Unlocked Page 58

MOSTLY FS: You should adopt a murcat! These unusual aquatic creatures will get everyone talking—and they can be very sweet when they want to be. And bonus points if you name your murcat something extra silly!



How many bodyguards would you need in the Lost Cities?


You find a mysterious note in your locker, and you’re pretty sure the poem inside is from the Black Swan. Do you…?

Ignore the note. If someone wants your help, they can ask you like a normal person!

Show the note to an adult and see what they think you should do.

Show the note to a friend and let them help you figure it out.

Ponder the note by yourself for several days, figuring out the best plan.

Rush off by yourself to investigate—something dangerous might be happening!


You’re shopping in Atlantis and overhear someone say something that makes you wonder if they’re part of the Neverseen. Do you…?

Ignore them. It’s the midterms celebration tomorrow, and you still have to find gifts for the rest of your friends.

Tell a nearby adult what you heard.

Hail one of your friends and ask them to rush over to help.

Follow the person from a safe distance—and make sure you always stay with a crowd.

Follow them as close as you can—and don’t stop for anything. They might lead you back to their hideout!


Five members of the Neverseen surround you.

Which ability do you wish you had?

Vanisher, so you can sneak away before things get ugly.

Psionipath, so you can trap them all under a force field and wait for help to show up.

Hydrokinetic, so you can wash them away with a tidal wave.

Mesmer, so you can control everything they do.

Pyrokinetic, so you can fight fire with fire.


You discover a huge secret. Who do you tell?

Anyone who wants to know. It’s not your job to keep something hidden.

A parent. They’ll find out anyway, and you don’t want to get in trouble.

Your best friend. Because that’s what BFFs do!

No one—but you write about it in your journal.

No one. Period. A secret is a secret.


Would you ever ditch class?

Of course not! Good grades are important!

Only if it was a huge emergency.

Maybe. It depends.

Probably, as long as I wouldn’t get caught.



Someone gives you a goblin throwing star.

Do you…?

Give it back. You’re not into weapons.

Ask them to give you some pointers on how to use it.

Practice with your friend.

Add a special pocket to your clothes so you can carry it with you.

Ask for a bunch more.


You end up injured in the Foxfire Healing Center.

What do you do?

Let Elwin take his time to do everything he needs to do—you can’t rush a proper recovery.

Ask your parents to collect your schoolwork so you can stay caught up with your sessions while you’re stuck in bed.

Ask your friends to help you practice whatever skills you can in the Healing Center.

Tell Elwin to give you extra treatments to hurry your recovery along as much as possible.

Tell Elwin you’re fine because you need to get out of there ASAP and catch the villains who attacked you!


If you picked…

MOSTLY AS: You’re clearly not interested in getting caught up in any conspiracies—but trouble still seems to find you, so you definitely need one bodyguard.

MOSTLY BS: You’re quick to turn to adults for help—but you definitely still want to be involved in what’s going on. So you need two bodyguards to keep you safe.

MOSTLY CS: You rely on your friends to back you up—which means you’re going to need extra protection for them. So three bodyguards is the best bet.

MOSTLY DS: You’re cautious. You take time to think before you act—but once you have a plan, it’s full steam ahead, even if it’s dangerous. So you need four bodyguards to keep you from taking too many risks.

MOSTLY ES: Congratulations, you’re destined for as many near-death experiences as Sophie—so you need the full Foster Five to keep you alive. Careful there, hero—you can’t save the world if you’re not alive to keep fighting!






Some of the Keeper characters have especially memorable first lines. See if you can match the first line to the character for these!


“You must be lost.” _____________________________________________

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sophie.” _____________________________________________

“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” _____________________________________________

“Hey, you’re the prodigy Dame Alina told us about, right? The new one?” _____________________________________________

“Is that my dress?” _____________________________________________

“It was you, wasn’t it? You’re the one.” _____________________________________________

“This goes a lot faster if you hold still.” _____________________________________________

“Is this you?” _____________________________________________

“You kids don’t seem to realize that interrupting elite study time merits a week’s detention.” _____________________________________________

“I need you to take me to see Wylie.” _____________________________________________

“You shouldn’t waste your talent on such ordinary defenses.” _____________________________________________

“No, Mr. Sweeney.” _____________________________________________

“Ready?” _____________________________________________

“I guess this means the Council has decided to make good on their threats.” _____________________________________________

“Thanks for taking care of her, guys, but I’ll take it from here.” _____________________________________________

“If you’re thinking it’ll get easier, it won’t.” _____________________________________________

“You’re covered in dinosaur fluff!” _____________________________________________

“Mom!” _____________________________________________

“Good morning, prodigies. First and foremost, whoever put reekrod in my desk over the weekend will—It’s not funny!” _____________________________________________


And here are some other characters’ first lines!

MR. FORKLE: “Looking for someone?”

EMERY: “Please be seated.”

KENRIC: “We don’t know.”

FALLON: “A lot can happen in six months.”

LORD CASSIUS: “Well, well, who do we have here?”

TERIK: “It works better one-on-one—you know that.”

TIERGAN: “You’ve got some nerve summoning me.”

UMBER: “Ugh, now I get why Keefe was always going on about this one.”