House of Bastiion Page 100


Ahoté: /Ah-HO-tay/ Restless Bobcat (nickname)

Àla’maia: /Ah-lah MY-ah/ The Moon (name)

Ano: /Ah-Noe/ No

Ano zà: /Ah-Noe Zah/ No (final)

Doru: /DOH-roo/ Stop; wait; pause

Ho’waladim: /Hoe-wall-a-dim/ As is due to you (in place of “You’re welcome”)

Jaha: /Jah-Hah/ Pretty thing

Jwona rapiki: /Jeh-wahn-uh rah-pee-kee/ Fate writer

Kàchà kocho: /Kah-chah Koe-cho/ This or that; so-so; either

Kakk: /Kak/ Babble; ramblings; nonsense

Kakka-shtàka: /Kak-uh ShTAH-kuh/ Dumb; shitty thing; useless (slang)

Kwihila rapiki mu Jwona: /Kwih-hee-luh rah-pee-kee moo Jeh-wahn-uh/ Victory writes over Fate

Maji’maia: /Mah-zhee MY-ah/ Witchy-Moon (nickname)

Na huwàa tàkom lai na huwàa: /Nah hoo-ah tah-KOM lie nah hoo-ah/ It takes a hound to hunt a hound

Ni yeye ràtomdai na wewe: /Nee yay-yay rah-tohm-dye nah way-way/ Do you claim rights to him/her/them/it

Owàa: /Oh-WAH/ The Sun (name)

Owàamo: /Oh-WAH-moe/ The Sun greets you (greeting)

Papyon: /Pap-ee-on/ Love; sex (slang)

Qondai: /Kon-Die/ To understand or comprehend

Shàla’maiamo: /Sha-lah my-AH-moe/ The Moon watch you (farewell)

Shamàli: /Sha-mah-lee/ If you see fit (in place of “Please”)

Uni: /Oo-nee/ Yes

Uni zà: /Oo-nee Zah/ Yes (final)

Yaya: /Yah-Yah/ Honey; an attractive woman (slang)

Zullee: /Zool-lee/ Accepted with honor (in place of “Thank you”)

      House of Pilar

–Eastern Coast–

Chancellor: Head of the Pilarese Shoto Collective

Gakoshū: /Gah-koh-shoo/ City of Learning

Lempeii: /Lem-PAY/ Port city; station of the Orynthian navy

Shoto: /ShOH-toe/ Citizen of Pilar; philosopher; dedicated to the pursuit of learning

Shoto’shi: /ShOH-toe-shee/ A shoto acolyte; training in the ways of the Collective

Shoto Collective: Pilarese congress of scholars and politicians

Shoto Prime: Leader within the Shoto Collective