The Billionaire's Dance Page 4

“Look, Jessica…” he began when the door whisked open. She didn’t want to hear him make excuses about how sorry he was and how he wouldn’t be calling her. She couldn’t take that kind of rejection. What had been amazing and wonderful for her had most likely been a disappointment for him. She couldn’t listen to him try and downplay what had happened.

Jessica jumped out of the elevator into the crowd milling around the lobby and quickly was lost from Alex’s sight. He thought about chasing her down but decided to let her go. He’d never felt more excitement in the arms of a woman. It had been passionate and thrilling and he wanted to do it all over again.

It was obvious she already regretted what had taken place so it was better to try and forget all about the incident and move on. He quickly cut through the crowd and headed up to his room where he fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning Alex grabbed his things and checked out, thinking his time in the elevator with Jessica wouldn’t be something he’d forget about anytime soon. He knew that she’d been scared and if he tried to chase her she’d run away even faster.

Chapter Two

One Year Later

Joseph was meeting his good friend John for lunch. It’d been far too long since they’d gotten together. “Joseph, so good to see you,” John said as he grasped his friends hand.

“Great to see you too. Tell me how things have been.”

“Everything is great. I have a new grandson who’s the light of my world. Here, I brought some pictures. Look how handsome he is,” the proud grandfather said as he handed over several photos.

“Congratulations, he’s a mighty fine looking boy. Did Jessica get married?” Joseph asked, knowing he hadn’t heard of any nuptials but it could’ve been done privately. Joseph was still upset that she and Alex hadn’t ended up together. He’d been so sure they were a perfect match.

“No, she won’t discuss the father. I’ve tried on several occasions to ask her about it and she closes right up. She said it was a one-time thing. The father didn’t know and she was keeping it that way. I tried to bribe her, threaten her and beg her, all to no avail. She’s being tight lipped about the whole incident,” John said with frustration.

“Was she seeing anyone around the time of her pregnancy that you could possibly question?” Joseph asked with sympathy towards his friend. He knew that if one of his sons got a lady pregnant he’d expect them to do the right thing. Hell, he hoped he’d raised them well enough that they’d do the right thing because it was what you did, not because it was expected from you.

“She hasn’t been in a relationship for a few years that I know of. She’s been hurt pretty badly. Her last serious relationship ended when she found the guy with another woman. She found out he’d been like many others before him and only after money,” he said with pain. John loved his daughter and it killed him to see her hurting.

“How old is the baby? Maybe somehow I can help you figure this out,” Joseph offered, although he didn’t have a lot of confidence in the plan.

“Jacob is three months and father or no father, he’s amazing. I’m so grateful he’s been given to us. Jessica adores him. She loves being a mother and it’s lifted her out of the depression she was in for so long,” John said, instantly brightening up.

“She was in a depression?”

“It all started after that big fundraiser dinner last year at the Fairmont. She came home for a while and was so sad. I was actually a little relieved when she announced her pregnancy because she started taking better care of herself,” John said with a sigh.

Joseph sat up, on instant alert. “Can I see those pictures again John?”

John was more than willing to share the pictures as many times as they were requested. This time when Joseph examined the photos before him he looked closely at the features. There was a real possibility that he was Alex’s son.

“John, has she given you any clues about the father?”

John was picking up on Joseph’s changed demeanor. “Do you think it could be one of your boys?” he asked with hope. John knew if it was either Alex or Mark, they’d step up and do the honorable thing.

“I think there’s a chance that he could be Alex’s. He was at that fundraiser and I’d asked him to look after Jessica since she was there alone. After the event, he came home and wasn’t himself not even going out. Then after a couple of months he went completely the opposite way and it seemed like he couldn’t get far enough away, like he was trying to outrun some demons or something,” Joseph finished softly.

“The only time she ever let something slip was to say that it was only one night and the guy hadn’t mistreated her in any way. She told me she’d made a mistake and wouldn’t make him sacrifice his life due to her indiscretion. I told her the father at least had the right to know and he certainly should own up to his responsibilities but she closed down after that and wouldn’t make any more comments on the subject.”

“I think we can get the answer of whether it’s Alex’s or not if I can see her and the child. I think we’ll be able to tell, from her reaction alone,” Joseph said with excitement. The possibility of having another grandchild was exhilarating.

“She’s coming over to dinner tonight. Why don’t you and Katherine join us?” John spoke with eager excitement.

“It’s a plan. John, if Alex is the father please don’t say anything tonight. Let me tell my son. I know he’ll do the right thing and I don’t want Jessica to think you or I forced him into it,” Joseph asked of his longtime friend.

“I can respect that and honor your wishes. I have no doubts Alex will take responsibility for any child of his,” John said with sincerity. “Joseph, I’m really sorry if he’s the father and she didn’t say anything. I’m sure she believed she was doing the right thing,” John finished sadly.

“I’ve known Jessica since she was a little girl John and I know that she would’ve had valid reasons for keeping this to herself. She most likely thought she was doing Alex a favor, since he hasn’t exactly portrayed himself as the stay-at-home with babies’ kind of guy,” Joseph admitted. “But I know if he’s a father, he’ll make a good one. I have to admit I’m really hoping the baby is his son because that means I have my first grandson,” he said with a smile.

They finished their lunch and went their separate ways, both anticipating the evening ahead. They’d receive answers to questions too long unanswered.

Joseph made sure to arrive before Jessica. When she walked into the dining room and saw Katherine and him sitting there, her face gave her away. She only took about two seconds to compose her features again and then greet his wife and him but in that unguarded moment, John and Joseph both had their answer.

Joseph and Katherine both admired the baby, taking turns holding him. Katherine didn’t know what was going on but she was drawn to the boy. She was reluctant to release Jacob at the end of the evening.

Jessica had a few tears in her eyes as she collected her son and left the house. She’d made a joke about post pardon blues. Joseph figured she was feeling some guilt about keeping the baby away. He knew if they all stood back and waited she’d come around on her own. She was simply too kind a person to keep her child away from grandparents that would love him.

Neither Joseph nor John were patient though and they weren’t going to wait for her to come around. Alex was going to find out he was a father as soon as Joseph summoned him home.

Joseph had been hopeful last year Alex and Jessica would have an instant connection. He’d been disappointed when his son came home and didn’t say one word about her.

He’d then gotten his hopes up once more as he’d watched his son moping about and not in a hurry to travel off to faraway places. But after a month Alex started disappearing again and seemed to return to normal.

After lunch with John, Joseph knew why his son had been so down and out. Alex still had that void look about him but that was about to change. Alex walked in the door, not looking pleased that Joseph had asked him to rush home.

“You better sit down Alex. I have some news that’s about to change your life,” Joseph informed him. He wanted to get right to the point and didn’t try to ease into things by making small talk.

“Just spit it out dad. I had a twenty-hour flight and didn’t get any sleep. I want a hot meal and to fall face first into bed,” Alex spoke wearily.

“You’re a father,” Joseph stated without adding anything else.

Alex stared at his dad, waiting for the punch line. They stayed there; eyes locked together, neither speaking for a full minute.

“Do you care to elaborate?” Alex finally asked.

“I met your child a couple days ago. You have a three month old son,” was the only elaboration he gave.

“That’s impossible…” he began, when he suddenly stopped. Joseph could see the wheels turning in his head.

Alex started thinking back to his night in the elevator with Jessica. He’d only had unprotected sex one time in his life. He began doing math in his head and the time-line fit.

Alex’s legs could no longer support him. He sank into the chair that was mercifully behind him. “Why…why wouldn’t she tell me?” he managed to squeeze out of his constricted throat.

“I don’t know the why or how’s. All I know is I met your son and I knew. Would you like to see a picture?”


Joseph passed the pictures John had given him, without saying another word. Alex stared down at them and when he finally looked back up there were tears in his eyes. “He really is mine. I’m a father.” He placed his head in his hands and let it all sink in.

It didn’t take Alex long to go from shock to anger. How dare Jessica keep his son from him? He hadn’t mistreated her in any way and she had no right to keep something this big from him. She would explain herself and he wouldn’t miss out on any more of his son’s life. He couldn’t believe he’d be holding him in just a few minutes. The miles stretched on, as he weaved through traffic on the way to her apartment.

She was living in a secure complex. It didn’t take him long to get clearance to head up to her door though. When you were as well known as his family, you knew just about everyone. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. He then knocked on her door and waited as the seconds ticked by, seeming more like hours. Finally she was standing in front of him, her eyes wide with shock and fear.

“Where’s my son?” Alex had already missed out on too much time and he wasn’t going to mince words.

There was no hello, it’s been so long. How are you? He wasn’t beating around the bush. He was tired and angry. He couldn’t believe she would dare to keep his child from him. Sure, he hadn’t bothered to call her but he had reasons for that.

She’d affected him unlike any other woman before her and he hadn’t trusted himself around her. Even with anger coursing through him she was the most beautiful sight he’d ever witnessed. Her hair was longer and thrown into a messy bun with several pieces cascading down her face and neck. She didn’t have a single trace of make-up on and there were smudges under her eyes from lack of sleep. She also had a glow about her that was beautiful.