The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 19

“Why would you do this, you have nothing to gain?” she finally asked.

“In case you haven’t noticed, we’re great in bed together. That’s worth a wedding ring,” he told her and she flinched. He was trading a wedding ring for unlimited sex. Could she really sell herself like that? It wasn’t like sleeping with him was a hardship, but still it seemed so cold. She had to blink away the tears as she thought about it. She turned from him, looking out the window.

“I need to think about all of this.”

“There’s nothing to think about, Jennifer. You either do this for your niece, or not. A wedding takes time to plan and I already told Ms. Ellis we were marrying in a week, so you need to decide now,” he said, still in that cold voice. He was pushing her into a corner and she wanted nothing more than to run away. She looked into the living room, at her niece, who was so content in that moment. She’d opened up so much more in the last months and Jennifer knew if she went into the foster care system she’d quickly retreat again. She’d think her aunt had abandoned her. She couldn’t let that happen.

“Fine,” she said, barely above a whisper. She wouldn’t turn and look at him when she spoke the single word. He didn’t need any clarification - he knew he’d won the battle.

“I’ll get it arranged,” he told her and walked out her front door. She felt like she’d just sold her soul to the devil, but she’d have done much worse if it would keep her niece safe. She joined her on the couch, pulling her close, needing to remember her own life didn’t matter - it was about Molly, who she was responsible for.

Trenton left the house feeling guilty about pushing Jennifer into a corner, but he knew he couldn’t let her go. He didn’t want to give her time to think of any other solution. He wanted her to be his wife, and when he wanted something, he always went after it until it was his.

Jennifer was stunned by how quickly things happened after one simply stated word. She got a call later from Emily Anderson, congratulating her on her upcoming marriage and asking her to come over so they could go over wedding details. She’d reluctantly accepted the invitation, not wanting to make a big deal over a fake marriage, but also not wanting to hurt Emily, who had become a friend to her.

She arrived at the ranch, where all the Anderson women were, along with Trenton’s siblings and cousins. The house was full of people and items. She’d been invited to stay at the ranch, though it had been more of a command, so they could get all they needed to get done in the short amount of time.

She’d been excused from work, as she was busy day and night for the wedding, and she didn’t see Trenton alone, not even once. She spotted him here and there but always from a distance. The looks he sent her caught her on fire, though. He seemed just as hungry for her as she was for him and she had a feeling their wedding night was going to be explosive.

She was measured, waxed, plucked and put through every beauty treatment she could ever possibly imagine, and before she knew it, her wedding day was there. She told everyone repeatedly she didn’t want a large wedding but no one listened.

She stared at herself in the full length mirror, in one of the guest rooms, at the ranch and could barely recognize herself. She loved her dress, all white, poufy and filled with beads and lace. It was a dream dress and she couldn’t bemoan the gown in any way. Her hair was swept off of her neck, held in place by clips, beads and a sparkling tiara. Her make-up had been applied by an expert and she felt beautiful.

“Aunt Jennifer, is it time?” Molly, who looked like a miniature version of herself, asked.

“I think so, beautiful,” she said, causing Molly to giggle.

“I’m a princess,” Molly said and spun in a circle. She looked like a little princess in her white dress and tiara. She looked so beautiful it made Jennifer’s throat ache for her sister who would never get to see her child grow. Sometimes the world was a cruel place and she vowed to never let her sister’s memory fade. Molly would know her well.

“Yes, you’re the prettiest princess in the land,” Jennifer told her, which caused her to giggle more. There was a knock on the door and George stepped in.

“You’re both stunning creatures,” he said and Molly beamed at him.

“Thank you,” Jennifer said shyly. She’d grown fond of George. He was a wonderful man, and she was grateful to be a part of his life.

“I’d be honored to walk you down the aisle, since your father couldn’t be here,” he offered, causing her eyes to fill up, again. He was such a gentle and kind man and she hated he didn’t know the real reason for the marriage.

“I would be the one honored,” she replied. He handed over a tissue and she got herself composed again, before stepping out the doorway. The wedding went by in a blur and before Jennifer knew what was happening, the preacher was pronouncing them man and wife.

“…man and wife, you may now kiss the bride,” he said and Trenton didn’t waste any time. He pulled her into his arms, which wasn’t an easy task, considering the yards of fabric separating them, and took her mouth in a passionate kiss. She found herself greedily sipping from his lips and wishing they were alone. He hadn’t so much as touched her once since the night after the Christmas party, and she reacted to him like she was starving.

“Okay, you have plenty of time for that, later,” someone yelled from the crowd, making Jennifer’s face heat up, so she really did look like a blushing bride. Trenton, on the other hand, turned toward the crowd with a triumphant expression, causing much laughter.

“I can’t wait to get you alone,” Trenton whispered, making her face stay in a constant state of redness. He led her down the aisle and she was overwhelmed when they stepped outside.

The area had been transformed, with a huge tent set up with heaters, a dance floor, and waiters carting food and drinks, plus a full band. It was amazing how much the family had accomplished on such short notice.

As soon as they stepped onto the dance floor, the band started a slow song and Trenton pulled her into his arms and the rest of the world melted away. She didn’t know how long she swayed around the dance floor in his arms, but she could have done it the entire night.

“It’s time to cut the cake,” George announced and they did all the obligatory things a new groom and bride does. She danced with a few other people, but Trenton always seemed to find her quickly and take her back for himself. It made her feel wanted and like it was a real wedding, after all. She was nervous about their wedding night, though, as she didn’t know how she was supposed to behave.

She knew they certainly had chemistry and being in bed together wasn’t going to be a problem, but it was all those little things she was unsure about. Did she kiss him when she felt like it, or touch him casually? Did she meet him at the door after work? She didn’t know how he was expecting her to behave. What really shocked her was she wanted to greet him at the door with a smile and kiss and she wanted to wrap herself in his arms and not just for lovemaking. She was completely in love with him, where he was just in lust with her.

That last thought scared her more than anything, because lust would eventually fade and she was terrified he’d grow tired of her. At least by that point Molly would be safely adopted by her and she’d always have the memories to look back on.

“I want to leave, now,” Trenton whispered. She nodded her head, wanting to be alone as well. Molly was staying the next several days with Emily and Mark, so she could have a real honeymoon and she had the feeling she’d have nothing to worry about during that time as they most likely wouldn’t even leave their bed, let alone their room.

“I have a surprise for you,” he said as he whisked her down the aisle with people yelling out to them and throwing birdseed. She fell in a heap into the back of a huge limo, full of laughter as she turned in his direction. Her breath caught in her throat at what a stunning sight he was. His tie was loosened, along with the top few buttons of his dress shirt, and she found herself itching to reach up and feel the gloriously smooth skin of his chest. She wanted to finish unbuttoning the shirt.

As if he could read her thought, she watched Trenton’s eyes, as they darkened and then he pulled her onto his lap. She was still wearing her huge wedding gown and he had trouble getting her situated but his mouth came down on hers in a demand and she easily accepted the challenge, clawing her fingers through his hair and greedily tasting the contours of his mouth.

She couldn’t believe how wanton she was in his presence. The cool, reserved girl was instantly burned alive by the passion his touch invoked. He growled low in his throat and then pulled back from her. He pushed her head down on his shoulder and she couldn’t help but to gently bite the skin there. She felt a tremble rush through his body and smiled in satisfaction she was the one who’d caused it.

“I’m trying to pull myself together and talk to you,” he growled, though his hands were running all along her back and hips, making her squirm on top of him and lick even more at his exposed throat. He finally gave up and lifted her head to take her lips again, causing her to shudder and move to get closer. She wasn’t so in love with her dress anymore, as it was keeping them too far apart.

They continued to love one another in the back of the car and she had no idea how much time passed but eventually the limo stopped and the door opened. She looked up through her lust filled eyes at the open door and Trenton reluctantly released her. He stepped from the limo and helped her out.

She stared in wonder at the huge home before her, not having any idea where they were. She’d expected to be taken to some hotel, or even his private jet, to be whisked away. He’d been very secretive about their honeymoon. After their long business trip not long ago, she hadn’t felt a need to go anywhere far, preferring to not be from Molly too long, but had left the decision up to him. She hadn’t expected to be at some home, though. Maybe they were making another stop.

It was a huge three story house with large beams, decks, and lights glowing. The front door opened and a man in a uniform seemed to be waiting for them. Maybe it was one of those hotels, which were exclusive and looked like homes, she thought.

“This is your wedding present. The house is in your name so no matter what happens you’ll know you’re always safe,” he said. It took a few moments for his words to sink in. He’d bought her a house as a gift. She was so stunned she didn’t know what to say. The gift she’d gotten him, which was sitting in her bag, seemed silly now. She couldn’t accept a house from him. She could live there as long as they were married, but when the fairytale ended, she couldn’t keep the place. She was still overwhelmed and thrilled he would do something so generous.

“I don’t even know what to say. It seems far too simple to say thank you, but thank you so much…” she said with a tear choked voice. Her heartfelt thank you filled him with a warmth beyond compare of any other words spoken to him. One thing he knew was that she wasn’t greedy. He’d never bought such an expensive gift for a woman before, but then no other woman had deserved it. He’d paid hundreds of thousands on jewelry and the women he’d been with in the past had simply looked at the pieces with greed. Jennifer looked at the home with love. That was one of the reasons he knew he’d never let her go.