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   I don’t know what to say. I know they are right, but it doesn’t feel good leaving everyone else to fight my fight.

   Nadia heads home after I thank her for her help. I know she doesn’t like the way it ended, but I need to go with my gut. And the cops aren’t the answer this time.

   “Can we go to my uncle’s now?”

   Crow nods. “Sure. Do you want to give him a call and make sure he’s home?”

   I call him up and ask him where he is.

   “I’m at home, why? Is everything okay?”

   “Yeah, I was just wondering if Crow and I could drop in? I wanted to talk to you about a few things.”

   And to play him that recording Nadia sent us so he can hear it for himself.

   “Of course,” he says quickly. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

   “Okay, see you soon.” We hang up and I look to Crow. “Let’s go.”

   Standing, I give Dee a hug. “Thank you for all that you do. To me, you’re not a bad man. Just an honest one.”

   And I mean that.

   I guess he’s right, though—when you decide if someone is a good person, you judge them by how they treat you, not others. Our perception of people is only as we see them, not as they are.

   We get in the car and head to see my uncle.

   It’s time that the truth got out.



Chapter Eighteen

   Uncle Neville’s waiting out front by the gate when we arrive, two bodyguards behind him. He presses a code and signals us to drive in. We park behind his black Mercedes and hop out.

   “Is everything okay?” he says as he gives me a hug. He looks worried, lips tight and brow tense. “Tell me what’s going on.”

   “Can we go inside first?” I suggest.

   “Of course.”

   He leads us inside his beautiful mansion, and to the living room. He offers us refreshments, which we decline, wanting to get straight to business. Crow pulls out his phone, his finger lingering on the play button.

   “We have something we want to you listen to,” I say, taking Uncle Neville’s hand in mine and giving it a squeeze. This is going to be hard for him to listen to, too. “We found out what happened to Dad.”

   We press play, and I watch the myriad emotions flicker in his eyes.





   “That fucking piece of shit,” he growls, stands up and starts pacing. The vein in his forehead looks like it’s going to burst. His anger justifies my own—he feels the same way that I do.

   “You know him personally, then?” Crow guesses, sliding his phone back in his jean pocket. “What are we up against here?”

   “I’ve done business with Jasper,” he admits, hands clenching to fists. He then brings his eyes to me. “And I’ve met Jean. Once.”

   “So she and Dad were together?” I ask, swallowing hard.

   And once again I was the last to know something. I wish people would just be honest and let me decide what I can and can’t handle.

   “He introduced her as a friend,” he explains, sitting back down, scrubbing his hand down his face. “I think there was something more going on, yes. I’m so sorry, Bronte. This all must be so hard for you.”

   It is, but I need to know all of it. “I wanted the truth, and I got it. I just need to know what’s going to happen now,” I say, looking him in the eye. “They’re going to come after you next. What are we going to do?”

   “If he could get to me, he would have already,” he says, tapping his foot on the tiles. “I upped my security, and this place was already secure to begin with. I have cameras everywhere, so even if something happened, it would be seen. His only chance would be to get to me when I’m out somewhere, but I have my security with me, and he’s clearly a coward, going by the way Freddy died. There was no fight. He simply poisoned him using Jean, I’m assuming. You don’t have to worry about me. He’s the one who needs to worry. Now that I know the truth, I’m going to fuck shit up.”

   The look he has in his eyes, I’ve never seen it before. He’s furious, and out for revenge.

   “What can I do to help?” I ask.

   “Stay safe.” He turns to Crow. “Keep her safe. They know that she knows something. Tell me if you want some of my men to watch her. Whatever you need, I’ve got.”

   “She’s safe with me,” Crow replies, lifting his chin. “Always will be.”

   “I know.” Neville nods, respect in his eyes. “Thank you for finding out the truth, Bronte. You’re a strong girl, you know that? And you were the apple of your father’s eye. He loved you more than he loved anything or anyone in the world.”

   And the feeling was reciprocated.

   “I know,” I whisper, forcing a smile and giving him a hug. “I love you.”

   “I love you too,” he says, squeezing me tightly. We stay like that for a few moments, and then I leave, feeling emotional but happy that the conversation transpired.

   Billie calls me on the way home. “Hey, what are you up to?” she asks.

   I expel a deep sigh. “Just left my uncle’s house. What’s going on with you?”

   “Nothing much,” she admits. “I just miss you, so I thought I’d call and annoy you a little bit. Did you still want me to stop by your dad’s place and get the box the movers forgot?”

   “Yes, please, if you don’t mind. That would be awesome,” I say. I asked her to do it since it’s still hard for me to go there.

   “When am I seeing you next?”

   “I’ll drop in tomorrow night.”

   “Sounds perfect. See you then. Love you.”

   “Love you, too.”

   We hang up. Crow and I head back to the clubhouse, and all I can think is, what the hell is going to happen next?


* * *


   A beautiful blonde walks into the warehouse, black heels clicking with each step. Her white bodysuit tucked into denim shorts show off her stunning figure, and her light eyes scan the room.

   “Hey,” she says, smiling at me. “Is Crow here?”

   “Ummm, yes, he is,” I reply, eyes slightly narrowing. “One second.”

   Disappearing out the back, I approach Crow, who is kneeling near a motorcycle, examining it. “Crow, there’s a gorgeous blonde at the front desk asking for you.”