The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 18

He took her into his arms and her already weak resolve to not sleep with him again, evaporated as his lips touched hers. She ached for him in a way she never thought possible, and every time she was in his arms was a relief. What difference would one more night make?

Trenton couldn’t even think straight as he pulled her close. He lost all thoughts but to find her bed and take her. He found that no matter how many times he loved her, it was never enough. He didn’t think it ever would be. He lifted her up and carried her the short distance to her tiny bedroom.

He was barely able to remove their clothing before he sunk himself deep into her inviting heat. Her moans of pleasure sent him over the edge and their first time that night went too quickly. He made it up to both of them over the next couple hours, making slow, sweet love to her half the night. She was amazed how long he could pleasure them both, and she was very satisfied.

Both Trenton and Jennifer fell into an exhausted sleep as the sun was just starting to rise in the sky. He knew at that point he couldn’t let her go. He figured it was going to take a lot of convincing on his part, but she was his woman and he refused to release her from his life.

Chapter Nine

Jennifer was woken by a knocking on her door. She groggily opened her eyes, relieved when she didn’t feel a pounding beneath her eyelids. She tried to move and found herself pinned to the bed. She turned her head and her night was quickly brought back. Trenton was staring at her with a satisfied smile on his lips.

“Good morning,” he murmured before kissing her softly, making her forget all about the knocking, until another insistent one pounded her door.

“Um, I have to answer the door,” she said, not good with morning after conversations, considering he was the only one she’d ever had one with. She jumped from the bed, self-conscious of her very naked state. She grabbed her bathrobe and secured it, before heading to her front door, aware she most likely looked a mess, even though it was some time in the afternoon. She felt horrible to have slept so long. The house was quiet, which meant her niece was still asleep as well. She wasn’t surprised, considering all the excitement of the night before, and how late she’d gotten to bed.

Jennifer opened the door to the disapproving look of her niece’s social worker. She wondered what the woman was doing there.

“Hello, Ms. Ellis, did I forget about an appointment?” she asked, a lot more conscious of her own ragged appearance. The woman looked her up from head to toe and by the look in her eyes, didn’t approve.

“I have some news to share with you that couldn’t wait. May I come in?” the sour woman stated and pushed her way forward. Jennifer found her rude and annoying but couldn’t let her temper get the better of her. The woman was the difference of her having her niece permanently or not, so she’d play nice.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?” she offered.

“That would be great, thank you,” she said. Jennifer quickly made a pot and placed a cup in front of the woman and then joined her at the table. She pulled out a bunch of paperwork from her file and a cold sweat broke out on Jennifer’s skin. This didn’t seem to be a happy visit.

“As you know, your custody of Molly has been temporary until we determined if this would be the best environment for her,” the woman began and by her tone of voice, she seemed to be saying she indeed didn’t think it was a good environment.

“We’ve had interviews with Molly and then you, of course, and have come to the conclusion Molly would be much better off in a more traditional family setting. She had two very loving parents and we don’t think moving into a single parent household is what’s best for her,” the woman said in the same cool tones. It took a few moments for Jennifer to realize what she was saying, but when it hit, she felt all the color drain from her face. The woman was telling her they were going to take Molly from her care.

“I don’t understand. Molly is doing great with me. I have her in school and I have a great job, so providing for her isn’t a problem. I’m her aunt and I don’t think living with strangers would be good for her,” Jennifer pled.

“We do try and have children with relatives if that’s what’s best for them, but with your long work hours and single status, this isn’t an ideal living environment,” the woman said, looking around the tiny room and finding it wanting.

Trenton picked that moment to walk into the room, looking sexy as sin in his clothes from the night before. He certainly didn’t look bedraggled like her. He looked like the confident businessman he was. He stepped over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup and then joined them at the table. Even the snooty social worker seemed a bit flushed in his presence, as the man seemed to have that effect on all women, no matter their age.

“Good afternoon. I’m Trenton Anderson,” he said, while sticking out his hand. The woman actually blushed as she took his hand and Jennifer sat there in shock.

“Hello, I’m Betsy,” she replied and Jennifer’s mouth dropped open. She didn’t even know the woman had a first name, let alone been allowed to hear it. She sent Trenton a glare and he actually had the nerve to wink at her. She’d have words for him later, since her temper was starting to rise. She hated the power he held, when she herself, felt so hopeless.

“That’s a beautiful name, I’m sorry to interrupt but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation,” he told her, causing the woman to blush, again.

“That’s perfectly okay, Mr. Anderson,” she said. Jennifer had the feeling if she were the one to interrupt she wouldn’t have gotten such a pleasant response.

“You won’t have to worry about Jennifer’s single status any further, as she’s my fiancé. We’re getting married at the end of this week. My father has always wanted a Christmas wedding,” he told the woman. She looked at him dreamily, while Jennifer stared in shock. She couldn’t believe he’d lie to the social worker. It wasn’t like she wouldn’t figure out the truth when a wedding didn’t occur.

“Well, Jennifer, why didn’t you tell me,” she turned to Jennifer in admonishment. Jennifer couldn’t speak.

“Things have happened so quickly and I know she was planning on calling you right away, as a matter of fact, we’d like to invite you to the wedding since you’ve been such an asset in Molly’s life,” he said smoothly, taking Jennifer’s hand in his and bringing it to his lips, where he gently kissed her palm, sending a tingling sensation all the way down to her toes.

“That sounds just lovely, Mr. Anderson, and will you be living in a more suitable place for the child?” she asked, completely ignoring Jennifer.

“Yes, Molly will have a nice house to run free in, with a playground, of course, as all children need,” he answered. Jennifer could feel bile in her throat, as the lies kept growing. She didn’t know how she was going to get out of all this. She certainly knew she was going to strangle Trenton as soon as Ms. Ellis left.

“Sounds perfect. We’ll put a hold on this transfer and give you the time to get things done,” she said, as she stood up, once again shaking Trenton’s hand and then walking out the front door. She hadn’t even bothered to say goodbye to Jennifer. Once she knew the coast was clear, she turned toward Trenton with murder in her eyes.

“How dare you lie to her, you pompous, self-serving, arrogant man? When this wedding doesn’t take place, she’ll think I’m a liar, as well as incompetent, and they will take Molly from me for sure,” she yelled, as she stalked closer to him. She’d never in her life wanted to physically hurt someone, but at that moment she wanted to hit him repeatedly.

Trenton watched Jennifer and felt his body spring to life. Her anger was an impressive thing to watch and he found himself wanting her so badly he hurt all over. He smiled, which caused her eyes to spark, and her face to redden. He was fascinated with her reaction and found himself wanting to push her buttons even further.

She came toward him with her hand raised. He didn’t know if she planned on slugging him, or scratching his eyes out, but he didn’t give her time to do either. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her with so much heat, he didn’t know how they both didn’t combust.

She struggled with him for a few moments and then her anger quickly turned to passion and they were both clawing all over each other. He lifted her onto the counter and was getting ready to part her robe and sink deep inside her when he heard a noise behind him. He could barely turn his head in his passion filled haze but was grateful he did because Molly was standing in the doorway, with her sleepy eyes on them.

Jennifer hadn’t yet spotted her and was still clinging to him, needing him to finish what he’d started. He backed away from her and she whimpered, feeling cold and empty without him pressed against her. It took a moment, but she finally looked over and spotted her niece and then her face heated with embarrassment. She prayed her innocent niece hadn’t seen too much. She quickly checked both her clothing and Trenton’s, and was relieved to find everything was perfectly covered.

“Good morning, Angel,” she said through a tight throat.

“Morning, auntie, I’m hungry,” Molly replied and sat at the table, acting like it was nothing to find her aunt locked in the arms of a man in the kitchen.

“I’ll make you some pancakes,” she said and quickly got to work on them, glad to have something to do to take her mind off Trenton and the custody situation for a few moments. As her heated skin cooled and her mind had time to think, she began to stress once again, wondering what she was going to do and how she was going to get out of her current predicament.

She finished the pancakes and sat at the table with Molly, drinking in the sight of her. She couldn’t let her go, she was so precious to her and it would break both of their hearts to not be together.

Molly finished her breakfast and went into the living room to watch a movie while she woke up. Jennifer finally turned on Trenton, ready to have it out with him.

“How could you have lied to her? She’ll know you made the whole thing up and then blame me for it. Hell, I’ll be lucky to even get to visit with my niece after all this,” she finished on a tear choked voice.

“I didn’t lie. I heard your conversation with her and found you the best solution. We’ll get married and you can keep your niece,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone. She stared incredulously at him.

“I can’t get married to you.”

“Then you’ll lose your niece.” He spoke the words without any emotion, never breaking eye contact. She stood there, letting what he said sink in. Could she marry a man for any other reason than love? She’d have said never, even an hour ago, but she couldn’t lose her niece and if marriage was the solution to keeping her, then what could it really hurt?

She thought back to their conversation weeks ago about arranged marriages and how he was convinced all marriages were about convenience. Marriage to him was nothing more than a contract. He wasn’t offering marriage on an emotional basis, it was purely business to him.