Say You'll Stay Page 60

I don’t say a word. Instead, I wrap my arms around him and let all my fear fade away. The music from the cab plays around us, but I couldn’t tell you the song. I feel the music. I feel his pulse beneath my hands, but mostly I feel us. We’re the music of this moment. He’s the beat that I’m dancing to. And our music is a beautiful symphony.

“You’re like this dream I keep waiting to wake up from,” he croons in my ear.

My eyes meet his. “I know what you mean.”

“I thought you were gone forever.” His thumb brushes against my face. “I never thought I would touch you again.”

I smile softly, leaning my head in his hand. “I didn’t either.” We weren’t supposed to be this anymore. I learned to love with part of myself missing. It wasn’t easy, but I was doing fine. Never did I expect my reality to become this.

He lifts me slightly so I have to look in his eyes. “I’m not happy about the how, but I am happy that it’s this way. I missed you, Pres. You’re my heart.”

And I melt. “You’re making it hard to resist you, Zachary.”

Zach dips down and kisses me with everything. My fingers grip his hair, holding him to me. Our lips move with passion and fervor. I want him to feel how much he means to me. How much this means to me. Dancing under the stars with nothing but the headlights and lanterns shining on us. I hate how much he knows me. He planned the most perfect non-date date.

His hands frame my face as he tears his lips from mine. “I need to stop.”

I want to urge him to keep going. Every cell in my body is saying tonight is the night. We’ve danced around this, and he asked me to feel. I want to feel him. All of him.

But I don’t. Instead, I step back.

“Sorry.” He comes closer. “Sometimes I have to remember we’re not there yet.”

“I want you, Zach.” The words come out before I have a chance to catch them.

His eyes widen. “I’m not trying to push you.”

I never thought he was. There was a hope that tonight would be that, but I’m shocked I’ve been able to keep myself from jumping him. I know what I feel. I want to be with him.

I need to be with him.

If I never knew how incredible it could be, maybe I would hold off. But it’s been a long time for me. There’s a very real part of me that needs to be taken care of. I don’t doubt that he’ll do that. I trust him.

“What’s in the tent?” I ask with a sultry undertone.

The first time Zach and I made love was in a tent. I have a feeling about what’s there.

I turn, but he grips my wrist. “I promise it wasn’t for what you think.”

I give him a soft smile. “I know, Cowboy.”

Even if he told me that was his intention, I wouldn’t care. Well, maybe I would. But all I see right now is that he cared. He did everything so that our first “date” was special. Just like he is.

“We don’t have to do anything. I just want to sleep together under the stars. I want to hold you all night long. That’s all, Pres.”

I take his hands and walk, leading him to the tent. “I want that too, Zach.”

He lets out a sigh. I want all of that—after.

Once we enter the tent, I zip it shut so we have no bugs or unwanted guests. Zach faces me as I turn back toward him. I peel off my jean jacket, showing my strapless dress before turning around and looking at the interior of the tent. Once again, he’s truly gone above and beyond.

It’s filled with more candles and lanterns. But in the middle is a bed with blankets and pillows. Not a blow up mattress either, no, he has an actual bed. He had to have worked on this as soon as he left me.

“Tell me this is real,” he murmurs.

I reach behind me, sliding the zipper down. “This is real.”

He strides forward and grips my hands, stopping me from removing my dress. Zach releases my hands and holds me close. “We don’t have to do anything, Pres.”

My fingers graze his cheek allowing the scruff to tickle my skin. “I’ve never been more sure. I want you to make love to me, Zachary. I want you to give me tonight.”

His head rests against mine. “I’ll give you every night.”

Zach’s mouth fuses to mine as he lifts me in his arms. I hold on to his neck as he walks toward the bed. He lays me down with care, bracing himself above me. He continues to kiss me without hurry. We both take our time since we have all night.

His lips move to my neck, kissing every inch of my skin on the way to my shoulder. “So perfect,” he whispers.

I push up on my elbows as his fingers roam my body. I shiver under his touch, but I’m far from cold. The warm summer air leaves a light mist of sweat across my skin. I close my eyes and breathe in this moment. Musk, grass, and country air fill me. Everything that is Zach.

I run my hands through his dark brown strands as he uses the position to slide my zipper the rest of the way. He leaves it that way, and he’s letting me lead a little. “I want you,” I reaffirm. “I want us.”

“I’ve always wanted you.”

I get on my knees, allowing my dress to fall. I couldn’t wear a bra with this dress, and it seems that worked to my benefit. His eyes drink me in. Zach lets out a deep groan, and I move closer. “Touch me,” I plead. “Please.”

He doesn’t make me wait. His hands are on me in an instant. It’s not like we haven’t gone this far in the last few weeks, but this is different. I feel it too. There’s a barrier down between us. We both know where this is going.

Our lips find each other as his hands squeeze and pinch my breasts. He rolls my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, making me nearly buck off the bed.

I want to feel his skin. My hand presses against his chest. He moves back and looks at me, questioning, and I lift his shirt over his head. There’s nothing I like more than looking at him. We may be in our thirties, but Zach is built like a twenty-year-old. His chest is broad and his abs are exactly like I remember. Every valley and peak is firm and mine to touch. I allow the tips of my fingers to enjoy the divots as I explore him a little. “You’re still the sexiest man I know.”

“It’s because we’re a perfect match.” He kisses my neck. “You’re the most beautiful thing in the world. Because you’re made for me.” Zach moves a little higher and places another peck right below my ear. “Just like I was made for you.”