House of Bastiion Page 99

Outer Proper: Royal land encircled by the Noble Provinces; the outskirts of the city of Bastiion

Pipe Marrow: A highly pungent opiate often smoked in the tents of Marketown

Province: Land bestowed to the heads of the nobility and their heirs

Vàssa Ship: /Vaah-sa/ Leisure vessel

The Veiled Lady: Popular tavern in Marketown owned by Salma Nabhu

Yancy: /Yan-see/ Universal slang for any wealthy Unitarians; the nobility

Unitarian: Primary language spoken in the House of Bastiion and the Unitarian lands; general mixture of ancient languages, refined over time

Unitarians: Orynthian bloodline comprised from a blended ancestry from centuries past


Shtàka: /ShTAH-kuh/ Shit (slang)

Y’siti: /Yuh-ZEE-tee/ Filthy Ice-Witch (derogatory)

      House of Boreal

–Highland Peninsula–

Aniell: /AHn-ee-eL/ High One; sole deity of Boreal

Bomaerod: /BOH-may-rahD/ Vented staff utilized by the Najjan; typically made of bone and/or wood, used to created audible reference points in a space while training

Boreali: /Boar-eell-ee/ Primary language spoken in the House of Boreal; term for the people of Boreal

Clann: Ruling leader of the clans inhabiting the Boreal peninsula

Clann Darragh: /Klan Dahw-rah/ Formal title of the ruling leader meaning Mighty Oak

Clan Elder: Elected leader of a Boreali clan

Consort Daggers: A set of short, curved luxiron daggers, ornate in design

Crescent Wraiths: A set of long, arced luxiron blades used in unison; gripped at the center; serrated or scooped at the ends

Feidierdanns: /Fee-DYER-dons/ A braided whip used to increase the agility of footwork in Najjani training

Isle of Viridis: /eyeL of Ver-EE-dees/ A remote island off the coast of Boreal; fortress where Najjan train

Klödjen: /klode-Gen/ A wooden globe surrounded by a horizontal ring wide enough to hold a man; used in elementary training by the Najjan

Kuerre: /Koo-AIR/ Luxiron sword; shorter than standard and curved at the tip

Kurtfierï: /Kert –FYE-ree/ Courtship token; an article of the father’s clothing or dress, typically worn by the suited

Linsilk: Boreali fabric made of silk harvested from spiders around the banks of the Dönumn

Lumin: /Loo-men/ Sacred light energy native to the Boreali highlands

Lumilore: /Loo-meh-Lore/ Lux-stone; lumin-infused stone gathered near the banks of the Dönumn

Luxiron: Specialized Najjani iron, forged in undiluted lumin; warm to the touch, translucent in color, corrosive in nature, and lightweight; trade restricted

Luxsmith: A Najjani smithy, dedicated to the creation of Luxiron (i.e., luxcrafting)

Lycran: /LIE-kran/ Orallach fox-wolf (wolx) hybrid; genes enhanced by war-taint

Najjan: /Nah-zhahn/ Boreali warrior

Orallach Mountains: /Orr-uh-laK/ Range of frigid mountains; uninhabited

Radials: Hidden luxiron blades worn atop the knuckles like a multi-fingered ring

Roüwen: /Roe-OO-wen/ The village-fortress capital of Boreal

Solrahs: /SOL-rahs/ Half moon-shaped septum piece made of luxiron; worn by the Haidrens to Boreal

Tiergan: /TARE-ghan/ Sacred Bloodline of the Haidrens to Boreal; direct descendants of Tiergan


Allöh: /AH-loe/ May peace convene with you (informal greeting)

Allöh’jomn’yeh: /AH-loe zhoM-yay/ May peace convene with you (formal greeting)

Ana’Brödre: /Ahna-Broe-DRuh/ Great Brother or Brethren

Ana’Innöx: /Ahna-ee-NOCKS/ Great Harvest

Ana’Mere: /Ahna-Mare/ Great Mother

Ana’Sere: /Ahna-Sare/ Great Sister(s)

Aurynth: /Aur-rinth/ Eternal resting place; heaven

Bolaeva: /Bo-LAY-vah/ Please

Dönumn Lux: /Doe-nuM Lux/ Gift of Light

Fappa: /Fah-puh/ Daddy

Heh’ta: /HEH-tuh/ Stay; halt

lu’Lycran: /Loo LIE-cran/ Little lycran (nickname)

Mamu: /Mah-Moo/ Mommy; mama

Meh fyreon: /Meh Feer-ee-on/ I’m sorry; I apologize

Meh’dajjeni Dönumn, weh’dajjeni Lux: /Meh Dah-zhen-ee Doe-nuM, weh Dah-zhen-ee Lux/ My strength in the Gift, our strength for the Light

Niit: /Neet/ No

rul’Aniell: /Rool AHn-ee-eL/ In and to Aniell

Se’lah Aurynth: /se-Lah Aur-rinth/ Until the shores of Aurynth

Tadöm: /tah-Dome/ Thank you

Tredae’Aurynth: /Tred-AYE Aur-rinth/ Walk in Aurynth (farewell)

Waedfrel: /Wade-frell/ Good; great; exemplary

Wem: Yes

Yeh’maelim: /Yeh-may-lim/ Welcome to you

Ykah lö: /Eye-kuh Loe/ What; huh; come again

      House of Darakai

–Southern Mountains and Lowlands–

Alpha: Leader of a regional pryde of militia

Alpha Zá: Leader of the militia prydes

Andwele: /An-DWEE-lee/ Native language of Darakai

Andwele Mountains: Mountain range forming the western border between Darakai, Razôuel, and Mworra

Beta: Second to the pryde alpha

Beta Warlord: Second to the Chief Warlord

Bwoloa: /Beh-WOE-lo-ah/ Golden liqueur imported from Darakai; made of fermented grain and orange blossoms

Chief Warlord: Darakaian leader of all native tribes and minor chiefs

Commander of the Orynthian Armies: Appointed by the king

Cub: Child (slang)

Faraji: /Fah-rah-zhee/ Capital of Darakai; fortified mountain city; location of War Council and tribal leaders

Gunja pants: /Goon-Juh/ Loose-fitting pants wrapped at the waist and ankles; worn for drills and combat

Halona: /Hah-LOE-nuh/ Foothills of the Andwele Mountains

Kopar: /Koh-PAR/ Sickle-sword carried by the Darakaian military

Motumbha: /Moh-TUM-buh/ Arrowball; a Darakaian field game consisting of three baskets, two archers, and ladle-like sticks

Pammu: /PAH-moo/ Fermented pam sap brewed with beetles in the base of the bottle

Pryde: Localized group of Darakaian militia

Yowekao: /Yow-uh-KAY-oh/ Remote mountain tribe within the Andwele Mountains