Convicted Page 79

Claire wasn’t sure if it was his voice or his tentative cadence, but something about Phil’s speech brought concern to her consciousness. “I don’t know if you’re trying to or not, but you’re making me nervous. Please just say whatever it is. Do you want to leave?”

“Do I want to? Not really. Security on this island isn’t a bad gig. Many would agree that I have the ideal job. The thing is that, when I turned on my phone, I had multiple messages from Ms. London.”

Claire’s heart stopped, and she felt the blood drain from her face. “Why did you want to talk to me privately about this?”

“I’m assuming that I still work for you?”

The way he emphasized the last word, Claire knew he wasn’t referring to her as part of a couple. “Theoretically, yes, you work for me.”

He cleared his throat. “In my previous experience, it’s usually the person with the bankroll who tells me what I should be doing. Like when I was trailing you, Rawlings told me what he wanted. I don’t mind watching the sky for planes or the horizon for boats, but I think I could be more useful to you—to both of you—back in Iowa.”

“Why?” Claire asked with increased volume and pitch coming through her one word.

“None of her messages asked specifically about you. She asked if I’d completed my job. If so, she has another one for me. If I go, I could keep an eye on her and report back to you.”

Claire knew it was selfish to want Phil to stay on the island; however, she couldn’t help it. She never would have predicted that having both Tony and Phil nearby would give her such an overwhelming sense of comfort. After the last few months, she didn’t know she’d ever experience this sense of peace again; she didn’t want to lose it so soon. Claire responded, “I don’t know what to think. I think we should discuss it with Tony.” Claire saw Phil’s grin and imagined his green eyes with golden flecks smirking behind the dark glasses. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Three days—don’t you dare let the woman I spent a month with in Europe disappear in three days.”

She looked down at her lap and exhaled. “I haven’t disappeared.” Looking back up, she went on, “It’s called team work. Part of that is refraining from making unilateral decisions.”

Phil nodded. “All right, I’ll buy that. Now, how about that instinct we talked about? What’s your instinct saying about this idea?”

Claire considered and replied, “It’s saying this is a good idea. If we don’t have someone back there keeping us informed, we’ll have no idea what she’s doing.” Before Phil could respond, Claire added, “That’s my instinct. My heart is telling me, not to let you leave. Everyone is safe here. If I could, I’d give you a list of people and tell you to have them all brought here. I’d even authorize kidnapping—I know from experience that it’s an effective means of relocation.”

Phil lowered his voice. “Speaking of which, is that the only reason you don’t want me to leave?”—he hesitated—“Are you and Rawlings...all right? I mean, if I leave, are you safe?”

Claire’s shoulders relaxed. She hadn’t been sure where he was going with his question. “Yes, Phil, we’re good. I’ll be fine. I worry about you out there—especially with her.”

“I’ve handled worse adversaries.”

“I’m curious to know what she wants.”

“So am I,” Phil admitted. “She wanted you gone from Iowa. She wanted you to get the money and disappear. I accomplished both of her goals. Maybe I’ve proven myself worthy. If that’s the case, I could possibly learn more valuable information.”

Claire smiled. “You’ve proven yourself very worthy. If you go, will you do one thing?”

“I don’t know.”

“Will you stay working for me? I don’t care if she’s paying you too. I want to know you have our best interest at heart.”

“Claire, it doesn’t take a financial obligation to verify that commitment.”

She reached over and squeezed his hand. “Thank you...I don’t say that enough.”

“You say it too much. Now, how are we bringing this up to Rawlings?”

Laying back with her hands on her midsection, Claire sighed. “I’ll do it. I’ll tell him that you told me about the messages and that my instincts tell me that you should go to Iowa and infiltrate the wicked witch’s castle”—Removing her sunglasses, Claire peered at Phil—“Just promise me that you’ll watch out for those flying monkeys! They’ve always given me the creeps.”