The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 20

“Would you like to go inside?” he asked with a chuckle as she just continued to stare at the place in awe. She snapped out of her trance and smiled at him with joy in her face.

“Very much so,” she told him and then he was having to catch up to her as she kicked off her heels and jogged up the stairs. She greeted the man at the door, who was their butler and entered the home, gasping in delight.

For the next half hour he followed her as she explored every inch of the home. He wanted to explore one room and one room only, but he couldn’t take away her pleasure. Each new thing she found sent delight into her expression. She even kissed him a few times and it took all his will-power not to pull her tightly against him and carry her off to their bedroom.

“Oh, Trenton, this place is the most amazing house I’ve ever seen. It’s beyond perfect, there just aren’t words enough to express how in love I am with it. I’m going to get lost, it’s so dang big and the library is incredible. I can’t wait to go swimming. I want to keep exploring, forever, thank you,” she gushed, throwing her arms around him.

Trenton couldn’t take anymore and quickly pulled her in tighter, pressing his lips against hers, leaving no doubt it was time to explore their bedroom. Her eyes dilated and she went from excitement to passion in a heartbeat. He swept her into his arms and practically ran up the stairs to reach their bedroom.

He groaned in frustration at all the tiny buttons on the back of her dress, but didn’t want to rip her special gown, so he gritted his teeth as he exposed her perfect, milky white flesh a half inch at a time. When the gown finally fell to the floor and he saw the tiny wisps of lace barely covering her body he lost the rest of his control and tumbled her to the bed.

He didn’t care if he destroyed her delicate lace because he needed to touch her flesh and she seemed to be just as needful of him, by the sounds coming from her throat.

He ran his hands along the silky length of her hair, slowly removing the pins holding it in place, causing her to sigh.

He slowly moved down the arch of her back, touching her nearly naked skin, causing her to want so much more from him, but too afraid to ask. She wanted to be confident enough to simply take and demand from him but she couldn’t, so she simply enjoyed his caresses, praying he wouldn’t stop.

Trenton growled low in his throat as he crushed Jennifer against his hard body, feeling her soft breasts smash into him. He quickly ripped his shirt off, needing to feel their naked skin brushing together. Her bra was unclipped and then there was nothing to block him from feeling her hardened nipples pressed into his chest. He ran his tongue down her throat, licking at her pounding pulse point and inhaling her scent.

She smelled so good, he couldn’t get enough of her. The feel, smell, and touch of Jennifer was quickly sending him over the edge of sanity. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough but he’d die a very happy man if he could continue trying.

She brought her hands up around his neck, pulling him closer. He loved it when she took the initiative so even though it killed him, he slowed down and let her explore his heated skin. He groaned his approval when her hands ran down his arms and circled to his backside and pulled his hips into her womanhood.

Trenton loved every inch of her luscious body, her shape, her texture, her essence, everything. He couldn’t imagine being with another woman and quickly lost his resolve of letting her slowly explore. He needed to take her.

Jennifer gasped as he lifted her up and tossed her on the bed. The look in his eyes just about made her over-excited body orgasm, right there. He looked almost out of control with passion, as he tore the rest of his clothing from his body and joined her on the bed.

“I need you so badly, I’m sorry,” he said between clenched teeth, with a bead of sweat trickling down his face. She was amazed she was able to bring such a strong man to the brink of losing control, and with a boldness she would’ve never thought she could possess, decided to push him all the way over.

“I need you, too,” she whispered and moved quickly before he could pin her down beneath him. He groaned his disapproval of her movement, and then gasped as she pushed him over and quickly ran her tongue down his stomach.

“I c…can’t…” he tried to stop her, when he realized her intentions. She smiled up at him and then gripped his throbbing erection in her hand, rubbing it up the thick shaft, causing a bead of moisture to spill out of the tip.

He threw his head back on a groan of ecstasy when her hot mouth circled his head and she brought her head down on his aching staff. She was tentative at first, gripping him tightly in her small hand, rubbing up and down on the moistened shaft, as her mouth sucked on his throbbing head, licking up and down the length of him. She got bolder and started taking him deeper into her moist mouth, sucking him deep inside, causing his hips to jerk off the bed.

Trenton finally couldn’t take anymore without ending their love-making too soon. He gripped her head in his hands and pulled her up his body, loving the slick feel of their sweat slicked bodies rubbing together. The look of pure arousal in her eyes made his erection jump, almost painfully.

He flipped her onto her back and took both of her hands in one of his, pinning them above her head. He’d explode if she laid her hands on his body even one more time. His hot breath brushed against her face seconds before he locked his lips back onto hers, kissing her deeply, making her squirm beneath him.

With his other hand, he reached down their bodies and inserted his finger into her heat, groaning as he realized she was more than ready. She pushed her hips into his finger, crying out in pleasure as his lips continued to brush against her own.

Jennifer could feel her heart expanding so large within her chest she didn’t know how it didn’t rip right out. She loved him so much it seemed to be a constant ache the more he loved her body, the more she needed him. It was as if he was a piece of her soul now, and she wouldn’t be able to breathe without him.

The way his mouth moved along hers was so unlike any other kiss she’d ever experienced. He melted her bones, turning her into his slave with a simple swipe of his tongue. He held his body at her opening, teasing her with the tip of his head. She pushed her hips toward him, needing him to fill her up, and still he didn’t give them what they both wanted.

“Please Trenton, I need you,” she cried out, seeing the triumph enter his expression and not even caring he held full control over her, because she knew it was equal. She knew he couldn’t have walked away from her for any reason and that gave her more confidence than she’d ever had.

He finally pushed into her and she couldn’t think about anything else but the pleasure she was experiencing. She jerked her hips upward, needing to not have even a scant inch between them. He started moving in and out of her, seeming to reach further and further with each powerful thrust.

She wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him tighter, making him really have to work to move his hips in and out of her heat. He released her hands and she immediately curled them into his back, clawing them up and down, pulling him even tighter into her. He reached around her hips, changing the angle of his penetration, making her cry out as her orgasm ripped through her body.

It kept washing through her, sending wave after wave of release up and down her spine, causing her breath to catch in her throat, and her back to arch completely off the bed. Trenton threw his own head back and cried out as he slammed deeply inside of her, spilling his seed deep within her womb.

She gripped him tightly, even after the shaking stopped, not wanting to let him go, not wanting to break the magical connection they’d created. She was so afraid of breaking the moment and losing the unbelievable closeness they shared.

“I’m crushing you,” he whispered on a gentle laugh and pulled her hands from his neck, slowly pulling them apart. She couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping her mouth. He chuckled again and turned them on their sides, still holding her close. His hand brushed her hair from her flushed face and he gently brushed his lips against hers, causing the whimper to turn into a sigh. His lips were so smooth and gentle, it caused tears to jump into her eyes and she quickly blinked them away, not wanting him to know how emotionally she was invested into their relationship.

“You’re stunning,” he said between gentle kisses, causing warmth to spread throughout her that had nothing to do with passion, and everything to do with pure love.

“You’re the one who’s stunning,” she told him, feeling herself blush. She didn’t know why she had such a hard time giving him a compliment.

“I’m sorry that was so hard. I seem to lose all control when I’m in your arms,” he said, as he continued caressing her body, causing heat to once again start to stir.

“Never apologize for wanting me. You make me feel things I never knew were possible to feel and I know you would never hurt me,” she said, meaning what she said. He’d never hurt her physically, but emotionally was a whole other story.

“Well, let me make it up to you, anyway,” he told her and then the talking ended for a very long time as he kept his promise and gave them both unbelievable pleasure late into the night.

Chapter Ten

Jennifer woke up and made a mad dash toward the bathroom. Thankfully, Trenton wasn’t there, as he normally was gone long before she woke up. The man couldn’t possibly get more than a few hours of sleep each night, but he was never less than perfect.

After her stomach was emptied, she started to feel a bit better and crawled into the shower to clean up and slowly made her way down the staircase. A new person had been hired to replace her and her last day had been a couple weeks ago and it was the first time in her life she had her days free.

She loved the time she got to spend with her niece and watched Molly blossom even more over the last few weeks, but didn’t like that their entire way of life depended fully on Trenton. She loved him more than she could have ever thought possible and even though they made love nightly, she knew he still held something back from her.

He had a full staff hired for the house, so it was hard for her to even be able to cook or clean. She tried to when she got a chance. Sunday’s were her favorite day because she’d talked him into giving the staff the day off, allowing her to prepare their meal and tidy the home.

“Auntie Jennifer, look at my pretty pancakes,” Molly said as Jennifer entered the kitchen. The staff had fallen in love with Molly instantly and pampered her at every possible opportunity. She had a giant pancake on her plate with a smiley face on it, made with whipped cream and strawberry syrup.

“That looks so yummy I think I may have to steal it from you,” she teased her niece.

“I’ll share with you,” Molly told her, holding out her fork with a bite on it. Jennifer took the bite and sighed dramatically, which made Molly giggle. They ate breakfast together and then decided to go and play at the park. It was a rare sunny day in Seattle and Jennifer was going to take full advantage of the fact.

Molly was having a great time playing with some other kids and Jennifer sat back on one of the benches, fighting nausea, hating she was still feeling unwell. She knew she was pregnant but was so afraid to confirm it. Then, she’d have to share her secret with Trenton and she didn’t want to yet. She’d be far too devastated if he was unhappy about the fact, and they hadn’t discussed children. She didn’t even know how long he planned on them being married, let alone if he wanted kids.