The Swedish Prince Page 68

“Girls,” Bodi strides into the foyer, “Her Majesty is waiting for you.”

April, Rosemary and Thyme all look at each other and grin nervously before following Bodi out of the room.

I breathe out a sigh of relief.

“So you mentioned a bath?” Viktor says, wagging his brows.

I reach up and run my hands over the hard planes of his chest.

Then realize my hands are dirty and are leaving trails of dust.

“Helvete,” I swear, trying to wipe it off and only making it worse.

“See, swearing in Swedish is so much better,” he murmurs, leaning for a kiss. His lips barely have enough time to brush mine before the front door opens and Callum comes screaming inside.

“Maggie!” he yells and hugs my waist.

I have to admit, it feels really nice to be wanted like this.

“You’re back and you smell like pee. Did you pee yourself?”

I laugh awkwardly. “I did not pee myself.”

“Callum,” his nanny Ingrid says as she steps in the door behind him and then says something to him in Swedish which I think is that’s not how we talk to your sister. Both of us are learning.

But Callum quickly says he’s sorry in Swedish, so maybe he knows more than I do at this point. He smiles up at me. “Did you get to fire a gun?”

“No,” I tell him, ruffling up his hair which I know annoys him so much. He squirms away from me. “But I saw guns and bombs and a whole whack of stuff that I promise you aren’t that cool in real life.”

I look up at Ingrid. “What did you guys do today?”

Ingrid is in her early forties and is pretty much the epitome of a spinster because of the drab way she dresses and her prim and proper manner but she’s kind, patient with the kids, and, luckily, not Viktor’s type. I trust Viktor completely but when it was between her and a young and pretty Australian nanny, the queen was adamant we pick Ingrid. I guess nanny affairs are a thing here.

“We went to the zoo, walked around the park,” she says in her thick accent, then gives us a wry smile. “He may have had too much ice cream. I’m sorry.”

“Never too much!” Callum yells and then takes off running into the kitchen, probably to get more ice cream. I’m just glad he didn’t see the cake.

“He’s taking the motto too seriously,” I tell Viktor. I sigh. “Well, hopefully he’ll burn it off soon.”

“I’ve got him,” she says. “You go relax, you must have had quite the weekend.”

Understatement of the day.

“Come on,” Viktor says, pulling me up the stairs. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

We go up to our room and as he draws a hot bath for me, I get a glass of scotch from the bar cart and have a few sips, then get undressed and slip on a robe, opening it to inspect my body for bruises. There are a ton of them, scratches and mosquito bites too, but overall I think I came out better than had it been an actual kidnapping, so there’s that.

“I’ll give you privacy,” Viktor says, holding the bathroom door open for me once the bath is done.

“Thank you, my prince,” I tell him, standing on my tip toes to kiss him before I disappear into the bathroom. As much as I want to reconnect with him, as much fun as him washing me would be, I haven’t had a shower in days and I’m pretty dirty. Somethings are best done in private.

When I’m finally done with the bath and I’ve had a shower, however, I’m feeling sparkling clean. I puff a shimmery, lavender-scented body powder all over my skin and step out into the bedroom.


Viktor is waiting by the bed.

Also naked.

I’m glad we both were expecting the same thing.

And as I hoped, he looks very happy to see me.

I walk over him, trying to look seductive, my dark wet hair curling over my shoulders and breasts and then he’s grabbing me, his large hands running all over my body, over my arms, my waist, my ass. One hand slips up into my hair, the other slips between my legs and I’m already wet.

“I’ve missed you,” he murmurs, his voice thick. “I’ve missed this.”

He reaches down and slides one finger inside me and it’s enough to drive me crazy. Maybe it’s all the adrenaline that’s been coursing through my body these past few days, maybe it was being so far away from him, maybe I’m just realizing what a fucking god my fiancé is, but I’m suddenly starved for him.

And he is for me.

He picks me up, his hands nearly encircling my waist and practically tosses me onto the bed where I bounce, giggling. Then he’s hovering over me and I drink in the sight of his long bare torso, those abs rigid, shoulder muscles straining as he bites and kisses all the way down my body, being more gentle than normal. I guess do look like a wreck.

But I no longer feel like a wreck.

I pull him up to me and kiss him, then push him back onto the bed. Usually he’s the dominant in the bedroom but today I want to give him a taste of my own medicine.

I stroke his long, hard cock and climb on to him like a wild horse and then I’m riding him, my breasts bouncing, and I thrust my hips, his cock buried deep inside, his face staring up at me in lust and awe, like he can’t believe I’m here and this is happening.

Then I’m on my side, my leg lifted over his hip, and he’s driving into me, faster and faster, the headboard slamming loudly against the wall. Sweat drips off his body and onto mine, and the room fills with the thick smell of sex and the intoxicating sounds of my greedy moans and his grunts and his dirty mouth as he fucks me into oblivion. When I come, I’m unleashed, and I’m screaming his name, letting everything go. Every fear, every thought, every darkened part of me.

I’m liquid and sunshine and stars in the night sky.

I’m his princess.

I’m his future queen.

And when he comes, he comes hard and he’s swearing and grunting my name, and I know I make him feel like a king.

* * *


* * *

Tonight’s ball is being held at Drottningholm Palace.

After I flew back to Sweden in January and Viktor proposed (I’m still laughing at the “Will You Merry Me” fiasco, it almost puts my pronunciation of Chopin to shame), I had a whirlwind couple of months. There was a lot of back and forth from Stockholm to California until earlier this month because I wanted Rosemary, Thyme and April to finish their schooling for the year. Only Callum stayed with us right away since he’s young and was going to jump right into Swedish lessons with Ingrid anyway.

So Pike took care of the girls while I was living here, making sure they got to school and finished and then when they were done, they flew back here. With Annette’s help he put the house up for sale and at the moment it looks like it’s almost sold. When the sale goes through, Pike gets the money and he’s going to use it to open up a garage/tattoo parlor in LA. It’s sad not having him here but I totally get why he wants to stay in California. He is going to visit often, though.

But with all that’s been going on, the kids haven’t really been introduced to Sweden in a public way. Yes, the paparazzi are still plentiful and they do follow us everywhere but I’ve noticed they’re far more cautious about approaching us now and go out of their way to keep their distance.

Tonight though, the ball is not only a chance for the kids to dress up and feel part of the royal family, but it’s all for charity.

Our charity.

Over the last few months, the royal family decided to come out with the truth about Alex’s death, to not be ashamed of it. The King’s hopes were that more people will speak up about mental illness and suicide. Sweden has a surprisingly high rate that’s especially rampant in the far north, so it’s something that needs to be talked about, to end the stigma. Viktor especially has become very adamant about spearheading this cause.

I’m proud of my fiancé and the King and Queen for doing the right thing and I think they’re rather proud of themselves as well. It’s creating a change that their country needs.

“You look like a cake, I could just eat you all up,” Prince Magnus says to me with a salacious wink. I look down at my dress. It’s gold with many petticoat layers and a bustier. It reminded me of Belle’s gown, which is exactly why I got it.

“You don’t look too bad either,” I tell him, snapping his bowtie against his neck. “For a Norwegian.”

“What am I? Chopped herring?” Viktor says, looking between the two of us.

“It’s chopped liver,” I remind him.

“But I love liver.”

“You love herring too,” Magnus says, then looks around. “Where oh where are the drinks? I’d like to get a few in me before all the speeches start.”

The ball is underway and I’m standing with Viktor and Magnus off to the side. The King and Queen are about to step out with the kids and give the formal introduction to them and the event.

I look behind me to see Rosemary, Thyme, April and Callum all in a row, holding hands like they’re about to play red rover. They look so nervous, it’s cute.

“You guys look great too,” I whisper to them over my shoulder, even though I’ve already told them they look amazing a hundred times. Callum in a little cummerbund suit, the girls in long gowns. They all literally look like royalty. The queen did good helping to pick it all out.

Callum grins and starts doing a little dance. “I’m so excited,” he squeals. “Bork bork.”

“Callum!” I can hear Ingrid admonish him from somewhere in the background.

Then Dolf Lundgren (but not really) strides to the front of the area where we are gathered and addresses the crowd. “I’m please to present to you His Majesty King Arvid and Her Majesty Queen Elin.”

The King and Queen, both in formal royal wear, come out to a microphone, his mother doing the graceful “queen wave” and his father nods at everyone.

The King clears his throat and speaks. “Thank you all for coming here tonight. As you know, this event is for our charity, The Prince Alexander Fund, which we created in our son’s honor to help end the stigma against mental illness. Through the tragedy of losing Alex to suicide, we decided that the best way to honor him would be to ensure that no more lives are lost in the same way. We are a proud country and we have a long way to go with treatment and societal expectations, however I believe Alex would be proud of us, of all of you, for taking this first step.”