Custom Built Page 33

   “I love you,” he says into my ear. “So much.”

   I can’t seem to form a reply as he keeps stroking me until I come again, this time with him.

   “I love you too,” I say as I roll over and he pulls me into his arms.

   He grins, and I fall in love with him all over again.


* * *


   “You rode on the bike today?” Cam asks as I step into the warehouse.

   “What gives that away?” I ask, laughing as I touch my hair, which is all messy. “Oh, that would do it.”

   “Man, I love Crow’s bike. It’s so sexy,” she says, perving on it from the entrance of the garage. Crow is doing the same thing, which is why he hasn’t come inside yet.

   “Have you ridden on it?” I ask casually, combing my hair with my fingers.

   She gives me an odd look. “No. The men don’t let just anyone on their bikes.”

   “What do you mean?” I ask, frowning. “Not even a friend?”

   She shrugs and keeps staring at the bike. “Maybe a friend if it was necessary, but no, usually just their women. Their old ladies. No one else.”

   I had no idea this was even a thing, but I guess it makes sense. They take their bikes very seriously. “Interesting,” I reply, retying my hair in a tight ponytail. “That’s kind of nice. Not that I’d care if you or any of my friends went for a ride with him, though, for the record.”

   “Noted.” She grins, sighing when the phone starts to ring. “Today is going to be insane. We have three custom bikes being picked up, and we have a few clients coming in to tell us what they want when it comes time for us to do their bikes.”

   “I’m on it,” I say, heading to answer the phone.

   Crow comes in just as I hang up from a customer. “Nadia just called me,” he says, palms on my desk. “You weren’t answering your phone. She said she wants to speak to us.”


   He nods.

   “I can’t leave now, today is busy,” I explain, brows drawing together. “How about after work? We can’t just leave everyone high and dry.” Although I’m dying to know what new information Nadia has, we can’t leave Cam alone.

   “You need to hire more people,” I also suggest. “I know it’s a small business, but it’s also very busy and we could always use an extra set of hands.”

   He grins and nods. “Okay, and yeah, I agree. We’re looking for more mechanics right now.”

   “Good,” I say, blowing him a kiss and then getting back to work.

   The day goes quickly, and Cam was right, it is insane. I end up eating at my desk and still answering phones, unable to leave for even a few minutes. When we close up, Crow and I ride back to the clubhouse. We told Nadia to meet us there. She beats us, and we find her out the back with Dee, while Saint and Skylar are in the kitchen cooking dinner together.

   “Hey,” I say as I sit down next to them. “Sorry we couldn’t leave the garage earlier.”

   “No problem,” she replies, picking up her phone and hitting play. “Just thought the two of you would want to hear this.”

   “Why do you keep talking about his daughter? Who cares, she has no proof. His death isn’t being treated as suspicious, and we have nothing to worry about. What, are you missing your lover? Maybe you’re having regrets? Why else do you keep bringing this bitch up?”

   “Maybe because I don’t want to go to prison,” Jean fires back. “And I didn’t kill him, Jasper. You did.”

   “You didn’t stop me,” Jasper replies. “You knew the plan, and you went along with it. You’re in this as much as I am. And we need to stick together. We’re almost at the top—there’s no time for panic to creep in. We just need to take out Grayson, and we’ve won. We’ll be on top of the fucking city.”

   Nadia hits stop and looks over at us. “Now we know the truth. The question is, what do you want to do about it?”

   I don’t reply, because I’m still processing what I’ve just heard. Crow was right—Dad did have some kind of relationship with Jean, one he kept hidden from everyone, and she was a weakness that cost him his life. I can’t believe this. He was finally opening up to a woman, and in the end she screwed him over.

   I don’t know who this Jasper is, but he’s not going to harm my uncle.

   And he’s not going to be on top of fucking anything, not if I have anything to do about it.

   “You okay?” Crow asks, touching my shoulder.

   I don’t know what the two of them have been saying this entire time. I’ve blocked it out, too in my head.

   “I will be,” I reply, exhaling deeply. “What do you think we should do? I want to take him down. I want to make sure he can’t hurt my uncle, or anyone for that matter.”

   “I think we should talk to your uncle,” Crow says, and Nadia nods. “He needs to know what’s going on, and who is coming for him.” Crow turns to me, opens his mouth, and then closes it, seemingly trying to choose his words carefully. “You need to let us handle this now, okay? And you need to not ask questions that you don’t want the answers to. Think about what you can and can’t handle, Bronte.”

   “Nadia?” I press.

   “Why don’t we just call the police and get them involved?” she says.

   “What are they going to do?” Crow replies, brow furrowing. “You’re going to leave this in the hands of the people who wouldn’t even press for a further investigation? As far as they’re concerned, Freddy died from an overdose. We’ll probably be the ones that end up getting arrested.”

   I know what Crow is saying, and he’s right. I can’t trust the cops to sort this out, not the way I want it handled. Now it’s out of my hands and I need to leave it up to the MC and my uncle.

   Jasper might end up in a ditch somewhere, and I need to be okay with that. I can’t come this far, say that I want him gone, but then be a bleeding heart and feel bad about it.

   And if I can’t handle it, then I need to step back and not ask any questions.

   “I know what you’re saying. It’s just hard because this is my fight. I can’t expect anyone else to—”

   “You are both nice girls,” Dee says, cutting me off. “You don’t need to go down this route. We can handle it along with your uncle, okay? We’re not good men, Bronte. And neither is your uncle. We’re all good to you, and we always will be good to you, but that doesn’t make us good men. In this case, we’re the only ones who are going to be able to give you the revenge you want.”