The Billionaire's Dance Page 5

Jessica was petrified. How had he found out? She’d been terrified the other night when she saw Joseph and Katherine but they hadn’t seemed to know the baby was their grandson. She couldn’t figure out how Alex knew.

He looked more incredible than ever. He seemed tired and his dark hair was mussed. It looked as if he’d run his hands through it a dozen times. His face had a sexy five o’ clock shadow, making him seem more touchable. His scent was invading her and she realized she’d missed him far more than she should. She thought about him often. Of course, how could she now when she looked at her son daily? He looked so much like his father, especially in the eyes.

“Alex, what are you doing here?” she finally asked, trying to sound neutral.

He chose to ignore her question and repeated his, “I asked you, where is my son?” He wasn’t known for having a great deal of patience. He wasn’t going to stand in the doorway and miss another moment of his son’s life.

Before she was able to say anything more he heard a cry from inside the apartment. His eyes rounded with wonder at the first sound he heard from his son. He was done standing in the doorway. He grabbed Jessica by the waist and physically removed her from his path.

Jessica let out a shocked gasp and then chased after him as he followed the sound of his son’s cry. “Alex, I did have a son but he isn’t yours,” she tried to lie. He’d reached the swing his son was in by that moment, staring in fascination at the tiny human.

The baby was wide awake and staring at his father, momentarily distracted from his angry howls at being left alone. At her words Alex whipped his head around to glare at her. She took a step backwards at the violence in his expression.

“Don’t lie to me for one more second. You’ve already stolen three months of my son’s life from me. You won’t deceive me anymore,” he spat.

She knew to try and deny it again would only unleash more of his anger so she sank to the couch as her knees would no longer hold her up. She said nothing else, just watched as he stared at his son. The baby finally got tired of the staring game and let out a cry of displeasure. He wanted to be picked up.

Jessica started to rise but Alex was already taking care of it. “Hey little guy, you want your daddy to pick you up?” he lovingly spoke to his son. The adoration in Alex’s voice brought tears to her eyes. He unlatched the safety belt and gently pulled Jacob from the seat.

Alex cuddled Jacob close to his chest, staring into his face. He was amazed at the love flowing through him. How could something so small fully claim his soul in the space of a single heart beat? He had no doubts that this was his boy. He looked like an Anderson. Jessica had a lot to answer for.

He sat down on the other end of the couch and softly spoke to his son. The baby looked up at him and cooed for a while, before his face scrunched up and he let out another full-fledged roar of displeasure. Alex turned to Jessica with a worried look on his face. “What is it?” he asked with concern.

“He’s hungry. Give him to me and I’ll take care of his dinner,” she said, reaching her arms out. She could feel the milk dropping in her breasts and she needed to feed him as much as he wanted food. She was going to embarrass herself at any moment by leaking through her thin shirt.

“I’ll feed him. Just grab me a bottle,” Alex said, not wanting to release his son.

Jessica looked uncomfortable and then Alex noticed the wetness on her shirt. His groin tightened as the thin fabric wasn’t hiding anything from his view. Her wet nipples were clearly showing through. He didn’t say another word. He handed the baby over to her, then got up and walked out of the room giving her privacy.

Jessica was relieved when he left. She quickly quieted the baby and it brought a smile to her face. Her son took no time latching on and he always let out a little growl that seemed to say, finally mom, I was so hungry. Jacob was so much like his father. He had little patience when he wanted something.

She enjoyed these moments, brushing her precious son’s head while he filled up. He closed his eyes in concentration and made little gulping noises. She leaned her head back against the couch and sighed. She tried to convince herself she’d imagined that look of instant lust in Alex’s eyes but she’d felt the same sensation.

Even in his anger towards her, which she knew he was feeling, he’d still felt desire and that reminded her how lonely she’d been herself. As much as she loved her son, it would’ve been nice to have someone to share those precious moments. She shook herself out of those kind of thoughts and focused on Jacob.

Alex wandered into his son’s nursery. She’d done a beautiful job of decorating it. There were hand painted stencils on the walls of various teddy bears in all kinds of pastel colors. He walked over to the crib and ran his hand along the quilt his son slept under every night. He looked at the wall and the breath rushed out of his lungs.

There on the wall, visible to his son was a frame with several pictures of him in it. He knew the baby was too young to recognize people but it filled his heart with joy that she’d thought to let his son know who he was. Some of his anger slipped away.

He couldn’t stand to stay away any longer. He quietly walked out of the nursery. He stepped into the living room in time to hear Jacob let out a loud burp, which Jessica praised. Then she cradled him back into her arms and he watched as he latched onto her breast.

Alex felt like an intruder, spying on the intimate moment between mother and son but he couldn’t turn away. It was obvious they had a strong bond together. He was feeling a bit jealous he couldn’t be a part of the ritual. He would love to be able to cradle her in his arms while she cradled their son.

Once the baby latched on she leaned her head against the couch and closed her eyes. He finally walked into the room and sat next to them. She jerked her head up and stared at him. Jacob, seeming to feel her tension, let out a small protest.

She forced herself to relax, which wasn’t easy, considering Alex was there, next to her, with her body exposed. “Can you please hand me that blanket?” she asked, trying not to sound as nervous as she felt.

He handed it to her and she covered herself up. He was disappointed to lose sight of his son but relieved to have her cover herself. She’d grown curvier since he’d been with her. He smiled inwardly, thinking there was a positive to pregnancy. He was surprised he could think such a thought with what she’d put him through.

Jacob apparently had enough. She started fumbling underneath the blanket, then she switched him to her shoulder and started patting him on the back. After a few minutes he let out another burp and then started cooing at his mother.

“That’s my big boy. Good job,” she praised Jacob. He rewarded her by talking more gibberish.

“Can I hold him again?” Alex asked.

Jessica reluctantly handed her son over. She wasn’t used to having anyone interrupt their normal routine. She was having a difficult time watching father and son together. It made her somehow feel like she wasn’t needed in the perfect picture they made.

“Why did you place pictures of me by the crib?”

“I wanted him to know his father.”

“He could’ve known his father in person had you just told me I was going to be one.”

“Alex, we both know you’re not the type of man to settle down. I wasn’t going to trap you into instant fatherhood because we had a one night stand in a dark elevator. I would’ve eventually told you about Jacob but I didn’t feel it was the right time.” She still stood by her decision.

“We’ll marry in three days. My father’s making all the arrangements. I spoke to your father on the way over here and he agrees with me. I won’t miss out on my son’s life.” He spoke the words matter-of-factly. He said them as if the deal was done and she had no say in it.

“I won’t marry you Alex. My son won’t be raised in a home with parents trapped into getting married. I’ve seen far too many lives destroyed by making decisions like that. If you really want to be part of Jacob’s life then we’ll set up visitation arrangements.”

Alex simply smiled at her. He’d made a decision and as far he was concerned there was no need to discuss the matter.

“Do you really want to have our son labeled a bastard?”

She was seething with rage. “How dare you?” she spat at him. “You won’t try and use my son to get what you want,” she finished.

“Jessica, we will marry. My son will have my name. I have the full support of both of our families. We would both lose all of their respect if we did anything other than marry. I want my son in my life full-time. I don’t want to be a weekend father. You owe me for keeping him from me and your parents fully agree that we should wed right away. You’re dishonoring both of our families by not doing the right thing,” he finished. His voice was far more frightening to her because he wasn’t getting angry or threatening. He was talking as if he was simply stating facts.

Jessica sat their seething for a few moments, glaring at him. She finally got up and left the room. She walked into her office to make a phone call to her father.

John answered on the second ring, “hello.”

“Dad, what did you and Alex talk about?” she asked, not even bothering with any pleasantries.

“How are you doing?” he asked, ignoring her question completely.

“Dad, I asked you a question,” she said, in no mood to play games.

“We talked about your upcoming nuptials. When he found out he was a father he told me he wanted to do the right thing. He wanted to marry you and be a full-time father to his son. I support him Jessica. I know you had your reasons for not telling him but you don’t keep a father away from his child. You did him wrong by not telling him,” he said to her, with disapproval in his voice.

Jessica hung her head, not liking to disappoint her father but not ready to give up the fight. “Dad, I had my reasons. I won’t get married because everyone’s telling me what I should do,” she said, begging him to understand.

“Jessica, Alex wants to marry you and do the right thing for your child. He’s a good man. Are you willing to bring shame on Joseph by having people think his son would get you pregnant and then walk away?” he asked, knowing by her silence she was conceding defeat. She loved her family and had a lot of respect for Joseph and Katherine. She would never want to bring shame on their family.

They talked for a few more minutes and then Jessica hung up the phone slowly, feeling as if her world had been upended. She took her time walking back out to the living room. When she entered she felt a tear slip down her face when she saw Alex sleeping on the couch with Jacob held securely in his arms.

She picked the baby up, which jerked Alex awake. “I’ve got him…” he started to say.

“He’s ready for bed,” she quietly stated, then turned and walked toward the nursery. She felt Alex right behind her as she gently tucked her son underneath his blanket. She said nothing else as she walked to the kitchen with him following closely behind.