The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 6

Mark beamed with pride. He loved his horses, and anyone who complimented them ended up number one in his book. As the family continued to visit and laugh together, Trenton was relieved that Jennifer started to relax. Each time she innocently brushed against him was like fire through his veins.

As the night continued, he figured out why she was relaxing, and he groaned in frustration. She’d consumed too much alcohol, and there was no way he could do anything with her in that state. He wanted her fully aware of what they were doing the first time he took her to his bed and not have it blamed on either of them being drunk.

“I’m having such a great time with you all, but I’m exhausted. I’m going to call it a night,” Jennifer said, trying to hide the huge yawn.

“Thank you for coming over. We have a full morning of activities planned so don’t worry about getting Molly until early evening, tomorrow,” Mark said.

Jennifer stood up and was surprised by the unsteadiness in her legs. She hadn’t realized she’d consumed so much alcohol. The only thing that saved her from falling over was an arm, which snaked around her waist. She looked up at Trenton and tried to pull away, but he wasn’t budging.

She liked the feel of his arm around her, and suddenly grinned at him with a blinding smile. She watched in fascination, as his eyes narrowed and he sucked in a deep breath.

“Don’t tempt me, woman. I’m doing the right thing,” he muttered while leading her around the side of the house. It was so dark, she was grateful to have him guiding her.

“I’m really tired,” she said with a huge yawn.

“I’ll get you home and then bring you back out here tomorrow for your car,” he told her. She was buzzed enough she didn’t even think to argue. She simply followed him, in what seemed like an endless walk and then let him help her into the car.

He quickly came around to his side and before she knew it they were driving down the road. She couldn’t keep her eyes off her boss. The man was even sexier in the glow from the dashboard light, even though she tried not to notice.

“You smell so good,” she purred. Trenton glanced away from the road to stare at her in shock. The look on his face made her giggle and it took her several moments to stop. “Well, you do,” she finally managed to get past her trembling lips.

Trenton’s gut was clenching with the amount of control it was taking to keep his hands to himself. He wanted the woman, badly, and she was his for the taking. He was really damning his scruples at the moment, as the hem on her skirt slid indecently high on her luscious white thighs.

His pants were extremely tight, and his heart was pounding. She may have said he smelled good, but in the small space of his car her scent was driving him insane. He didn’t know how he managed to keep the vehicle on the road.

“I think about sex a lot since meeting you,” she slurred. The car actually swerved before he got it back under control. He turned his head and glared at her, which sent her into another bout of giggles. He pressed his foot down on the gas, needing to get out of the vehicle before he did something really stupid, like pulling over and taking her right there, on the side of the road.

“You’re very lucky I’m an honorable man,” he growled. He finally made it to his place and started having second thoughts. He didn’t want to leave her alone at her place in her current condition, but he was going to have a hell of a time sleeping, knowing she was under his roof.

He climbed out of his car and came around to the passenger side, then groaned as he realized she was passed out cold. He looked skyward, praying for the strength he was going to need to make it through the next few hours.

“Jennifer, we’re here, wake up,” he said while shaking her shoulders. She didn’t budge. He tried again before giving up. He reached in and pulled her into his arms. She weighed hardly anything at all. As soon as he pulled her against his chest, she snuggled in deeper and sighed.

Trenton literally shook with the restraint it was taking him to not throw her on his bed and take her. Sweat was beading on his forehead, and neck and his teeth were clenched tight. He tried not to breathe in her scent, but couldn’t avoid it. The feel and smell of her was making him hard and he had a difficult time walking up the stairs.

He laid her on the bed and she still didn’t budge. He took off her shoes and knew that was as far as his endurance would allow him to go. He wasn’t even attempting to take any of her clothes off.

Trenton watched Jennifer for a few moments, admiring how beautiful she was, especially with her guard down. She snuggled deeper into his bed and he groaned. The sight of her silken hair spread out on his pillow was making him reconsider his reasons for walking away. With a sigh, he turned and walked out. He headed straight for the bathroom and climbed in the shower. He stayed in there until the water was an icy deluge, causing his lips to turn blue. Then he crawled out, shaking all over, and quickly threw on some sweats.

He walked back into his room, telling himself he should find another place to sleep, but she was so tempting, lying in his bed. He knew they couldn’t make love in her current condition, but there was nothing wrong with feeling her body pressed against his. If he could get past the hardening of his body, then maybe he’d actually sleep.

He climbed in next to Jennifer and then groaned as she immediately sought him out. She turned into him, wrapping her leg over his and flinging her arm around his waist, only inches away from his straining erection.

Her head was pressed into his shoulder and he could feel her hot breath on his naked skin. He knew he should’ve worn a shirt, but hell, he’d put on sweats, when he normally slept in the nude. As it was, the sweats felt like sandpaper against his straining member.

Jennifer sighed in her sleep and wiggled a little closer before she finally settled down. Trenton was afraid to move an inch. He wanted to flip her over so badly it was making his entire body break out in a sweat, even after the frigid shower.

After about fifteen minutes of lying next to her, he finally relaxed and felt his eyes grow heavy. Her body heat was rushing through him and the feel of her pressed against him was more pleasurable than he’d ever admit. He wrapped his arm around her and finally let go.


Jennifer was having the best dream of her life. She hoped she didn’t wake. Her life had been filled with so much stress and she deserved to be selfish for a little while. In her dream, she was with Trenton and he was everything she’d imagined, and more.

“You’re so beautiful. I can’t resist you,” he whispers to her.

“Yes, please,” she begs him. His hands come around her body and she feels her shirt being removed. The cool air touches her aching breasts and her dark pink nipples tighten to hardened peaks. She needs him to touch her there, to relieve the aching.

Finally, his hands come up to cup her breasts, his thumbs rubbing over the aching peaks, and she moans out loud at the exquisite pleasure. She arches her back into the air, pushing herself up, higher against him. She needs more but can’t figure out what that is.

He presses his hips against hers and she can feel the length of his erection pressing against her aching core. Her only thought is that there are too many clothes between them. She needs to feel them pressed together, skin against skin, with nothing between them.

“Please, Trenton, please,” she begs again. She needs him so much she feels she’ll die if he doesn’t hurry and take her. She can be wanton all she wants, it’s a dream after all. She’s had several dreams about her boss, but none have seemed so real. It feels as if his hands are all over her body.

“I can’t stop,” he growls, which makes her smile. She in no way wants him to stop doing anything. She feels as if she’ll fall apart right there in her dream if he pulls away. She feels him peeling the last of their clothes away, the final barriers keeping his skin from hers. She groans loudly as she finally feels his naked body pressing into hers.

“Now, I need you now,” she groans. He’s lying on top of her and she can feel his erection pressing against her wet heat. She’s so hot for him and wants him inside of her. His hands are gripping her head, and finally he brings his mouth to hers.

He kisses her so deeply, she doesn’t know how the sheets don’t catch flame underneath them. She can’t ever remember having such a vivid dream. She feels so alive, so good. She needs him inside of her.

He moves his head down her throat and chest and then takes one of her aching buds into his mouth, gently sucking on it. The pull of his mouth on her sensitive peak, sends a shock wave down her body, straight to her slick heat. More, she wants more.

As if he can sense her urgency, he moves back up her body and takes her mouth once more. He reaches his hand down and slips a finger inside her body, feeling that she is more than prepared for his entrance. He groans into her mouth at the warmth and wetness coming from her.

“Open your eyes. I want to look into them when I take you,” he gasps as the head of his erection is poised at her entrance. She feels pain as she waits for him to thrust forward. He’s so close, yet much too far away. She didn’t want to open her eyes. If she opened them then the dream would end and she’d wake up, aching and alone. She shakes her head no and pulls him closer locking their lips together, again. He’s unable to resist her urgency and in one thrust he’s buried deep inside her body.


Jennifer’s eyes snapped open at the shock of their bodies connected. Several things happened in the next seconds. She couldn’t stop what was happening, even if she could’ve gained the will power to do so.

First and foremost she knew she wasn’t dreaming, but actually making love to Trenton, the man she’d hungered for from the moment she’d first laid eyes on him, and secondly she was making love for the first time, ever, and it hurt enough to wake her. The pain was fading as pleasure quickly took its place.

Trenton could feel the tightness in her body and felt the flinch of pain from her as his large erection broke through her barrier. He was ashamed he could be so stupid and careless. She was gripping him tightly and though he may actually die he knew he had to pull out of her. He was wrong, so very wrong, for taking her that way and he had to make it up to her.

He started to pull back, when she suddenly gripped him hard with her arms and wrapped her legs around his back. She arched her hips and wiggled underneath him. He knew he’d go straight to hell, but he couldn’t find it in him to care.

He started moving his hips slowly in and out of her body, taking his time, feeling her stretch to accommodate him. His body was quivering from the amount of control it took to slowly slide along her slick passage. She was so tight, wet, and hot, and she fit around him like a glove. Her wetness made them easily slide together, like they’d been created solely for each other.

She cried out as he pushed deeply inside her, their bodies pressed together, tightly. He looked into her eyes, rounded in pleasure. The sight of her pink lips, moist and barely parted, sent tremors through his gut. Her peaked nipples were rubbing against his chest, the friction making him shake. She was stunning, and she was completely his, as no other man could claim. He moved his head down, and swiped his tongue along her lower lip, loving her sweet taste.