Savor the Danger Page 107

Alani had long ago fixed food for everyone, and she kept refilling his and Spencer’s coffee cups.

But Arizona didn’t eat. She didn’t talk.

What bothered Jackson the most was how she grew edgier with each hour that passed. He’d seen it before, how the strain built until it could break a person. Waiting for fate to f**k you over was never easy. Most people preferred to face an issue head-on.

For someone like Arizona, a woman driven to confront her demons, laying low would be a certain type of hell. He wished for some way to help her, but she’d rejected conversation with everyone, including Alani.

That hadn’t slowed Alani down, though. She’d continued to chat at Arizona every so often as if she weren’t being rebuffed. He admired her optimism, compassion and tenacity.

She looked up, caught him watching her and blew him a kiss.

Amazing Alani.

She hadn’t shown a single sign of jealousy over Arizona. No, she got it. Really got it.

All of it, including Arizona’s emotional wounds.

Jackson knew then, without a shadow of a doubt, that he loved her. And he knew with even more certainty that he didn’t want to be without her. He needed her in his life in a million different ways.

She wanted to experiment and explore her newfound sexuality, so he wouldn’t pressure her. But as soon as they wrapped up this sting, he’d show her how good a life together would be.

Arizona went to a window to look out. “How long are we going to do this?”

Calm personified, Jackson said, “As long as necessary. If it’s getting to you, why don’t you take a nap? I know you didn’t get much sleep.”

“Get real.”

Yeah, he couldn’t see Arizona dodging out to rest. “Then put on a movie, or grab a magazine or something. Might as well get comfortable.”

As if it was somehow Spencer’s fault, she shot him an evil look and stalked down the hall in search of reading material.

It was another hour before the call finally came.

Dare this time, not Trace, and he wasted no time sharing his news. “We have them.”

Slowly, Jackson came to his feet. “Details?”

“Two carloads. Seven men. Loaded down with enough weapons to be a small army.”

They’d come prepared. “Any problems?”

Dare ignored that to say, “Trace convinced one of them to talk.”

Yeah, Jackson knew how convincing Trace could be.

“The head guy says you were the main target, but they wanted Arizona almost as much, and Alani, too, if it’d hurt you. They had a sniper rifle. If you’d stepped out again—”

“Or if you hadn’t been keeping watch.” One way or another, they wanted him dead. Too bad he didn’t plan to accommodate them.

“The dumbasses set up about forty yards from us. Trace picked off the shooters first, then I went in with his cover.”

Jackson got such a rush when a plan fell into place. “Have fun?”

“Actually, yeah, I did.”

Jackson glanced back at Spencer. The bounty hunter stood at the alert, willing to forgo the find if necessary but waiting for the verdict.

Jackson asked Dare, “Everyone still alive?”

“More or less.”

“Perfect.” Jackson covered the phone. “How good are you, Spencer?”

Looking even bigger than his nearly six-and-a-half feet, Spencer met Jackson’s gaze dead-on. His mouth barely moved when he said, “I have very personal reasons for making sure they pay.”

“Yeah? I don’t suppose you want to tell me about it?”


Because it’d mean he could get back to loving Alani, Jackson accepted that. Speaking into the phone again, he said, “With a little help to ensure no one gets away, we could let the bounty hunter take them off our hands.” And that’d leave them free to wrap up other details.

Dare had a few things to say about that—things Jackson wouldn’t share with his audience. He met Alani’s gaze, stared into her eyes and knew she’d be a problem. “We’ll ensure he follows through.”

Dare said, “You better be right about this.”

Knowing himself to be a great judge of character, Jackson said, “I am.” With the others listening in, he added, “I’ll send Spencer on his way, then meet you at your place.”

Arizona’s shoulders slumped. Did she really think he’d abandon her?

He looked to Alani for help. As if she’d been waiting for him, she smiled, then leaned over to talk quietly with Arizona.

“There’s one more thing,” Dare said.

What now? “I’m listening.”

“Tobin called Trace to share an interesting bit of info.”

Jackson stiffened. It took Dare only moments to fill him in on the call, and the particulars obliterated any doubts Jackson had. “Got it.” Since Jackson already knew where Trace and Dare were stationed, he said, “I’m sending on the bounty hunter, so try to make sure there’s someone left for him to collect, okay?”

Dare laughed at that and disconnected the call.

Knowing the rest wouldn’t be easy, Jackson walked over to Alani. “Looks like it’s all settled.”

Trembling with fury, upset, or both, Arizona stormed into the kitchen.

“This has been very hard on her,” Alani said as if to defend Arizona. “Give me a minute to talk to her, okay?”

Fascinated, especially since Arizona left him floundering more often than not, Jackson asked, “What will you say?”