Say You'll Stay Page 59

I spoke with her mama this morning when I got the idea. She smiled, patted my leg, and told me I’m back on her good side. That’s one Townsend down. Her daddy is going to be a whole different ball game.

Presley: What are you up to, Zachary Hennington?

I love when she calls me by my full name. She only does it when she’s mad or feeling feisty.

Me: Darlin’, get your fine ass down to our spot. We got us a hot date.

And hopefully one that puts a big smile on that gorgeous face. I’m going to show her how special she is and how she’s always been my choice.


I WALK DOWN THE STAIRS after getting the kids to bed and Daddy is sitting in his chair. “Goin’ somewhere, sugar?” he asks not looking away from the television.

“Hi, Daddy,” I say as if I’m fifteen again.

He gives a short laugh. “Right. Don’t think I don’t know you’re out every night with that boy.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s not a boy anymore, and I’m well past the age of curfews.” I kiss his cheek and he humphs again.

“We’ll see you in the morning.”

I smile and squeeze his shoulder. “Love you, Daddy.”

He looks over. “I love you, Presley.”

There are days I kick myself over pushing my family so far away. Today is one of them. My father and mother have been the solid ground throughout these months. They’ve not asked for anything from me but have given everything of themselves.

I head out the back door and snuggle into the blanket I keep out on the deck. It’s chilly out, and I’m barely wearing much. When I got his text, I felt like I needed to put a little effort in. I’m wearing a short, white, eyelet dress with a brown belt and a light jean jacket, I curled my hair this morning so it cascades in soft flowing waves. I threw on my cowboy boots, since trudging through the field to get to the creek isn’t usually a good idea in any other shoes.

Not that I usually go looking like crap, but at the same time, I never dress up.

I get to our meeting spot and find Zach leaning against his truck. “Hello, beautiful.” He walks forward, tugging me into his arms.

“Hi yourself.” My smile is instant. I try to look over his shoulder, but he turns me so I can’t see.

“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

“Me?” I ask with confusion.

“That dress.”

I grin. “I might have had a plan to torture you.”

“Well.” His lips press to mine. “I think.” Another kiss. “You’re doing.” And another. “A good job.” This time when our lips touch, I hold him there. Zach’s hands find their way to my hair, and he fists it loosely. I love the way he kisses me. Such power and strength, but never brutal. It’s a heady feeling when someone makes you feel safe and strong at the same time.

Our tongues dance as I get lost in Zachary’s touch. I can’t seem to stop myself. Being around him makes me crazy. It’s as if the time we spent apart only amplified things. When he touches me, it takes everything I have not to throw him down and feel every inch of him.

Zach’s grip loosens, and he touches the side of my face. “I have a plan.”

“I remember.” I smirk.

He takes my hand and pulls me to the truck. This isn’t his old one, this is brand new. “This yours?”

“I have two. Our truck, and this one.”

It hits me that he said our truck. “You think of the other truck as ours?”

Zach starts the engine and turns with a sly grin. “Of course I do. It was where a lot of memories were made. I can still look at the passenger seat and picture you doing your summer strip down after I made the winning homerun.”

There are some memories I guess we’ll never forget. “I was young.”

“You were naked.”

“I had my bra and underwear on!”

Zach drives down the road with the biggest smile. “Pres, you had white panties on that might as well have been off. And you took your bra off if I remember correctly.”

I shift in my seat as he taps the steering wheel. “You aren’t wrong, babe. You took my bra off.”

Remember that, buddy.

We were always experiencing this high force of sexual tension as kids. I didn’t want to wait too long, but I was terrified once we had sex, he’d leave. Zach was always going somewhere and maybe I knew we wouldn’t last.

“I remember. You squirmed in that seat. You kept lifting your hair, letting the wind blow it around. I also remember that was the first time I realized why road head is a dangerous act.”

“Zach!” Heat burns my cheeks. “I can’t believe you said that.”

He shrugs unapologetically. “It was a good day.”

“Where are we going?”

His fingers tangle with mine. “We’re having a date.”

“But everything is closed, it’s already ten.” I peek at my watch. “And I’m not ready.”

I hate myself for saying that last part. I wish I would get over my issues. Zach has been damn near perfect. Today reminded me of that. The way he was with the boys, the race, and then how both of them rooted for him.

“I know, baby. This is a date for us. Trust me.”

I squeeze his hand. “I do. I’m sorry. I don’t mean that I’m not ready. I think I’m just really scared.”


He turns onto a piece of land that the Henningtons own. It has a pond about two miles in where we used to swim as kids. Trent would freak me out with this stories of the blood-sucking leeches that would kill me. It took me a good year of watching Wyatt and Zach not die before I’d go in. Trent lived for tormenting me—he was damn good at it too.

“The pond?” I ask.

Zach doesn’t answer, he focuses on the road. The moon is bright tonight, and as we stop in front of the pond, the reflection is breathtaking.

“Zach,” I whisper. All around the lake are lanterns with candles casting the most beautiful glow. There’s a gazebo tent with chairs and a screen around it. I continue to scan the area as my heart swells. “It’s perfect.”

Zach gently takes my hand. “Come on.” His voice rings with pride. He drags me in front of the truck with the lights shining on us. “Dance with me.”