Savor the Danger Page 106

So now was Jackson’s chance to come clean with her. Would he? “Everything being…?”

Spencer moved away from Arizona. “I’m interested to hear this myself.”

As if gauging Spencer’s reaction, Jackson said, “I knew someone had been after us, but I didn’t know who, and I didn’t even know where to start. Then Arizona told me the same silver BMW that tried to run us off the road had been following her.”

Spencer nodded. “The cocky bastards make it easy for me to spot them in that flashy car.”

Arizona brightened. “So you were going to use me to lure them in?”

“No.” Jackson scowled ferociously. “I would never do anything to endanger you.”

She deflated.

Seeing Arizona’s expression, Alani said, “Jackson loves you. Of course he wouldn’t put you at risk.”

Spencer quirked a brow while Arizona and Jackson stared at her.

Leaning into Jackson again, Alani said, “You’ve never told her that you love her?”

Arizona looked so ill at ease that Alani was ready to clout Jackson if he didn’t give the right answer.

“It’s never come up, but of course I do.” He wrapped an arm around Alani. “Like a kid sister.”

Arizona rolled her eyes, but a dusky rose flushed her skin. Grudgingly, she admitted, “Love you, too.”

Alani noted the lack of a qualifier for Arizona. Did she fancy herself in love with Jackson? Or was love just so alien to her that she couldn’t separate one type from another?

“Great.” Spencer relaxed again. “So if the drama’s over, can we get back to the action?”

Nodding, Jackson took Alani’s hand and led her over to the couch by Arizona. He sat down beside her. “I wouldn’t set you up to be followed, but since you said they were following you anyway, it gives me an opportunity to trap them.”

It all came together for Alani. “The best way to keep everyone safe is to end the threat once and for all.”

“Forever looking over your shoulder, dodging shadows. That’s no way to live.”

“It’s worked for me so far,” Arizona complained. “But whatever. Why don’t I just go out there now and when they come for me, you can grab them?”


Spencer said, “Hell, no.”

As if to sway Jackson, Arizona said, “I’ve got my gun.” She lifted up one leg of her jeans to show a black nylon ankle holster fastened around her trim leg with Velcro. She patted it lovingly. “I’ll be fine.”

Livid, Jackson held out a hand. “Give it to me.”

“What? No way.” When Spencer snarled, it prompted Arizona to turn her cannon on him. “You can just be quiet! You have nothing to do with anything.”

Too quick for Arizona to react, Jackson ripped open the Velcro and took the gun and holster from her. He thrust it at Alani.

With two fingers, she held it away from her body. “Um…” Though Trace had taught her to shoot, it still made her uncomfortable to handle a gun. “What am I supposed to do with this?”

“Just hang on to it for a minute.”

“Oh.” She looked around but saw no place safe to put it. “Okay.”

Taking her compliance for granted, Jackson again caught Arizona’s shoulders. “I have this under control.”

Hoping to help him convince her, Alani said, “I’m sure he does. He’s very good at this sort of thing.”

As the only person squeamish about a gun, Alani got a lot of attention from the other three. Giving a lame smile, she got up to put the gun, holster and all, in her purse.

On the off chance Arizona decided to take it from her, she didn’t want to be a sitting duck.

When Jackson’s phone beeped, he eased out from between the women and moved away to check it. Everyone watched him, anxious for news, but Alani also watched Arizona.

And Arizona was busy watching Spencer with a sort of defiant uncertainty in her demeanor. That particular look told Alani so much.

Though there wasn’t much difference in their ages, Jackson was right—a whole world separated them.

“Your name cleared,” Jackson told Spencer.

Too restless to sit, Spencer prowled around the living room. “Must be one hell of an operation for you to know that already.”

“I get by.”

“You’re not a cop.”

Jackson smiled and, without bothering to reply, moved closer to discuss the situation with Spencer.

While they talked, Alani tried to think of a way to help Arizona. Angry tension radiated off her in waves, gathering force with each second that passed. The awful burden of her hurt kept her confrontational. Alani understood that natural protection mechanism—people couldn’t very well disappoint Arizona if she didn’t care enough to let them.

Insolence, bravado and antagonism hid a lot of pain.

But thanks to Jackson, Alani had finally moved on. Not once had she had a nightmare with Jackson at her side. He filled up her world so completely that it was impossible to dwell on negativity or fear.

He’d saved her.

Now maybe she could help him save Arizona.


THEY WAITED ALL DAY, and nothing happened. Jackson knew Dare and Trace were more than used to long stake-outs, but as the sun began to sink in the sky, his uneasiness grew.

Through codes, they’d stayed in touch, but kept actual phone conversations to a minimum.