The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 5

“Am I detecting you’ve already met some local ladies?” Max teased him with a waggle of his brows.

“Well, there’s a smorgasbord of women to be feasted upon,” he said, but his mind was only on one particular woman.

“Yeah, but I sure wish our father would’ve gotten the idea to move somewhere warm like California or Florida. The women wear far less clothes there,” Max said with a laugh.

“I agree,” Trenton said, but without his usual emphasis. He was starting to feel empty escorting different women every night. He was thinking a longer relationship may be interesting, especially if the woman didn’t bore him. He had a feeling Jennifer wasn’t boring.

“Where did you go?” Max asked.

“Sorry, it was a long day at the office. When are you taking off?”

“I need to go up to Alaska next month. I’ll be up there off and on over the next year. We finished that facility and you know I like to check on things first hand. Seattle feels like the freaking tropics compared to the weather up there.”

“You can always make snow angels,” Trenton laughed.

“No thank you, not when it’s like fifty degrees below freezing on the average day. I’m amazed at how many people actually want to spend months on end up there,” Max said.

“You know how scientists are, they don’t need another person around, just a microscope,” Trenton said.

“Hey, I majored in biology for my bachelor’s so no need to be dissing. Besides, you know the smart girls tend to repress a lot, and when they let go, they really let go,” Max said with a leer.

“Sounds as if you may have intimate knowledge of that,” Trenton teased.

“I’m stuck in some pretty remote locations at times,” Max said.

The two of them continued to banter about their choice in companions, and without even realizing they were doing it, reverted back to the easy camaraderie of years ago.

Chapter Three

Jennifer pulled up to the large home, feeling awed. It was quite a ways outside of the Seattle city limits and she’d almost got lost a few times on her drive. Coming down the long driveway, she almost turned around, thinking she had to have taken a wrong turn.

She finally made it to the home and sat in her car, feeling intimidated. Her little Honda, which was a perfectly good car, seemed like it was completely out of place when surrounded by the other luxury vehicles.

Molly was bouncing in her seat, waiting for Jennifer to get her out of the car. Her niece’s shout finally snapped her out of her stunned silence and she slowly climbed from the vehicle. She shook off her nervousness, feeling ridiculous for being intimidated.

“Auntie, I want out,” her niece shouted, losing patience at being stuck in her booster seat for so long.

“I’m sorry, baby,” she offered and quickly unstrapped her. Molly tried to take off up the stairs, but Jennifer grabbed ahold of her hand and walked slowly to the top of the steps and rang the doorbell.

“Good afternoon,” a woman said. “You must be here for the party, go straight through the house and out the back door.”

“Thank you,” Jennifer replied and had to jog to keep up with Molly as she took off in the direction of the back yard.

“You made it. I’m so glad,” Emily said, as they stepped through the doorway.

“Thank you for inviting us,” Jennifer told her.

“I adore Molly, she’s a great kid. I forgot to tell you to bring a swim suit for her but we have plenty of extra swim attire. If you don’t mind, she can get changed with Tassia and get in the pool with the other kids,” Emily said.

“That sounds great. Do you have extra life jackets?”

“Yes, of course we do - also the guys are taking turns, two at a time, being life-guards so there isn’t any chance the kids can get hurt,” Emily reassured her. “I have extra swimsuits for adults, too, so why don’t you change as well. It’s a very rare, warm day, and if you don’t want to brave the pool with the kids, you can enjoy the hot tub.”

“Thank you, that sounds nice,” Jennifer said. She quickly changed and it didn’t take long for her to start enjoying the party. She’d never before met such a wealthy family who were so down to earth.

“I hope you’re enjoying yourself,” George said as she sat down to eat something.

“I’m having a wonderful time. I can’t believe how many people are here,” she told him.

“I’ve missed being here. Family is so important. I lost my wife a few years ago, and disappeared for a while, but it feels good to be home, again,” he told her.

“I’m sorry about your loss. I didn’t know,” Jennifer told him, feeling empathy.

“It’s been several years, and while I’ll always miss her, I’m moving on now, but thank you. How’s the job treating you?”

“It’s wonderful. I keep so busy during each day that it’s time to leave before I know it. I don’t like jobs where you sit around, watching the clock.”

“Well, that’s great. I know you’ll continue to do well. I’m going to hunt down some food and find my brother, now,” he said before squeezing through the crowd.

Jennifer visited with several people and then got too warm and decided to take a swim. She dove into the water and came up against what felt like a brick wall. It knocked the breath out of her, and she would’ve sunk back into the water if strong arms hadn’t grasped her and pulled her up.

“Thank you,” she choked. She realized she was staring at a very sexy male chest. It was hard, defined, and had water dripping down it, and she was afraid she recognized it. Her eyes slowly traveled up the tanned skin until they reached the eyes of her boss. Seeing his incredible body was one thing, but touching it wasn’t good for her blood pressure.

She felt a tightening in her stomach, unlike anything she’d ever experienced before, and there was an instant ache in her very core. She realized she was in lust with Trenton. She was motionless for a few moments as she watched his eyes dilate and his head start bending forward. She came to her senses just in time and pushed against him. She couldn’t kiss her boss, especially in front of his entire family, in a swimming pool, where her body was barely covered.

His eyes narrowed at her rejection, and then she watched, fascinated, as he seemed to put shutters in place, not allowing a single thought to show in his expression.

“It looks as if you’re enjoying yourself, Jennifer,” he said, and the sound of his rough voice sent a shiver down her spine.

“It’s Ms. Stellar, and I am, thank you,” she corrected him before swimming away. She couldn’t stare at his body any longer - it was sending her own into overdrive.

He quickly caught up with her and pulled her back into his arms. She gasped at him, but couldn’t seem to pull her gaze away. She was losing an internal battle to keep fighting the attraction to him.

“You’re at a family gathering, don’t you think the formality’s a little excessive,” he growled.

“No, I don’t, Mr. Anderson,” she emphasized. “Now, if you’ll release me, I was getting ready to get out of the pool.” They glared at each other for several moments, while Jennifer held her breath. She was afraid of her own reaction if he were to actually kiss her, because what he did to her body with a simple touch, or look, was enough to start boiling the water around her. She couldn’t imagine what would happen if their lips actually connected.

“I will for now, but eventually you’ll quit running from me. There’s obviously something between us, and I’m very interested in exploring it.” He released her and she swam a few feet away to the ladder. Her distance made her feel much braver, so she turned and gave him a dismissive glance.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, because you’re not my type. Now, I’d appreciate it if you would keep your hands and thoughts to yourself,” she said. His eyes narrowed and he lunged toward her. Jennifer didn’t stick around for him to call her bluff. She quickly jumped from the pool, grabbed a towel, and found a group of people to hide among.

“I know you’re a guest here, but would you mind helping me with some snacks for the kids. It’s almost time for their movie marathon?” Emily asked.

“I’d love to help you,” Jennifer told her eagerly. She’d do anything to avoid running into Trenton again, because the man was too lethal for her own good. The women walked into the kitchen, where two ladies were already working.

“Jennifer, these are my sisters-in-law, Amy and Jessica, and girls, this is Jennifer. She’s working for Trenton,” Emily introduced everyone.

“I’ve seen you in the offices before. It’s great to officially meet you,” Amy said with warmth.

“You too, this party has been amazing. I’ve barely even seen Molly, she’s having such a great time,” Jennifer replied.

“Trust me, she won’t even know you exist as long as all the kids are playing together. They tend to have too much fun together,” Jessica said with a warm smile. The four women spent an hour preparing a myriad of goodies for the kids and getting it set up in the den.

“Well, I guess I’ll go ahead and leave now,” Jennifer said. Molly was more than happy to stay over and there was no need for her to hang around any longer.

“Oh, you can’t leave yet. Now that the kids are settled down, it’s time for grown-up fun. My husband just lit a bonfire and we have drinks and snacks set out,” Emily said. She didn’t give Jennifer a chance to protest, she just grabbed her arm and led her outside.

It was just starting to get dark and she noticed several people had departed while they were in the house. There was still a large group of people around, but not nearly what it had been earlier. She didn’t spot Trenton anywhere. She was both relieved and, yet, disappointed. She knew she couldn’t get involved with him, but she couldn’t deny he made her feel things no one else had ever made her feel.

Trenton watched as Jennifer came back out of the house and he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. He was determined to get her alone that evening, and was grateful she hadn’t gone home. She wasn’t going to throw down a challenge and then run away, without giving him a chance to respond to it.

When women constantly threw themselves at you, it was refreshing to finally be the one to do the chasing. He slowly took a swig of his beer and watched the women get situated by the fire.

The party had thinned out, and it was mainly just family left. With the children in the house, the dark setting was intimate and perfect for seduction. He started to slowly make his way toward the group, satisfied there was an empty space next to Jennifer.

“Where have you been, Trenton? We thought you’d snuck out,” Mark said as Trenton sat. He noticed Jennifer’s body instantly tense, and had to fight down the urge to scoot even closer to her.

“I went for a walk, and checked out some of your horses, they’re beautiful,” he replied.