The Wanted Short Stories Page 34

I let out a sigh as I pulled Heather into my arms, and then I kissed her.

She smiled and looked over to Gunner. “I love your mom and dad.”

Gunner laughed. “So do I. So. Do. I.” He picked up the plans again. “So, if you think you’re happy with the layout of the house, the only other thing to do is decide where you want the house to be placed.”

Heather walked up and pointed to the plans. “Those wraparound porches are going to be heaven. I’d love to have the house face north and south but maybe slightly turned, so the back porches face the west a bit more. The sunsets out here are amazing.”

Gunner nodded his head. “I totally agree with you, Heather. The idea is to take advantage of the views. The ceiling-to-floor windows across the back wall will make it feel like y’all are outside, even when you’re inside.”

“I think that is my favorite thing so far.” Heather said with a smile.

“I love the row of window seats you are putting in the dining room,” Ellie said.

I glanced over to Heather. She was gazing down at the plans with the biggest smile on her face.

“So, when are they gonna start building?” I asked.

Gunner began rolling up the plans. “Monday.”

My heart soared. We were building our dream home—a place where our kids would grow up, a place where we would make all new memories.

“Gunner, thank you so much for recommending the builder who built your place,” Heather said. She leaned up and gave Gunner a peck on the cheek.

“It’s my pleasure. They built Jeff and Ari’s main barn as well, and Jeff was really pleased. I think you will be surprised when you see how fast the builder can get things going.”

I glanced back toward the kids. Right at that moment, Will took a handful of watermelon and smashed it into Colt’s face as Libby distracted Jack and Grace. Colt screamed, Alex started crying—I had no clue why—and Libby and Will high-fived each other.

“When did Libby and Will learn how to high-five?” I asked no one in particular.

Gunner and I began walking toward our kids.

He laughed. “Damn, dude. You have your work cut out for you.”

I nodded my head and whispered, “Tell me about it.”

Sitting at the kitchen table, I jerked my head up after it bobbed when I began falling asleep.

I had just put Will and Libby down for their afternoon nap. They had been sleeping with us for the last four nights. They were cuddlers, so there was no sleeping for either Josh or me when they were in bed with us.

Josh had come up with a great idea though. We’d pushed their beds together and made one big bed. When I’d put them down for a nap, they’d both snuggled up next to each other. I’d smiled as I watched them drift off to sleep. They really were thick as thieves.

Josh walked into the kitchen and stopped when he saw me. “You look like how I feel.”

“Thanks,” I said, sliding my chair back. I walked to the refrigerator and opened it. “Is it too early to have a drink?”

He let out a chuckle as he walked up behind me and reached in for the sweet tea. “How about a tall glass of tea?”

I let out a sigh. “Sure.”

“How long have they been asleep?”

“Maybe an hour.”

A sexy smile spread across his face as he glanced down at the island and raised his eyebrow. “It’s been a while.”

I was just about to unbutton my pants when we heard laughing. We both stopped moving and stood perfectly still.

Libby started laughing again.

“Is she dreaming?” I whispered.

Josh made a face. “I don’t know.”

“Will! Will! Will!” Libby chanted.

I put my hand over my mouth. “She’s gonna wake up Will!”

Josh looked over at the monitor and began laughing. I spun around and let out a gasp. Will was jumping up and down on the bed while Libby clapped her hands and chanted his name.

“You made them a trampoline in their room!”

“Look at Libby egging him on!” Josh laughed.

I slowly turned and glared at him. I wanted him to feel my anger.

He peeked down at me and said, “What?” He pointed to the monitor. “You have to admit, that is some funny shit right there.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “So, now that they can jump on their beds like a trampoline, where do you think they’ll want to sleep tonight?”

Josh’s smile faded. “Fuck. I didn’t think about that.”

I quickly turned, walked out of the kitchen, and made my way to the twins’ room. After three more weeks, the house would be done, and we would be moving in. Then, Will and Libby would have their own rooms. I opened the door, and Will continued to jump.

“Hey, Mommy!” he shouted.

Libby sprang up and began jumping, too. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I opened them and placed my hands on my hips. Will and Libby both stopped jumping. Libby sat down while Will just stood there.

“You both know better.”

“Mommy, are you mad?” Libby asked in the sweetest voice.

My heart wanted to melt, but I refused to let it.

“Yes, Mommy is mad. Both of you, off the beds. We do not play or jump on the furniture at all.”

They both jumped off as I made my way over to Will’s bed. Josh walked into the room just then, and he helped me push Will’s bed back against the wall. I turned and looked down at the twins. Will was resting his chin on his hands, and Libby was twirling her hair with her finger.

“God, look at how cute they are,” Josh whispered.

Ice. Cold as ice. “In a few weeks, the two of you will be in your own rooms.”

Will stood up and did a little fist pump as Libby started crying. Will dropped to his knees and began trying to comfort her.

Oh. My. Goodness. He is just like his father. My heart Flipped my stomach.

I looked over at Josh as he smiled and watched our son comforting our daughter.

I glanced back at them. My sweet little angels.

No, Heather. Must. Remain. Cold. As. Ice.

I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Libby, you’re a big girl now. You and Will get to have your own rooms. Just think of all the extra room you’ll have.”

“For toys?” Will asked with a smile.

Josh chuckled.

I hit him in the stomach. “Don’t encourage him.”


“Maybe—if you are a good little boy and girl. That means, no jumping on beds, no putting mud in Mommy’s shoes, no bringing frogs inside and putting them to bed in Libby’s bed—”