had each other and that was their new focus. It was something giving them hope. Family was the most important thing, and as long as they could stay together, everything would work out.

The bell on the elevator chimed and she stepped onto the unfamiliar floor. She approached the reception desk, looking around in awe. She would’ve thought there’d be boxes everywhere, but it looked as if the area had been set up for years.

“Hello, I’m Jennifer Stellar, the new executive assistant for Mr. Anderson. I’m not sure where my office is,” she said to the lady behind the desk.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Jennifer. I hope you don’t mind me calling you by your first name. Our boss has always allowed us to be somewhat informal. My name is Nancy, and I came with Mr. Anderson from Chicago. Let me show you to your office,” the woman said.

“Informal is always good, so I don’t mind. It’s very nice to meet you, too, Nancy,” Jennifer said. Nancy led her around the corner and opened a door. Jennifer loved the space. “It’s beautiful,” she sighed.

“If you need to make any changes, I’m sure Mr. Anderson would be fine with that. He likes his employees to be comfortable, as we’re all here a lot,” Nancy told her.

“This is a lovely office. I’m sure I won’t need to change a thing.”

“I’ll leave you to get settled in. Let’s do lunch together later this week to get better acquainted,” Nancy said, and with Jennifer’s encouraging nod, she left.

Jennifer walked around the large room and over to the enormous windows to look at the view. It was breathtaking and she was delighted at the sight of the famous Space Needle building. She finally pulled herself away from the view, and sat. Her seat was plush, and it molded to the contours of her body, applying pressure where needed. A giggle escaped before she could stop it. She grinned and spun her chair in a circle, letting out her inner child.

Trenton walked through the connecting doors to the sound of a giggle, then stopped in his tracks. Spinning in a chair, only a few feet from him was the girl from the park. Her face was lit up with joy and she was so stunning he had to fight the urge not to yank her from the chair and crush his lips on hers.

He was glad she hadn’t yet noticed him. It gave him time to control his features. Once he had himself under control he cleared his throat to alert her of his presence, then waited until she turned. He was thinking this was going to be quite entertaining.

Jennifer turned at the sound and stared in horror. Her feet were still off the ground and her chair spun around again, before she managed to pull herself together enough to put her feet down and stop the spinning chair. She stared at the man before her, not knowing what to say. What was he doing in her doorway?

Her mouth dropped open as she started putting two and two together. He’d been at the park with Lucas Anderson and they had similar features. They must be related in some way. Did he work for the company? Was she going to have to see him on a daily basis?

“Wh…what are you doing here?” she asked, not really wanting to hear his answer.

“I’m at work, and what are you doing here?” he returned.

“I…I just started today,” she stuttered. She wanted to know where he worked, but didn’t think she’d be able to get the words out.

“And what is your position?” he asked with a smile.

“I’m the executive assistant for the president,” she stated with a confident smile. She was feeling better now that the shock was wearing off. Her words came out as a challenge. She was proud of her new position.

“Really, and have you met him, yet?” he asked, trying to sound surprised, like she was getting one over on him.

“Yes, at the interview. George Anderson is an amazing man, and I’m proud and excited to be working for him,” she said. She’d instantly liked both George and Joseph Anderson. She’d always been comfortable with older people, as they seemed much less judgmental.

“George isn’t the president,” he stated, popping her bubble. Her brows puckered and she looked at him like he was insane. He had to be trying to deceive her. George was the one who had interviewed her. She tried to remember her interview, word for word, but she couldn’t remember him actually saying he was the president.