The Wanted Short Stories Page 33

I knew I was acting like a child, but something had snapped inside me, and I began to have all those feelings from years ago again. I just needed some time to get myself pulled together. I turned to see if Josh was coming after me, and when I didn’t see him, I cried harder.

I finally came to a stop and leaned against a building. I put my head in my hands and continued crying as I slid down the wall. I sat there on the ground, crying and acting like a child, as I tried to figure out why my heart felt like it had just been ripped out.

I wasn’t sure what I was more shocked by—the fact that I had been about to have sex with my wife, and I’d stopped to answer the fucking door, that Heather had just said what she said and walked out the door, or that Mindy had had the nerve to come here.

“Josh, are you and Heather having trouble? Is this little stay here to rekindle something lost?”

I glanced up at Mindy. She was moving her tongue along the top edge of her teeth.

Fuck. I should have known things would never change with this girl.

I walked up to her and grabbed her arm. She let out a gasp as I pulled her to me.

“Yes, Josh, yes,” she said as she smiled.

“I thought you understood where I stand with you. I am not interested in you, and I never will be. I love my wife, and right now, I’d love to kick your ass for interrupting what we were about to do.”

Her smile dropped. I reached for the basket of food and guided her to the door. I opened it, pushed her out the door, and handed her the basket.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to find my wife.” I slammed the door shut in Mindy’s face.

I quickly ran over and put my sneakers on. I grabbed my cell phone and went out the side door before jogging to my truck. I got in and hit Heather’s number. It went to voice mail.

“Heather! Baby, please, don’t do this to me, Heather. I’m in my truck, and I’m going to drive around this town all fucking day if I have to.”

I hit End and started the truck. I slammed my hands down on the steering wheel, and then I ran them down my face.

Why didn’t I just ignore the fact that Mindy was at the door? Why?

I was about to put the truck in reverse when someone knocked on my window. I turned to see Heather standing there with tears streaming down her face. I threw my truck into park, turned off the ignition, and opened my door. I jumped out, slammed my door shut, and pulled Heather into my arms.

“I’m. So. Sorry,” Heather cried out.

I began running my hand down the back of her head. “Shh…Princess, please don’t cry.”

She cried harder. “I don’t know what…came…over me.”

I reached down, picked her up, and carried her back to our suite.

“No, Heather, it’s me who should be sorry for doing what I did. Baby, please forgive me. I wasn’t thinking. I just kind of panicked that she was there.”

I slowly put Heather down when we were inside our room.

She wrapped her arms around my neck. “I love you, and I trust you. I’m so sorry I acted like that. All those…the bad feelings…it all just—”

I slammed my lips to hers and started kissing her passionately. She moaned as I slipped my tongue in, and I moved her closer to my body. She pushed her hands through my hair, and I pulled her hips to mine, so she could feel how much I wanted her.

She pulled her lips from mine and whispered, “Josh…”

I quickly pulled her shirt over her head and began taking her jeans off as she fumbled with my jeans. We both pushed our pants down and kicked them off to the side. She hadn’t put panties on, so I grabbed her and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around me as I turned and walked up to the sofa. I set her down on the back of it.

I wiped the tears away as I looked into her eyes. “You are the only woman I have ever loved and will ever love. It’s always been you, Heather. It will always be you.”

I pulled her to me and slammed my dick inside her, and she let out a gasp. I moved in and out of her, fast and hard. It was as if I was afraid that she would tell me to stop at any moment. I had to make her mine again.

“You’re my whole life.”

“Yes…” She panted. “Harder.”

“You’re mine, Heather.”

I grabbed her hips and moved faster.

“God, yes…yours…Josh…I’m gonna come. Oh God, yes! Yes!”

I could feel her pulsing down on me, and it was my undoing. I came so hard that I let out a moan and called out her name over and over. I hadn’t had an orgasm like that in a while. I pulled her to me and picked her up as I continued to pour myself into her.

She wrapped her arms around me and held on to me so tightly. “I love you, Josh. I love you so much.”

I walked us into the bathroom. I didn’t want to pull out of her, but I slowly did, and I gently put her down. I turned and started the shower. I stepped in and then reached my hand out for hers.

I picked up the soap and began cleaning her whole body off. She dropped her head back and made the sweetest noises as I took care of her. I washed every single inch of her beautiful body and then quickly washed mine as she rinsed off.

We made our way to the bed and crawled under the covers. I pulled her body up against mine as we lay there in silence. Nothing needed to be said. I could feel the love pouring from her body, and I hoped like hell she could feel mine.

I slowly began to let my body relax.

“I love you, Josh.”

“I love you more.”

“I love you more…plus infinity.”

I smiled as I drifted off to sleep. I dreamed of our new house with Will and Libby running in an open field, laughing, as a massive buck stood guard, watching them.

Three Months Later

“Will! Stop pulling Alex’s hair!” I shouted.

Alex went running to Ellie.

Heather was attempting to chase down Libby, who was running and screaming because a fly was after her.

“Okay, we need another plan of action. These four kids are going to drive me to drink!” Ellie said.

Jack and Grace started laughing.

Grace put her fingers to her mouth and whistled loudly. “Who wants watermelon?” she called out.

Jack walked up to Gunner’s truck and put the tailgate down. Then, he pulled out a cooler.

Will, Libby, Colt, and Alex all ran up to them. With Colt being the youngest, he’d learned quickly that he had to be fast, or he would miss out, and he was the first one there. Grace picked him up, handed him a huge piece of watermelon, and set him down in the bed of the truck. Soon, all four of them were sitting down there, eating.