The Swedish Prince Page 69

Everyone applauds. I look up at Viktor and briefly lean against him. His chin is raised high, a loving smile on his lips as he looks at his father and I know that this moment, this journey, has meant a lot to him.

Queen Elin then steps to the mic to speak. “Thank you, Arvid. We would also like to take this time to introduce Miss Maggie McPherson, who is betrothed to our son, and her brothers and sisters who have made Sweden their new home.”

More applause.

Crap. I didn’t know I had to go out there too.

Viktor holds his arm out and I take it and now I’m gliding across the floor and everyone is applauding us. I know my cheeks are going beet red because I was not expecting this, so I quickly turn to the kids and beckon them over. They’re so scared, they freeze and it takes a nudging from Ingrid (more like a shoving) for them to finally walk out, still holding hands like they’re crossing the street.

Now the crowd is clapping louder and the kids are positively beaming at the attention. Especially Callum, of course he’s hamming it up and doing strong man poses.

“Nice family,” Viktor whispers in my ear as I look them over.

“The best,” I whisper back.

He bites his lip and looks me over. “So when can we start one of our own?”

We’ve discussed having kids before but only in passing. Now he’s asking me with the entire room staring at us. Thank god no one can hear him.

“I’ve made you go red,” he goes on quietly, squeezing my hands. “A royal flush. You know I like that.”

“I know you do.” I raise my brow. “We can start right after this.”

“Give you the royal treatment in the coatroom?”

I grin. “Something like that.”

Something like that.

* * *