Convicted Page 80

Later that day, after lunch, Claire and Tony were alone in the living room when Claire approached the subject of Phil’s departure.

“Whose idea was this?”

Claire stood taller. “It was his, but I like it.”

“You like it? Claire, you don’t seem to understand how this employer/employee relationship works.”

She didn’t like his tone. “Excuse me?”

“I’m not sure I trust him”—Tony’s dark eyes drank her in—“If you think you’re going to retain control of my money and the staff that my money bought, you need to start acting like the employer—not like a friend who sits to listen to everyone’s ideas.”

“Why? I personally think it’s working for me.”

His volume rose. “It isn’t working for you. Don’t you see how easily you can be manipulated?”

“I’m not being manipulated.”

Tony turned toward the open doors; she watched as the muscles in his neck flexed. Finally, his words came out louder than before, “Everyone can be manipulated. It’s most successful by people who’re closest to you. Claire, you let everyone get too close!”

Claire tried to reign in the fire she felt growing in her eyes. “Tony, I trust Phil explicitly. I trusted him with my life and our child’s life.” She exhaled, softened her tone, and stepped toward her ex-husband. Taking his hands in hers, she said, “He brought you to me. I didn’t ask for that. It was his idea to go get you. Personally, I’m glad he has his own initiative.”

“Initiative is fine. What about agenda?”

“What would you like to know about my agenda?”

They both turned to the sound of Phil’s voice. Tony’s neck straightened as his business tone emerged. “Excuse us; we’re having a private discussion.”

Phil shrugged. “There are only five people on this island. I can guarantee all five could hear your discussion. I’d say—all things considered—it wasn’t private.”

In the heat of the moment, Claire wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or hide. Most members of a staff would be smart enough, or respectful enough, to feign ignorance. Whether it was not hearing discussions or not noticing bruises, Tony was more accustom to a different type of employee. It was at that moment that Claire realized the difference. This staff wasn’t his—they were hers.

Her mind went back to San Diego. Just now, when Phil entered the room, he did so, to do what he’d done that night at the hotel with his note—he’d entered to verify Claire’s safety. She knew Tony wasn’t accustomed to this behavior. She chuckled, thinking, poor Tony—his world is upside down, and said, “Despite the volume, we are having a discussion. Since it’s about you, I’d like you to join us.”

Though Tony didn’t respond or rebuff her statement, she felt his stare penetrate before he said through clenched jaws, “Yes, please, since privacy doesn’t seem to be an issue, join us. I was just asking about your agenda regarding this job offer in Iowa.”

“My agenda is to learn Ms. London’s plans.”

“And to what means are you willing to go?”

Phil shrugged. “I don’t have many limits.”

Tony stepped forward. “That’s my concern. What if she offers you more money than we’re paying you? Would you give up our location?”

Claire interjected, “I told you, Tony, I trust Phil. I believe he has our best interest at heart. I believe that where we’re concerned, there is a limit.” She looked to Phil.

He grinned. “When it comes to my current employer—I do have limits. Your location won’t be shared by me.”

Claire reached for Tony’s hand once again. “See, he wants to go—he wants to help us.”

Tony’s dark eyes went from Phil to Claire and back again. He exhaled. “I think of you as the man I hired to watch Claire. I have to keep reminding myself that you’re the reason she’s here and safe. Don’t disappoint me—us.”

Phil extended his hand, and the two men shook. “I wouldn’t.”

They discussed the plan, including how Phil would stay in touch. They also discussed contacting the FBI. Although Phil didn’t believe their calls from the island could be traced, he recommended that if Claire or Tony felt the need to contact Baldwin or anyone else, they keep the calls relatively short.

With time, they all agreed. The island was a safe retreat and the best place for Claire. She wanted Tony to be with her—so, he’d stay. Being safe wasn’t enough; they needed to know what was happening outside of their bubble. Phil would do his best to learn what they couldn’t.