Here Be Sexist Vampires Page 30

And I’d make sure she called my name.

Before any of that was going to be possible, there was something I had to do first.

It was Daniela who answered the door when I went to the apartment. As usual, the inside was a mess: open tubs of nail varnish on the table, clothes hanging over the sofa, shoes here there and everywhere, empty NST bottles on almost every surface. All three of them were, in a word, slobs. They were so bad that the maid had gone on strike.

“Jared, hi,” said Daniela, reaching out to me with those weirdly long acrylic nails. “I’ve missed you.”

I avoided her touch and advanced further into the apartment. Joy and Tammy appeared from the kitchen within seconds, both glowing and ready to start their usual seduction techniques. I held up my hand as a signal to them to stop in their tracks. All three girls were now looking at me with confusion and wariness flashing across their face, glancing briefly at each other. No matter how I phrased what I was about to say, their reactions would be the same. As such, I didn’t see the point in creeping around the issue. “I’m relieving each of you of your consort position.”

There was a brief moment of silence. Shock echoed within it.

“You don’t want us anymore?” asked Daniela after a minute or so.

“What did we do?” Tammy was doing her hands on h*ps thing.

I glanced at the three of them as I explained, “My decision is not something that any of you should take personally, I -”

“You’re replacing us,” said Joy sharply. She had the look of someone who was considering how to do the perfect murder.

Tammy gasped and then shot Joy a scowl. “If he is, we all know who’s to blame.”

“Yeah,” spat Daniela, glowering at Joy. “It’s your fault for being so heavy on him all the time, following him around.”

Joy’s hands balled into fists. “I wasn’t being ‘heavy all the time’” – oh she was – “it’s not my fault if I’m the favourite and he likes having me around.”

None of this was unexpected. We’d been through something similar before when I almost added another consort. All of them suddenly became insecure and repeatedly asked what they had done wrong, if I was punishing them. Daniela became whiny. Tammy became full of questions. Joy became snappy and couldn’t let the issue go. Then they all turned on each other. With that in mind, I knew that this could go on all night long. Time to cut it short and rip the Band-Aid right off.

Before I could speak, Joy turned back to me and spoke, “Who’re you replacing us with?”

“I don’t need to explain myself to any of you. My decision has been made, that is all you need to know. You have a week to find alternative accommodation.”

Ignoring their noises of protest, I proceeded to leave the apartment. I might have let them keep it if it weren’t for the fact that it would look to others, more importantly to Sam, that I was still using them as consorts. I’d originally thought that since I’d had consorts so long it would be weird to suddenly have none. But it wasn’t.

As I reached the door, there was a tug on the back of my shirt. I pivoted sharply, ready to reprimand the tugger. I hadn’t expected to see the vision that was then in front of me.


My initial reaction was to hitch in a breath and insert warmth into my expression. But then reality quickly kicked in. I sighed, irritated. “Joy, what’re you doing?”

“This is what you want, isn’t it,” she said bitterly.

“Joy, that’s -”

“I can give you that. You don’t need to make her your consort, you don’t need to do all this, I can give you that.”

“You have a week to get out,” I repeated.

Before I could open the door she threw herself in front of me, still physically a perfect imitation of Sam, leaning back against the door. Her hands grabbed my t-shirt. “Jared, listen to me. I can give you what you want. If this is what you want to see, who you want to see, then this is what I’ll do. And I’ll be better than she is. You’ll be able to see her in front of you like this but you won’t have to deal with all the shit she pulls. I won’t insist on being you’re only consort. I won’t talk down to you. I won’t disrespect you. I won’t fight you.”

I sighed. “I know. That’s why you’ll never be her.”

“So, what, you’re saying it’s not enough because you care about her?”

For a second my mind went blank, but then I deduced that of course I didn’t. I couldn’t. The only people I cared about were Evan and Antonio. I didn’t do feelings when it came to women. I’d already been over all this once in my head before; just because I wanted her as much as I did, it didn’t mean anything. It was just lust on a very grand scale. A very, very grand scale. That was all it could be.

I removed Joy’s hands from my shirt. “Have a bit of pride.” And then I left.

Chapter Twelve


At eight-thirty in the evening exactly there was a knock on my apartment door. Wow, Jared had actually used the door rather than just teleporting in. He was obviously on his best behaviour. Imagine that. Full points for his punctuality.

Our eyes raked over each other as I opened the door. God there was no denying how gorgeous he looked in his designer pale blue shirt and designer black trousers – such a simple combination and yet he looked edible. I suddenly felt underdressed even though I was wearing a blood-red cocktail dress that was so thin and clingy it was more like an extra layer of skin. Somehow, though, it didn’t look tarty or cheap. Fletcher had sorted my entire outfit. Three hours he had spent rallying around me asking me to try things on. Eventually he had settled on this dress, a pair of high-heeled strap-up red shoes, and a matching purse.

Jared did exactly what Fletcher said he would do. He flashed me the sexiest, hungriest smile and sucked in a breath. “I’m so torn right now.”


“As much as I know how important it is to go to this gathering at Connelly’s, all I really want to do is push you back inside and ravish you. What to do...”

“What makes you think I’d let you ravish me?”

He settled his hands softly on my hips. “I held up to my side of the bargain, now it’s your turn to deliver.”

“You really got rid of them?” I hadn’t actually been convinced that he would. Not just for me, just like that.

“I told you I would, didn’t I?”

I pursed my lips. “Then maybe I’ll let you ravish me after Connelly’s gathering.”

“You’re a tease.”

“You like that. Now let’s go.”

“Yes, let’s. The sooner it’s over the sooner I can get you back here.”

“How we getting there?”

He smiled. “How do you think?”

There was then that familiar queasy feeling in my stomach and suddenly we were outside a security, double-glazed box that was attached to a large set of black iron gates. One of the two guards stood within it was startled by our abrupt presence but seemed to recognise Jared and dropped his reproachful twist of the lips.

“Evening,” he greeted Jared, carefully taking the invitation in Jared’s hand that had been addressed to him from Connelly. He hadn’t acknowledged my presence at all. Wow, they really were stuck-up round these parts. Stepping aside, he gestured for us to pass through. “Have a good night, Sir.”

Jared nodded and then, with a hand at my back, guided me through. Now, I’m not one to get much impressed by big fancy houses, but this one came second to Antonio’s mansion. The grey limestone building looked as smooth as a baby’s bum. It was three stories high and had varying stained-glass windows of varying styles and sizes, something I wouldn’t have thought would have added to its character. It had a very welcoming, extravagant portico which, right now, was the only part of this angle of the mansion through which light was shining through.

The winding path toward it was a bit annoying, I felt like I was off to see the Wizard of bloody Oz. If I hadn’t been wearing my heels I would have suggested to Jared that we take a small de-tour and just cross straight over the lawn. He’d have probably said no. Tonight I had to do as I was told. How wonderful.

Having entered through the solid pine porch doors, we came to the Grand Entry Hall. It was crowded with vampires. Obviously the gathering began here. It seemed to then branch out further ahead underneath where the chandelier was situated on what was to be something like an eight foot high ceiling, with vampires coming and going from rooms on both the left and right. I guessed them to be the living room and the dining room. Far ahead was a curved solid pine staircase that was carpeted golden and had intricate carvings. Connelly was obviously a flashy sod.

Remember not to leave my side, said Jared.

Sir, yes, Sir.

One hand still on my back, Jared guided me through the crowd. His touch burnt in the most pleasurable way. The vampires had all congregated into circles, some big and some small. Plenty of those heads turned as we squished through and I saw lots of pairs of eyes focus on who was behind me and then nod respectfully. Jared, of course. I got a second look due to being the Heir’s consort. Suddenly I felt like I was in school walking down the corridor with the most popular boy, everyone wondering what it was about me that made him pick me.

The blokes seemed to approve of me. I suppose the blood-red dress helped with that. As for the females...well they seemed to be looking for something about me that might make me worth gossiping about. Once they realised I was a Sventé, they’d be in their element. If it wasn’t for the warmth coming from his hand, I’d be feeling mightily uncomfortable and a little agitated already.

God, so much excess energy buzzed around the place. Snort. Obviously these master vampires weren’t as great as they thought they were if they were leaking energy like that. And to think that they were looking down on me.

The way that Jared once had, I suddenly thought.

For a second, the question of whether he might return to that frame of mind after we had shagged entered my mind. I quickly discarded it. I didn’t want to explore that idea, afraid of the answer. Yes, afraid. I concentrated on the feel of Jared, his scent, his proximity, his promise of what was to come later. The end of this gathering couldn’t come soon enough. I never liked parties. Not vampire ones anyway. Going as someone’s consort made the night even worse. Not only was I under Jared’s control, but I couldn’t wander off and socialise or drink from any of the intoxicated humans. And if any vampires did decide to talk to me and it turned out that they were a total bore, I had to stand there and listen to it, nodding in agreement with things I couldn’t give a crap about or laughing at jokes that wouldn’t be funny at any time in any place.

Worst of all, if any vampire decided to subtly feel me up a little, I couldn’t do anything about it other than tell Jared and hope he told them to get their hands off me. Victor always did, which was something that I had always been grateful to him for. He never let anyone else ever touch me, or bite me, and he would refuse anyone who proposed that I bite them.

Here comes Connelly, Jared informed me.

Yes the friendly looking bloke was on his way over, obviously eager to greet any guests who arrive. He seemed even more enthusiastic due to it being Jared.

“Jared,” he crooned, shaking his hand. “Always good to see you. You look well.”

“And so do you, Rupert.” He flashed him a charismatic smile.

“Your charm is still there, I see. May I enquire about Antonio?”

“He’s great, thank you. Sends his regards.”

“Ah, you must thank him for me. I have hopes to visit The Hollow later this year...”

The conversation faded from my attention as my eyes settled on something else. Bennington. He was stood at the arched entrance to the dining room, sipping a drink...and staring straight at me with a disturbing smile plastered on his grimy face.

Reminding myself that it was important to play my role, I returned his smile of acknowledgement. He gave me a look that said he would see me later, and then he waltzed off into the dining room. I had no doubt that he would see me later, especially now that he had seen me with Jared. If he planned to attack The Hollow the last thing he would want is me fighting on Antonio’s side. Three times he had challenged Victor, Bennington’s idea of a duel, however, was to set one of his vampires against the others’. All three times Victor had used me, and all three times I had won the duel. Bennington knew how well I controlled my gift, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he made one last ditch effort to collect me. Luckily, I was secure in the knowledge that Jared would oppose this.

I returned my attention to Jared and Connelly in time to hear Connelly’s, “This one is a massive improvement on your last consort.”

Could I resist smiling at that? No.

“Yes, she is,” agreed Jared.

“A Sventé?”

I felt Jared stiffen. He was obviously waiting to be frowned upon or looked at like he was crazy. He should’ve listened to me.

Connelly flashed me a smile. “And a beautiful one, too. May I ask your name?”

Say Samantha, not Sam, said Jared. High Master vampires don’t abbreviate their consort’s names, it’s too informal.

I know. My expression was shamelessly flirtatious, only missing the wink. “Samantha.”

His smile became cheeky and his face was suddenly flushed. He turned back to Jared. “It has been so long since I have had an encounter with a Sventé. This brings back some fantastic memories, I must admit. Dare I ask if your new consort is available only to you?”