Here Be Sexist Vampires Page 31

Translation: Can I borrow her for a few minutes? I couldn’t hold back a smirk. Told you.

“I never was very good at sharing,” said Jared, sliding his hand from my back to around my waist. God that felt good.

“Ah,” murmured Connelly disappointedly but without dropping his smile. “Well, Jared, when you next do a consort spring cleaning, be sure to let me know. I do believe you may set off a trend.”

The noise of the Grand Entry doors opening and closing behind us pulled us all out of the conversation. Connelly laid his hand on Jared’s forearm. “I have to dash. More guests to greet. Please enjoy your evening, I’m sure we will speak again before you leave.” Connelly bowed his head at both of us. “A pleasure to meet you, Samantha.”

“Did he really just suggest I pass you on when I’m done?” asked Jared disbelievingly once Connelly had left to greet his new guests.

“What, you’ve never had anyone do that before?”

“Never. I would never have thought he’d have been so interested when you’re a Sventé.”

“Look, upper class vampires getting involved with Sventés is a bit like dogging – it happens, but no one let’s on that they do it.”

His laugh was silent. “And here I am strolling around with one like it’s the norm.”

“Believe me when I say that if they look shocked it’s only because they wouldn’t have expected you to be so out-in-the-open about it, not because they truly think it’s degrading. If you decided to pass me round this place like a parcel they’d all make sure they handled me at some point, I promise you that.”

Jared’s lips were suddenly at my ear. “The only vampire who’ll be manhandling you tonight is me.”

“If I let you.”

“You get such satisfaction out of teasing me, don’t you?”

“I still maintain that you like it.”

It wasn’t long before master vampires came to greet Jared, each with the same questions – How was Antonio? Was Jared well? Was I his new consort and did he like to share? I could sense that Jared was getting more and more aggravated by that last question. His grip on my waist intensified until it was possessive and a blatant display of ownership. Even that didn’t discourage people from asking. Of course there were the odd looks of disapproval but never did those snobbish vamps let Jared see their distaste; they probably feared causing offense.

One by one the High Master vamps that Jared had told me about last night also came to greet Jared, except for Bennington. Although I glanced around and feigned disinterest, I was listening intently to every word that was exchanged and the tone in which those words were delivered. I almost laughed aloud at how their consorts, all Kejas, seemed to look down on me. They disliked me even more when the High Masters questioned Jared about me, his new consort. I didn’t let it show that I was getting sick of being referred to as a consort. It brought back memories I didn’t want to think about.

When Jared discretely gave my hand a supportive, comforting squeeze I gathered that he had picked up on my irritation. It unnerved me that we could read each other like that. I had slowly gone from being able to sense when he was near to also picking up on what he was feeling at times. If Jared and I had shared blood at some point then I could blame this weird link on that and have the comfort of knowing the link was only temporary. But right now I had no idea what this link was or how to get rid of it.

What do you think about the High Masters then? asked Jared as we made our way out of the patio which overlooked a large, fancy swimming pool complete with a man-made waterfall.

I’d say Carlos’ loyalty is questionable, and I’d say the same about Winston Jones. But I reckon the others would be loyal to Antonio, especially Bran.

You and me are on the same wavelength then.

Oh I knew that and it was what disturbed me.

Have you noticed Bennington acting odd?

A couple of times I saw him whispering and lingering around the other High Masters. He’s been looking over at you quite a bit.

Actually, I think it’s you he’s been looking at. The idea seemed to piss Jared right off.

If he is, he’s probably thinking how best to approach the prospect of you passing me onto him. An idea popped into my head. How about you go leave me alone for a sec and let him have the opportunity to speak to me on my own?

Hell no, Sam, I’m not leaving you alone. I told you, you don’t leave my side.

Just act as if you’re going to answer a call of nature, it’s not like I can’t defend myself if I have to but I can’t see anyone, not even Bennington, trying to hurt me.

No, I’m not comfortable with having you out of my sight.

I pressed myself up against him, seizing his gaze. Instantly his irises began to glow.

Don’t even try seduction to get your way, Sam.

Just give me five minutes.

Hell. No.

With my tongue, I drew a circle on the patch of skin that was exposed by the V of his shirt. He shuddered. I scraped my teeth over the patch the way I knew he liked. Jared, you know this is a good idea.

Sam, will you quit the teasing.

Oh this isn’t teasing, I’ve got every intention of biting you tonight. So let’s get the business crap out of the way and then we can get out of here. Don’t you want that?

He shuddered again. You’re evil.

Five minutes, Jared.

He sighed, half surrender half frustration. Three minutes. He swatted my arse and then pointed a finger at me. Making a show for anyone who might be watching, he sternly said, “Stay here. I’ll be back in a minute.” I nodded. If anyone hurts you I swear to God I’ll kill the pair of you for it.

I mentally rolled my eyes. I suspected that it wouldn’t be long before Bennington came over; he wouldn’t want to chance Jared getting back before he’d had a chance to get whatever it was he had to say out of his system. I was right. Something like thirty seconds later I heard:

“Well hello, Samantha. It’s been a while.”

I nodded and smiled a little. “Yep, it has.”

“I take it that Victor had a price for you after all.”

“Oh he didn’t sell me, he’s dead.”

Bennington’s thick black brows rose. “Dead? How?”

“I killed him.”

“You killed your own Sire?”

“I’d kill anyone who tried to hurt Antonio. And if Victor really thought he could attack Antonio and live to tell the tale he was a daft sod who was just begging for an immediate death.” I saw Bennington’s head working away. He probably didn’t like that I was clearly very loyal to Antonio.

“It is little wonder, then, that Jared has you as his consort. For now, I should say.”

I could guess Bennington’s game. He wanted to turn me against Jared. “So he’s a bit of a slut?”

“I’ve never seen him with the same consort twice. It strikes me that he gets bored most easily.”

“That works out well for me then; I’m pretty much the same.”

He didn’t seem to like that answer. “Don’t you miss your days as an assassin?”

“What’s there to miss? Blood and gore?” I shook my head, my face scrunched up in repugnance. “Don’t get me wrong, if Antonio asked me to work for him as an assassin then I’d do it, but I’m quite content as I am.”

His expression said he wasn’t convinced. “You’re a most spirited individual, Samantha. I cannot imagine you being satisfied being nothing more than a consort, even if it is to the Heir of The Hollow. The offer for you to join my team is still open. Then you can exercise that spirit of yours, end your consort days.” It wasn’t a question. He had every intention of consulting Jared about it and was letting me know in advance, giving me incentives to be cooperative.

“I can’t say I’ve any need to complain. Jared’s a good shag. But by all means ask him.”

“Ask me what?” I’d already known Jared was approaching; I’d felt it in my bones. He laid a hand on the small of the back and greeted Bennington. To his credit, he was as civil and relaxed as he had been to the other vampires; giving nothing away about his hatred of him.

Bennington spoke, “I was just saying to Samantha that my interest in her is still great. Victor was never open to negotiations about selling her. I wondered about your own willingness to do so.” His facial expression and cunning smile told me that he was confident that Jared wouldn’t be possessive over a consort.

“I’m afraid my interest in her is just as great,” replied Jared as his arm snaked around my waist once again.

“Oh I didn’t mean my interest in her is as a consort, no. But if the idea of losing a consort bothers you much, I’m sure we can come to some arrangement.” He gestured at his own consort; a blonde Keja vampire who was gazing at Jared like he was a Christmas treat. I had to fight against the urge to cook up a gust of wind that would get her away from Jared and out of my sight.

“No disrespect to you or your consort, but my answer is a resounding ‘no’. I’m nowhere near finished with this woman yet,” he added in a cheeky voice. “Enjoy your evening.” With that, he guided me back into the mansion. I almost punched the sleazy sod of a bitch.

You’re not the only one.

What did he say while I was gone?

Just trying to entice me to become part of his little collection. Typically he’d set up a fight-off between his best assassin and yours, me being the prize. But he hasn’t got his team with him so had to use a different tactic. He probably reasoned that I could take you on with my gift and thought that if he could make me want to leave you I could fight for my freedom or something.

My brows arched as we entered the dining room to find plenty of vamps chomping on their consorts. It seemed that they were making a ‘toast’ to Connelly for his hospitality. I knew what Jared would say next, and instead of it unnerving me, the idea excited me.

“It would be rude not to join in toasting our good host, don’t you think?” Before I could say a word he’d spun me around and was grazing his teeth over the pulse in my neck. Sam?

I couldn’t believe that he was actually asking my permission and keeping to his word that he wouldn’t do it unless I wanted him to. As his teeth grazed my skin again I quivered. Do it.

I’ve wanted to taste you for so f**king long. He fisted a hand in my hair, yanked my head back slightly and sank his teeth down hard. As he took a long, greedy gulp he moaned against my skin. The moan vibrated through every fibre of me. Instantly desire began to coil low in my stomach and tingly sensations overtook my body which he kept crushed to his as he continued to drink greedily. You taste so good, baby.

The tingling intensified when he called me that, which was dumb really because it wasn’t like I hadn’t been called that before. And it wasn’t as if I hadn’t been told that my blood tasted good before now, and yet hearing Jared say those words had a primal, raw desire like nothing I’d ever felt before coursing through me.

I was a little light-headed by the time he had ceased his gluttonous drinking. When he looked up at me his irises were glowing like they’d never glowed before, making me hitch in a breath. What I really, really, really wanted to do was bite down on his neck and have my own little party, but I knew that was against consort etiquette. Instead, I grabbed the index finger of his left hand and brought it up to my mouth slowly, giving him time to object. He didn’t. I sank my teeth into the tip of his finger and sucked eagerly, making him moan and shudder. God the taste of his blood was amazing; wild and potent with a male spice to it. Conscious that a little too much of my saliva could have him emptying into his pants, I took only a little before stopping.

“It is so time to leave.” He gripped my h*ps tightly and then we were gone. I barely noticed the queasy sensation in my stomach this time; I was too hyped up on anticipation and excitement. And on Jared’s blood. I definitely had to taste that again sometime soon. He didn’t ease his tight hold on my h*ps even as we arrived at his apartment. His gaze was serious and penetrating and searching mine. “Tell me,” he breathed against my lips. “Say it.”

“I want you.”

And then he was kissing me. Kissing me so hard and so desperately and clutching me to him as though he was half-expecting me to disappear. The very second that those lips touched mine there was that familiar bang; an explosion in my veins and the sensation of a hot raging fire spreading through me, just as I knew there would be. I fisted my hands in his shirt, pulling him to me, refusing to accept that there wasn’t a way of getting any closer.

His hungry, greedy kisses more or less devoured my lips and overwhelmed my tongue. As I pulled at his shirt with such force that I involuntarily took backward steps, he stalked me predatorily and slid his hands all over me, never parting our lips. We stumbled and staggered and swayed and then my back slammed against something hard, smooth and cold.

Opening my eyes, I realised with surprise that rather than being halfway through his apartment we had at one point somehow spun around and now I was crammed against the front door.

Jared, too, opened his eyes and was equally surprised. He braced his hands against the door, forming his own little prison around me, grinning. “I hope you’re not trying to escape. But I guess restraining you might be fun.”

“I hope this isn’t your idea of caging me in. Because if it is, your cage is kind of” – I wiggled his outstretched arms – “flimsy.”

He slammed his body against mine, crushing me. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest. I could see those red Pagori irises glowing. “Better?”