The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 4

“Of course he is,” she said, but not as confident.

“Believe me, I know he isn’t. He retired years ago, and though he’s still the majority owner in the corporation, he’s more of a silent partner, dealing more with personnel situations and behind the scenes issues,” he told her.

Trenton found he was enjoying her confusion, and watched as she tried to work out what he was saying. She still hadn’t put all the pieces together. He was thrilled to find the spitfire from the park was his assistant. He found himself glad to be in Seattle. He was with his cousins, who he loved, he’d spoken with his siblings more over the last month than in the last several years, and he was intrigued by a woman. Things were looking up for him.

“Well, then who am I working for?” she asked, perplexed. He walked over and leaned against her desk, giving her a confident look. He raised his brows and waited for it to sink in. “That can’t be,” she barely managed to whisper when it started to sink it. He answered her with a huge Cheshire cat smile and watched as her eyes widened and her face paled. He was worried for a moment she may faint.

He had to hand it to her, though, because she pulled herself together quickly, and much to his relief, her color returned. Her expression changed from shock to defiance and he had to fight back his smile. He found she was going to be a challenge and he’d never been able to resist a challenge.

“I guess I should formally introduce myself, Jennifer. I’m Trenton Anderson, President of Anderson United Corporation,” he said, as he held out his hand. He was curious to see if she’d take it, or shy away. He hadn’t seen her back down yet, and found he’d be disappointed if she did.

“Nice to officially meet you, Mr. Anderson. As you know, I’m Jennifer Stellar, and I’m looking forward to working here,” she said as she took his hand. She felt the electricity from his touch shoot up her arm, and hoped he didn’t notice the shiver traveling through her body. She’d have to get control over herself because there was no way she’d allow herself to be attracted to her boss.

“We’re not formal in the executive offices. You may call me Trenton,” he said, holding her hand for too long to be considered appropriate.

“I prefer to keep things at work completely professional, Mr. Anderson,” she said, pulling her hand from his and breaking eye contact. Trenton was determined to break her defenses down, but he had plenty of time to do it.

“That’ll be fine for now, but you’ll become more comfortable,” he said, knowingly. Jennifer stepped away. She needed to put some distance between them, and pull herself together.

“I’m perfectly comfortable, but I prefer to keep things at work professional. That way, no lines are crossed that shouldn’t be,” she said a bit haughtily. He looked amused by her prim and proper manner.

“Are you always so argumentative? It may not work well for you when you aren’t trying to please your boss,” he told her with an almost wicked smile. She sucked in her breath at his veiled threat, before she narrowed her eyes. She wasn’t a weak woman and if he thought he could make her shake in fear, or cave to his arrogant demands, he had a whole new thing coming.

“Believe me, I’ve never had any trouble making my previous bosses happy,” she said, with just enough of a double meaning to make his eyes narrow. She turned away from him for a moment to hide her expression. Let him think what he wanted about that statement.

Trenton stood in stunned silence. He couldn’t tell if she was bluffing or not, but she may not be the innocent girl he’d first thought her to be. If she was a woman of the world, then he could take her guilt free. That idea didn’t please him like it should’ve.

“Well, Jennifer, I’m certainly not feeling too satisfied right now,” Trenton finally told her. She looked at him in shock for a few moments. She was surprised he would call her bluff. She wasn’t willing to play the game with him, anymore.

“We should get to work,” she finally told him. He raised his brows at her, again. “I just don’t want to waste the corporation’s time by sitting around, doing nothing,” she said as if talking to him was a complete waste of her time.

“Of course, you’re right,” he told her and his tone was all business. She was surprised by the complete change to his voice. He went from warm and flirty, to cold businessman in a matter of seconds. She was grateful he’d finally taken the hint and backed off, but felt a bit of loss at the same time. She was beginning to not understand herself.

The rest of the afternoon Trenton was completely professional, and Jennifer got so caught up in her work that the time flew by. She was surprised when Nancy came into her office and told her their day was over. She gathered up her things quickly, and went down the elevator with Nancy, before she headed to the childcare center. Molly’s face lit up when she walked in the room, which filled her heart with joy.

“Did you have fun, today?” Jennifer asked.

“Yes, Tassia and Katie were here and I love playing with them. We had a tea party with real tea and chocolates and we even got to wear pretty hats,” Molly said to her in a rush of words.

“That sounds great, Molly. I’m glad you had fun playing with your friends,” she told her, happy her niece was showing signs of happiness, again. It had been too long since Molly had allowed herself to be happy and no four year old should be depressed.

“Excuse me, you must be Jennifer?” someone asked before she exited the building.

“Yes, how can I help you?”

“My name is Emily Anderson, and our girls have become quite close over the past few months. Tassia is having a birthday party this weekend, and I’d like to invite Molly over for a sleepover. I’d love to have you come, as well, and stay for the activities so you can know where she is, but we really would love to have her over,” Emily said.

Jennifer’s first reaction was to say no. Molly hadn’t stayed the night with anyone since the accident and she wanted to keep holding her tightly, but she also knew she’d have to be gone for a few days at a time with her new position, and it would be a good idea to see how Molly would do away from home for one night.

“I’d love to bring her over for the party, but we’ll wait and see about her staying the night,” Jennifer agreed.

“I’m glad to hear that, I can’t wait until the weekend,” Emily said.

“If you want to give me directions to your place, and what time, we’ll be there.”

The two women exchanged phone numbers and addresses and then Jennifer left the building, feeling good about her day. It had started out a bit rocky, finding out her boss was the far-too-sexy-for-her-comfort man in the park, but she’d have to get over her attraction, because it couldn’t lead anywhere.

Relationships, or even casual sex, came and went, but a good job and friendships were rare to find and you didn’t let those go. Sleeping with her boss, no matter how devastatingly gorgeous he was, would be a huge mistake she’d regret the rest of her life.

“Are you ready to head home, little girl?” she asked Molly, while tickling her tummy.

“Yes, can we have pizza for dinner?” Molly asked between giggles.

“I would say tonight is a perfect night for pizza. It’s been a day worth celebrating,” she told Molly, which earned her many kisses and smiles. She walked toward her car with a smile on her face and a dance in her step.


Trenton wasn’t in nearly as good a mood as Jennifer. He’d forced himself to stay away from her most of the day. He was both thrilled to have found her so soon and to have her working for him, yet at the same time thinking the fates weren’t on his side.

He knew there was no way he was going to be able to keep his hands off her. He was far to attracted to the delicate woman. He couldn’t remember wanting to take a woman into his arms so badly, and her attitude was a challenge he didn’t want to resist. He hadn’t been challenged by a woman, ever.

He should transfer her to another division so he could pursue her guilt free, but he wanted her close to him. He was unwilling to transfer her, at least for the moment. He wasn’t a teenager, who couldn’t control himself and he wouldn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to, but he wasn’t above seduction. He smiled at the thought.

“You’re obviously a million miles away, boy,” his father said, startling him out of his thoughts. He turned in surprise at the interruption. No one was ever able to sneak up on him, and he hadn’t noticed his father entering his office.

“Hello, Father - what are you doing here?” he asked, managing to control his features and tone.

“I wanted to see how you’re settling in,” George said. Trenton didn’t miss the look of hurt in his father’s eyes. He tried to block it out, but still felt guilty for being so disrespectful.

“I’d much rather be in Chicago, but it’s efficient.”

“I know you’ll appreciate the move before too long. It will be nice for you and your siblings to be around your cousins, again.”

“There won’t be a lot of time for socializing, as moving a corporation home office takes a lot of work,” Trenton said, not wanting to make things easy on his father.

“There’s always time for family. I messed up after your mother passed, and I’m trying to make it right,” George said, being honest with his son. “Can we please let go of the hard feelings?”

“A lot has happened,” Trenton said but not so sure in the face of his father’s grief.

“I know, and I’m sorry I fell apart. I loved your mother so much and it ripped me apart to lose her. I know I closed all of you out, but I’m trying to make it right. I hope you’ll forgive an old man for being heartbroken. I’ll leave you alone for now, but wanted to tell you your cousin Mark’s having a birthday party for his daughter this weekend. I’d love to see you there,” George said. He patted Trenton on the back, then headed out the door.

Trenton looked out the window and inhaled. He’d been too hard on his father and maybe it was time for a second chance for all of them. He’d have to give it time, and see how it worked out. His father used to be his hero. He realized he blamed his dad for his mom’s death. He knew logically his dad couldn’t have prevented the death from happening, but his heart had hurt so badly he’d needed someone to blame.

He was also realizing he couldn’t continue to punish his father for something out of his control. Seeing the pain in his dad’s eyes hurt him. Trenton shook his head, trying to clear the depressing thoughts.

He gathered his belongings and headed out. He wasn’t in the mood to be alone so he called his brother, who luckily was in town, and they met for a beer and some talking. It lifted his spirits up.

“How are you settling in the rainy city of Seattle?” Max asked.

“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but there’s no way I’m admitting that to the old man,” Trenton said.