Unlocked Page 57



Amy Rose Foster



(also known as Natalie Freeman—and another alias kept classified for her protection)

ROLE: Sophie’s human sister

QUALIFICATIONS: None, since Amy was born into her role—but she mastered the part of “annoying little sister” quite quickly.

KNOWN FOR: Her snarky personality and beloved stuffed animal (Bun-Bun), as well as her cat (Marty) and her dog (Watson).

NOTES: Amy is one of the few humans to visit the Lost Cities—and she’s the only one who remembers the experience. Sophie brought her there after her parents were captured by Vespera, and the Council let Amy keep her memories of the experience so she could be better prepared if the Neverseen came after her family again. As a result, Amy has an Imparter that reaches Sophie—but she’s only allowed to use it in case of emergency. She’s also able to understand the Enlightened Language.







NOW THAT YOU GUYS HAVE been given a crash course on all things Keeper, I thought it’d be fun to have you take a really really really hard test to see how much you remember—and if you don’t pass, this book will self-destruct and you’ll never be able to read the novella and see what happens next—mwhahahahahahahaha.


I’m evil—but not that evil.

(Or maybe I am that evil. You’ve read my cliff-hangers.…)

No, really, I’m kidding!

What I actually have for you now are some super-fun Keeper-related activities, including Keeper quizzes, an Iggy coloring page, and some delicious Keeper-themed recipes!

Here’s the full breakdown of the awesomeness ahead:

QUIZ: Which protected creature should you adopt as a pet?

QUIZ: How many bodyguards would you need in the Lost Cities?

QUIZ: Who said it first?


RECIPE: Mallowmelt cookies

RECIPE: Cinnacreme

RECIPE: Lushberry juice






Which protected creature should you adopt as a pet?

What are you most excited to do with your pet once you bring them home?

Gaze at their beauty—and then get back to life. You have too much to do to sit around cuddling a pet all day.

Wreak some havoc! Somewhere out there someone is begging to be pranked—and now you have the perfect pet–partner in crime.

Go exploring! The world has so much to see—and you have a wonderful companion to go on adventures with.

Piggyback time! You made sure your pet was big enough to carry you everywhere—even if the ride is a little bumpy.

Keep them in their cage and feed them lots of treats, hoping they won’t eat you before you can brag to all your friends that you got the supercool pet they were too scared to get!

Give your new friend a super-silly name, and then show it to your sibling and make them repeat the name over and over—especially if they’re embarrassed.


You’re at an ice cream shop, and they have TONS of amazing flavors—but they’re mean and will only let you try one. Which flavor do you taste?

Whichever flavor has the prettiest colors.

Cotton candy with sour Pop Rocks, so every bite is an explosive surprise!

Brown sugar cinnamon, because sugar and spice is the best combo ever!

Doesn’t matter. You like everything—but you want a double scoop!

Ghost-pepper chocolate. You don’t care that no one else has tried it—in fact, that’s half of the appeal. You’ll show everyone how it’s done.

Salted caramel, for that perfect blend of salty sweet.


What kind of music is always at the top of your playlist?

Soothing classical symphonies.

Punk rock—cranked up to full volume!

Pure, perfect pop. (The bouncier the better!)

Anything with bass—played so loud the walls shake.

Experimental electronica. Weird is wonderful.

Nature sounds. Especially the ocean.


Describe your favorite outfit.

It’s designer (of course) and the height of fashion.

It’s super comfy—with tons of pockets to hide things!

One word: sparkles.

Basic jeans because you hate frills—and a neon shirt for a pop of color!

It’s one of a kind, bought from several different stores (with a few homemade pieces).

Casual beachy-chic!


What’s your dream vacation spot?

A private palace—preferably on its own island.

The busiest, noisiest city you can find, where everything’s open late so you can explore all day and all night.

Anywhere with mountains and meadows and lots of fresh air.

The desert. Bring on the dust and heat and gorgeous views!

Doesn’t matter as long as there’s bungee jumping or skydiving available.

White sand, teal water, and all the scuba and snorkeling ever!


Which word best describes you?








Which pet problem would bother you the least?

They scoot out of your reach every time you want to cuddle them.

Their breath is toxic—and their burps are much worse.

They have so much energy, you wonder if they accidentally drank a double espresso.

Bath time is a GIANT splash-fest.

They get that look in their eye that makes you wonder if they’re plotting to eat you.

One second they love you—the next they’re biting you. (And their bites sting!)


Which pet from the human world would you be most excited to have?

Honestly, you’re not sure you’d want one. Human pets are so ordinary. But maybe there’s a fancy bird?

A hyper kitten, eager to attack anything that moves.

A horse! You know they’re a ton of work, but you don’t care!

Any kind of lizard—the bigger the better.

A tarantula.

A betta fish—pretty and fierce.


If you picked…

MOSTLY AS: You should adopt a moonlark! These rare, gorgeous birds are the prettiest pets ever—and their solitary ways are perfect for your independent spirit. You’ll both be able to admire each other from afar and get back to your busy lives.

MOSTLY BS: You should adopt an imp! These tiny, adorable troublemakers are perfectly suited to all your pranking needs—and they thrive in chaos. Plus, they make adorable, squeaky purrs when it’s snuggle time! Just make sure you hold your breath every time they fart!

MOSTLY CS: You should adopt an alicorn! These majestic flying horses are an excellent choice for anyone who values beauty and adventure—and they’ll do pretty much anything you want for some treats. You’ll have to clean up some sparkly poop, but… sparkles make everything better, right?

MOSTLY DS: You should adopt a T. rex! These giant fluffy dinosaurs are a whole lot of pet to love—and they’re a blast to ride around on! But watch out—sometimes they have a bit of a hard time adjusting to their new vegetarian diet!

MOSTLY ES: You should adopt a gorgodon! These mysterious hybrid creatures are new to the Lost Cities—and they need someone brave and accepting like you to show them a little love. Who knows how sweet they could be if someone truly cared for them?